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VIPREG2024 how to use 1xbet free bet promo code Bosnia and Herzegovina

How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…, Lebanon, and others in the region. Syria’s Destiny The reason the war in Bosnia remains frozen isn’t because a great political solution has been found. To the contrary, Bosnia’s political system is mired in endless gridlock. The country doesn’t work. The primary reason it’s still around is because the promise of European Union membership offers a far larger, wealthier, and safer space, within which tiny Bosnia becomes a little piece of a bigger…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…who believes he knows Muslims better than they themselves do. Whether because of race, or because it’s transcended race; whether because of religion, or because it has transcended religion; in all these scenarios, the West always knows best.   Indeed, the West may know best because the West can change. Islam, on the other hand, is frozen, stuck in what Dipesh Chakrabarty called the “waiting room of history.” This is not, by the way, an exclusivel…

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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…ogress reports on seven countries’ progress toward EU membership: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. The reports include information on LGBTI issues in those countries, summarized in a statement by the EP’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights: The reports show that LGBTI people continue to face discrimination, threats and violence in the Western Balkans and Turkey. This is a consequence of both a lack of anti…

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BYU Honor Code Used to Harass Black Atheletes

…rential status accorded to BYU athletes as well as the potential for honor code enforcement abuse. Twenty years ago, when I worked for the independent BYU student newspaper Student Review, we regularly ran exposés on honor code enforcement abuses of students whose differences—anything from protesting the Iraq War, to having a tattoo, to being black—made them vulnerable in a community that placed a high priority on conformity. In 1994, the Student…

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Killing For Religion, Not God

…mpaign to deny the historical existence—as well as biological existence—of Bosnia’s Muslims. But the Bosnians I met were especially proud of their ability to save the Sarajevo Haggadah from the ravages of war, which they also saw as part of their history; the Haggadah was originally Spanish, and apparently brought from that country when its Jewish population was expelled (offered refuge in the Ottoman Empire by order of the Sultan), eventually end…

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“We Found My Father, Except for His Hand”

…NATO that Bosniaks must put their trust. But does NATO really want to help Bosnia, they ask? Some Bosniaks insist NATO’s intervention came only to prevent a larger religious conflict, especially the kind that might have ensued had they continued to turn the momentum against the Serbs. And unlike their Croat allies and former Serb enemies, the Bosniaks have no neighboring homeland to appeal to for assistance, or look to for refuge. Their security l…

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The Dark Side of BYU’s Honor Code

…student, it was possible to make an anonymous third-party referral.) Honor Code enforcement on campus has been used to bait and target gays and liberals and (as Sanders remembered from her own experience) to shut down student anti-war protests. Clerical leaders serving BYU student congregations have been expected to report content from private confession and counseling interactions to University authorities, impacting the ability for young people…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…ute protects their rights under the 2011 Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. These rights they claim include freedom of religion, equality before the law, the right to a healthy environment, and the right to privacy. They also claim that gay men must be banned from having sex because that will inevitably lead to the exploitation of children. “During the hearing of the applications, the court stated that some of the churches’ allegations se…

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2023 in Review: Year One Without Roe, GOP Code Red, SCOTUS Gone Wild… and a Ray of Hope

…polls are to be trusted, Trump is their guy. Not despite, but probably because of, what he says—be it promises of “retribution,” plans to use the military to quell protests on the day of his inauguration, or his dictatorial fantasies. As 2023 comes to an end, the stakes in US politics are higher than ever, with 2024 dawning as a critical juncture determining whether or not the country will slip into authoritarian rule—so it’s particularly devastat…

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Gambling with God: Ryan Bell’s Atheist Bet

…t makes atheism into one of the factors that we treat as identity —like race and sexuality. Unlike atheism, though, we assume that race and sexuality are not a matter of choice or conscious conviction. Bell’s marketplace uses language of social justice to protect the consumer in the choice—equally valid—between faith in God and faith in unfaith. His gamble might be risky in relation to God, but it is a sure thing in the marketplace….

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