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How the Catholic Church Changed the Movies

…llywood Censored. The code they designed became the Motion Picture Conduct Code, popularly know as the Hays Code after it was adopted by William Hays, a Presbyterian elder who was hired by the major studios to help clean up the industry’s image after it was rocked by a series of scandals. The code, says Black, “was a fascinating combination of Catholic theology, conservative politics and pop psychology—an amalgam that would control the content of…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…ate for the government to decide who it stands with – the new enslavers of Lithuania, those who will destroy our freedom, or with its own Nation, aiming to remain free.” Church of England: Gay clergy plan coming out about their marriages The Times reports that a dozen Church of England clergy are preparing to go public with the fact that they have married their same-sex partners in defiance of church rules. “Half of the signatories had already dec…

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Pope Decries ‘Ideological Colonization’ of Family; Islamic State Executes Gays and Others; Gay Couple Gets Long-Delayed Wedding in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

…huania: MP warns gays may face Christian version of Charlie Hebdo massacre Lithuanian Member of Parliament Algirdas Vaclovas Patackas warned that the Lithuanian Gay League is “playing with fire” that could result in “dead bodies.” According to Pink News, Patackas said, “Because in Lithuania, as in every land which calls itself Christian, not everyone turns the left cheek; there are many, who believe in the principle “an eye for an eye”, i.e., the…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…eepers, Galatians 3:28 took on new meanings. This past weekend, “slave nor free” was translated loosely as “the haves and the have-nots.” The reconciliation between the rich and poor didn’t play prominently, either in the event’s promos or at the stadium rally itself. PK did offer a “pay what you can afford” program to woo low-income rally-goers, and it also urged attendees to bring food donations for the Denver Rescue Mission. At the rally itself…

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American Indians Irate over Bin Laden Code Name “Geronimo”

…og that he felt that Custer or Columbus would have been a more appropriate code name for bin Laden, and that the use of Geronimo was just another example of how “We’ve been reduced to caricatures as mascots and entertainment in sports and media.”  In fact, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee held hearings recently on American Indians and racist stereotypes, and one of the first items of business was a discussion of why this particular code name wa…

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UNESCO on Religion, Culture and SOGI in Asia; Orthodox Family Sues to Stop Cremation of Israeli Trans Woman; Struggles of Iraqi Queer Activists; Global LGBT Recap

…and moral support to those who, like me, are applying for asylum in Spain. Lithuania: Vote on anti-gay “propaganda” law postponed Lithuanian lawmakers postponed a planned vote last week on a new law modeled after Russia’s ban on anti-gay “propaganda.” The legislation would essentially ban any public visibility for LGBT people, including a march or protest. Shawn Gaylord of US-based lobbying group Human Right First said: “While the tabling of this…

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Condemnation, Condolences in Wake of Orlando Massacre and More

…e practices and, if domestic law permits them, the law should be changed.” Lithuania: Capital city mayor issues statement in support of Baltic Pride Mayor Remigijus Šimašius of the capital city of Vilnius issued a public statement supporting the Baltic Pride events scheduled to take place on Saturday in a video celebrating diversity and human dignity. Pink News has some historical context: The first Pride parade in Lithuania took place in Vilnius…

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The Incredible Shrinking Free Exercise Clause

…elevant, which is why the Westboro Church case will be decided strictly on free speech grounds and not as a free exercise case.  Smith was immediately unpopular and congressional efforts to overturn it by statute met with limited success, leaving federal government actions that substantially burden religious practice subject to the compelling state interest test, but state and local laws exempt. The funeral privacy interest in Snyder is a generall…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…you who study religion may have a good deal to say about the centrality of free will (i.e. law over code) in different religious traditions. One thing that strikes me week by week is how much the show takes as given our understanding of the digital realm: our ability to think in terms of interfaces, memory, avatars, virtual world economies, and the like. I might contrast that with how fundamentally indecipherable a film like Tron was when it was r…

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