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Duggar Daughters Talk Sex, Courtship, and Fear of Ungodly Men

…d in conservative evangelical culture. Disseminated by books like I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris and When God Writes Your Love Story, by Eric and Leslie Ludy, “courtship” or “dating with a purpose” (i.e. marriage) has been gaining traction within American evangelical circles, particularly in homeschooling communities who stress familial unity and paternal headship in everything from education to matchmaking. But for many Americans, their…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…Suit: The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) (, which describes itself as “an educational group working for the separation of state and church,” recently filed suit against President Bush over the federal law designating a National Day of Prayer. The suit also names White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, and National Day of Prayer Task Force Chairwoman Shirley Dobson, according…

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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…nd unaffordable costs of the current gay ban,” according to the book’s Web site. See here for Frank’s friendly visit last week with John Stewart on The Daily Show. ++++++++++ RD Tidbits Coral Ridge Ministries’ New Pastor: In mid-March, the members of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (founded by the late D. James Kennedy) elected the Rev. Tullian Tchividjian, grandson of famed evangelist Billy Graham, to be their new pastor. According to Charisma Ne…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…“wearing their hearts on their sleeves.” By using tattoos on the body as a site for memory, the Tauron belief system, like the STO, is firmly rooted in ideas of embodiment, and what it means to be human. Joseph’s struggle to find his daughter’s avatar will test the strength of his religious faith and practice surrounding the body. Sister Clarice, on the other hand—with her idea about both the soul and the body continuing on for eternity—focuses us…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…’s newspaper of record, had dubbed “Israel’s most secret civilian building site.” The site has been under construction for the past six years. When I first walked by the large fenced-off area I wondered if it was an extension of the American Consulate (which is nearby), or an office of the Shin Bet, the Israeli security services. For the site is completely obscured by a metal fence eighteen feet high. I couldn’t find any of the peek-holes that dot…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…d harshly by recent policy declaring same-sex couples apostate. From Mamba Online: The new site contains a plethora of material on the subject of homosexuality, including personal accounts from lesbian, gay and bisexual Mormons as well as advice for parents and families, all intended to present a warm and welcoming facade. “We have given much thought and care to better understanding the experience of same sex attraction and making sure individuals…

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‘Exporting Garbage to the Nations’: Conservative Christian Rifts Spreading Like Cracked Glass

…018,” he recounts, “I was introduced to a gentleman who wanted to start an online news site.” After months of conversation, he and his wife, Jen Stoltzfus, “decided it would be best not to get involved with this group of people.” He doesn’t say why, but what subsequently came out about this “group” may have had something to do with it. Nevertheless, after launching in April, by “mid-2020,” “the group” approached them again, “saying they were going…

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Pornography’s Dirty Little Secret: What We Say vs. What We Do

…tes these findings, with Utah and Mississippi ranking the highest rates of online porn site subscriptions. And what exactly are people searching for? According to PornMD, US keyword searches include “teen,” “step sister,” and “anal” among the top ten. Information collected by Vocativ compiles state-by-state trends among people accessing Pornhub, a highly trafficked tube site. In Utah, the favorite search term is “lesbian” while Vermont’s favorite…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…in the animated chats of the online social networks and as readers of the online ISIS literature. This online network constituted a separate movement. In the Twitter chats they often would call themselves baqiyah, a term that means something that survives or endures, and in this case refers to the enduring online ISIS community. In one of a series of tweets from a teenager in Canada, he said that his parents found some of his messages and were tr…

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To: Discovery Institute;
Re: Creationist Tactics Pre-Dating the Exposure of ID as a Fraud

The folks at the Discovery Institute have been expending a lot of energy responding to a blog post I recently wroteabout a record number of creationist bills introduced in state legislatures since January. I write numerous posts about intelligent design and the Discovery Institute’s disingenuous attacks on evolution education, so I’m not sure why this particular post has gotten them so hot and bothered. First, David Klinghoffer had a bit of a sni…

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