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First Draft Of History Today Could Be Fox News Promo Tomorrow

As President Obama signs the health care bill into law today, we are watching the first draft of history. But imagine what students a generation from now will be taught about the most significant overhaul of this nation’s health-care system since Medicare if the conservative activists on the Texas Board of Education are successful at their long-range goal of using the public education system to rewrite history. If publishers kowtow to the board a…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…thdrew their support. The Obama administration sent a multi-agency team to Uganda this week to review aid to the country, Buzzfeed reports, but both Ugandan and American activists have questioned the U.S. commitment to push for change. Kikonyongo Kivumbi, executive director of the Uganda Health and Science Press Association, suggested that the U.S. has been sending mixed messages, a point echoed by Julie Dorf of the Council for Global Equality.  A…

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American Evangelist Who Sparked Anti-Gay Panic Sued By Ugandan Gay Rights Group

…in the persecution, arrest, torture and murder of gay men and lesbians in Uganda. Advocates for the rights of sexual minorities in Uganda have long pointed the finger at Lively for inciting the anti-gay panic there. Julius Kaggwa, and activist with the Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law and the executive director of the Support Initiative For People With Atypical Sex Development, described Lively’s role: That environme…

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Driscollpalooza Time… Must Be Book Promo Time

…ownright bizarre things “Cussing Pastor” Mark Driscoll says, usually while promoting a new book, as well as the ensuing negative publicity and essays critical of Mark Driscoll, which somehow increase the popularity of Mark Driscoll’s new book.  Mark Driscoll has a new book coming out, and with suspiciously good timing, he’s managed to initiate back to back controversies. First, he showed up at John MacArthur’s “Strange Fire” conference uninvited a…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…n landscape since the first circuit riders hit the frontier villages. Even today, there’s no difference between Mike Lindell and a dozen televangelists, save a thousand milligrams of lithium. If you have any doubts about the commodification of the healing grace of God, google it for yourself. There’s a part of American Christianity that believes deeply and sincerely that if they can make it out of the lion’s den, they can teach you to do the same—…

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Did Uganda’s President Really Veto the Anti-Gay Bill?

…the truth—even after Pepe Julian Onziema, Director of Programs at leading Ugandan LGBTQ advocacy organization Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) tweeted that the Monitor article was misleading. Museveni didn’t even officially receive the anti-gay bill until January 23, and has 30 days from then to respond. Museveni did not say that he won’t sign the bill into law. Rather, he promised to take the issue to his party’s caucus, which met on January 24….

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Global LGBT Recap: Homogeopolitics; Dalai Lama Says Gay is OK; Pope Says Civil Unions May Be

…of U.S. Freedom to Discriminate Debate While Americans debated “religious freedom” or “freedom to discriminate” laws, a British politician, Lewes councilor Donna Edmunds, got into hot water suggesting that business owners should be free to refuse to provide services to women and gays. After an outcry, she said she regretted her comments: “I in no way endorse any form of discrimination. I believe in cutting red tape for business and I also strongl…

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The US Religious Right and the LGBT Crisis In Uganda

…emain an everyday part of life, and an urgent human rights crisis for LGBT Ugandans. Ugandan human rights advocate, Julius Kaggwa, who visited Washington this week, told me that while the AHB would authorize the state to prosecute, imprison, and even put to death anyone the state deems homosexual, “to date we have more non-state violence directed at gay people.” That violence is both promoted by the government—one parliamentarian has said if he ha…

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Lou Engle Attempts To Backpedal On Uganda Anti-Gay Bill

…Notes on Religion), last week Engle issued a statement claiming he didn’t promote the bill: “I apologize that this took place and that my stated purpose of not promoting the Bill was compromised. I take responsibility for what was done on the stage of TheCall, even in my absence.” He also claimed that he met with unspecified Christian leaders in Uganda and “that not” one “was carrying even an ounce of hatred for homosexuals.” Not one ounce? James…

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Obama Fumbles on Uganda at National Prayer Breakfast

…kfast created by the C Street group, “The Family,” who have influenced the Ugandan legislation, issued a glowing statement: We applaud President Obama for having the courage to confront those responsible for the heinous anti-gay bill in Uganda, said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. We hope that the President’s laudable stand makes it clear to Family members in the United States and Uganda that the world is watching. Religion can…

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