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Why the ‘Confession & Redemption’ Path is Unlikely to Help Falwell Recover from Sex Scandal

Yesterday, August 24, 2020, was the first day of classes at right-wing evangelical school Liberty University. It also turned out to be the final day of the scandal-prone Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s professional implosion, much to the delight of liberals and moderates on Twitter, who followed the unfolding trainwreck closely all day. Indeed, the exciting conclusion of the Falwell “pool boy” saga upstaged the first day of the Republican National Conventio…

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There’s Nothing Wrong with ‘Prayer’; But There’s Every Reason to be Skeptical of Pence’s Coronavirus Prayer Circle

A plague is upon us. And white evangelicals, naturally, are on the scene—theologizing the COVID-19 outbreak, praying, scolding, and generally being counterproductive. Unfortunately, the Trump administration’s response is being led by one of them—Vice President Mike Pence, a fellow Hoosier and one who, as governor of Indiana, allowed an HIV outbreak to blow up because his Christian extremist ideology prevented him from adopting sensible policy. Th…

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Christian Nationalism Was the Loser of Tuesday’s Debate

If you’re pondering the question of who won last night’s final Democratic primary debate, one possible answer, depending on your perspective, is secular Americans. Religion, after all, hardly came up in the raucous affair hosted jointly by CBS News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in Charleston, SC. As divisive as Sanders is within some sectors of the party, a CBS News Instant Poll found that Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders…

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7 Problems with Trump’s Hastily-Tweeted Trans Military Ban

In the span of three tweets the president declared this morning that as many as 15,000 active-duty and reservist members of the U.S. military are categorically unfit to serve. Despite tweeting that he did so “[a]fter consultation with my Generals and military experts” it appears that he did just the opposite, failing to consult with any of the veterans and experts who literally studied this issue for years, and, it appears, without actually consu…

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Republican Lauren Boebert Jokes About AR-15s and Jesus — And Yes, She’s a ‘Real’ Christian

In the aftermath of the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings—and the 54 mass shootings (and counting) that have happened since—America’s right-wing Christians have been busy defending their “god-given” right to own AR-15s. Like they always do. In response, Twitter has lost its collective mind, as offended Christians (and even some non-Christians) bend over backwards to flood the site with impotent and counterproductive declarations that pro-gun Christian…

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Right Wing Catholic Non-Profit Treads the Line of Legality and Ethics

A few weeks ago, I received a tip to check out the video on is a project of the Fidelis Center for Law and Policy, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity that focuses on the issues of abortion and marriage. Intrigued, I clicked the link and this is what I saw. I was outraged by many parts of this false representation of my faith, though as a recently married lesbian woman, one clip felt particularly devastating. T…

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Is Proselytizing Ever Okay? Are We All Proselytizing All The Time?

Excuse me, reader, but would you have a moment to talk about the obnoxious practice of asking people to talk about “our” lord and savior? In a previous piece for RD, one of the reasons I gave for why America’s conversation about Christianity is “fundamentally unserious” is that our elite public sphere systemically silences “the voices of leavers, nonbelievers, and religious minorities in discussing Christianity and ‘religious freedom.’” As a case…

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When Mormons Mobilize: Anti-Gay Marriage Prop. 8 Effort ‘Outed’?

On Wednesday, January 20, in a federal courthouse in San Francisco, plaintiffs in the Perry vs. Schwarzenegger trial challenging the legality of California’s Proposition 8 introduced two documents (over strenuous objections from the defense) indicating close but cautious coordination between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Yes on 8 campaign. The documents, according to plaintiffs’ witness Gary Segura, a professor of politi…

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That Jew Died For You… Dot Com

Below is a new little Easter greeting from the good people at Jews for Jesus (aka evangelical Christians) called, tastefully enough, “That Jew Died For You.” (Note to self: still available.) It’s like JfJ are PETA now…willing to do anything for publicity. I fully expect them to open a Jesus deli downtown: As one friend put it: “It’s got potential. Kosher style. Lamb-of-God chops. Wood-smoked bacon.” Th…

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‘Sit Down and Be Quiet’ — MAGA Attack on Jewish Republican Exposes Christian Nationalism’s Shaky Commitment to Pluralism

Max Miller isn’t the person you would expect to condemn Christian ‘bigotry’ on Twitter. A GOP House member from Ohio and an advisor to former President Trump, Miller has essentially marched in lockstep with the MAGA movement. But last week Miller fired off a tweet that created an uproar in the MAGAverse—in particular among its Christian nationalist contingent. After Lizzie Marbach, Communications Director at Ohio Right to Life, tweeted “There’s n…

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