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On Guns and Religious Liberty, Ben Carson “Not an Authentic Adventist”

…fs of the Adventist church,” said Carpenter. And Carson’s discredited and offensive statements that the Holocaust occurred because Nazis would not allow Germans to carry guns is “exactly opposed to Adventist teaching,” Carpenter said. In Adventist theology, “your decision not to act [with violence] is where you have power.” Co-founded in 1863 by Ellen and James White and others, amid the religious fervor of mid-nineteenth century America, Adventis…

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Jose Antonio Vargas’ Coming Out and the Power of Stories over Religious Remonstrances

…d reductive portrayal of Tea Partiers as racist; instead, panelists Cord Jefferson, an editor at GOOD magazine, Maria Teresa Kumar, executive director of Voto Latino, and Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), discussed what they viewed as the legitimate grievances of their fellow Americans against what Edwards called “an environment of scarcity,” in which the “top two percenters” (in income) “cause us to turn on each other.” The emphasis was not on the extre…

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“Freedom” vs. “Liberty”: Why Religious Conservatives Have Begun to Favor One Over the Other

…em identical wouldn’t quite be right. The words liberty and freedom have different origins, and they have slightly different connotations in the context of American political and cultural history. The GOP’s shift, whether intentional or not, represents the gradual re-embrace of liberty by religious conservatives, and it’s worth taking note of. Liberty and freedom have never meant exactly the same thing, in large part because, as noted above, they…

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From Alito Activism to Sloppy Lemons: 3 Takeaways From the Bladensburg Cross Oral Argument

…that day, representing the American Humanist Association and other plaintiffs challenging a 40-foot-tall Christian cross. On the side of that cross was arrayed a massive force: the solicitor general, bringing to bear the full weight of the United States government; a partner from Jones Day, the world’s fifth-largest law firm, representing the American Legion, which is the nation’s largest military veteran organization (Jones Day was pulled into t…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…ve Christian commentator Bonnie Kristian would have it, Democrats find it offensive when an elected Republican like Rep. Madison Cawthorn brags about converting Muslims and Jews. (In my view, proselytizing is always objectification, and it should offend the sensibilities of those who embrace pluralism.) No, our conversation about Christianity is unserious precisely because it tends to start from a place of unacknowledged Christian privilege, thus…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…who are weakly linked. Democratic power is an organizational, relational affair. If there is any hope of creating a balance of power in our society, one that can hold elites accountable to the rest of us, it will have to come from grassroots organizing. What about other definitions? The less shallow ones? The term “blessed” also has the deeper sense of being sacred, sanctified, or consecrated. This deeper sense can be glossed in theological or se…

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As Psychedelics Experience a Renaissance, Emory’s New Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality Seeks a Novel Approach

United States currently host centers devoted to studying the mechanisms, effects, and efficacy of psychedelics, including NYU’s Center for Psychedelic Medicine, Johns Hopkins’s Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, and UC Berkeley’s Center for the Science of Psychedelics. In addition, and anticipating the legal and sociocultural acceptance of the therapeutic value of psychedelics, a number of institutions have started to offer certif…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…t,” and in some cases require that potential converts register with local officials beforehand. While most religious people would agree that conversions by force, fraud, and allurement are undesirable, the impossibility of defining these terms precisely and the vulnerability of the Indian police apparatus to pressure and bias have led to such laws being used to regularly harass Christian evangelists, priests, pastors, and catechists even for doing…

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The Kids Are All Wrong: Texas Tosses The Enlightenment

…es or pay our medical bills. And so they get pushed aside in our everyday affairs. The humanities of history and literature and philosophy and religion speak to the human condition—something invaluable. And people take them for granted, until someone else begins to define and delineate for them what it means to be human and free. Only then do people get up in arms. If we are going to conserve our humanities, we must be actively involved in our pol…

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Claremont and the Agony of the Seminaries

…ed a public warning and restored funding to the school, which will remain affiliated with the church. The senate oversees all Methodist-affiliated seminaries. Claremont President Jerry Campbell said the change of heart came after the school managed to allay fears “that we were turning a United Methodist-related seminary into something very different.” The story points to something of the agony of seminaries these days. They can’t sustain the insti…

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