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Thoreau’s Ferocious Critique of Philanthropy Does Not Make Him “Selfish”

…au’s asceticism as dour and judgmental misses the point. Thoreau avoided unnecessary new clothes not merely for the sake of some ideal of “purity,” but because he wanted to avoid supporting an economy that enriched a few while mistreating the rest: I cannot believe that our factory system is the best mode by which men may get clothing. The condition of the operatives is becoming every day more like that of the English; and it cannot be wondered at…

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What To Do When Fred Phelps Arrives in Your Neighborhood

…y small town, nor is it likely yours; and yet each of these places is someone’s neighborhood. This time, it is only an hour away for me.    Picketing as “The Workingman’s Means of Communication” On March 2, 2011, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in response to a series of prior decisions around Westboro Baptist Church’s picketing of a Marine’s funeral. The case was Snyder v. Phelps. In its majority decision, the Court ruled that such picketing is…

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Policing Academic Freedom: A Book, a Controversy, and the Ominous Aftermath

…tion to defend publication of the book.” In a February 12, 2014 Time Magazine interview, Mr. Batra explained, “Her intention is bad, the content is anti-national and the language is abusive.” Another way of interpreting Mr. Batra’s statement is that Doniger’s narrative clashes with the RSS-prescribed narrative. And it does. Furthermore, it should not be a surprise that the RSS has problems with the book. In The Hindus, Doniger links the RSS to act…

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Catholic Church Ordained Women Before, Can Do it Again

…references are in Greek. But the essay says what it says: women were ordained with nearly identical liturgical formulae as men, and served in a recognized diaconate in the early churches. So I fielded a team of scholars to work with me on the translation. An historical theologian, Amanda Quantz at St. Mary’s in Kansas did the first draft. Carmela Leonforte-Plimack, whose Ph.D. is from the University of Rome assisted me in refining the translation…

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Why Faith Needs Redemptive Struggle to Be Meaningful

…titution and why even President Obama won’t use the word “poor” when it’s one of the most prominent words and themes in the Bible. I am always reminded of the Book of James when I observe the theory and theology of Rev. Barber: The biblical writer and Rev. Barber both insist that a vital Christian faith propels us into the struggle for basic justice, that faith without redemptive struggle is dead. We all owe Rev. Barber a debt of gratitude, both f…

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The Fire This Time

…, for remaining quiet—while you get your work, vacations and scholarship done this summer. Meanwhile, I try to hold it together to write a 800-word piece without crying and wanting to tear my hair out about the pain of my people. I’m not writing prophetic words to you anymore. You fix this shit. I’m done carrying the cross of America, its false promises of democracy and inclusion, the documents that excluded me and called my ancestors three-fifths…

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Something So Broken: What’s Frightening About Beasts of the Southern Wild  

…divide people have been removed. So there’s no religion, no politics, no money, no one sees race, there’s no rich and poor because there is no currency” (a vision for which some critics have blasted him). Zeitlin then blankets enormous moral and existential dilemmas over the Bathtub and its inhabitants. Correspondingly, Zeitlin believes that “religion deals with these big questions, and it gives you an answer, and makes people feel all right about…

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Racist Remarks by popular BYU Religion Professor Spark Controversy

…on history) and others have continued to espouse and communicate them to a new generation of Mormons. As progressive BYU students prepare to protest Bott’s remarks, others await formal statements by Brigham Young University or the LDS Church, hoping—perhaps, this time, in the scrutiny of this election year—that someone will finally articulate the most credible and reasonable explanation for Mormonism’s historic discrimination against black people:…

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Trump is Helping the Economy… The Apocalypse Economy

…nt of the United States. On that same episode, Dr. Don, founder of the Divine Wellness Center, and Mary Colbert, author and prophet, said that the spirit of the anti-Christ is on Hillary Clinton. Little of what Bakker and his guests are saying about Trump is unique. Where Bakker stands out from the crowd, though, is his willingness to use the election to hawk his goods. Certainly, media outlets—most notably Breitbart, but also CNN, Fox News, and M…

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