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Manslaughter Conviction of Brittney Poolaw Represents Pattern of White Christian Policing of Black and Brown Women’s Bodies

…ocracy given free rein, I suggest you take a look at the recent history of El Salvador. I heard a lot about missionary activity in El Salvador and Honduras in my 1980s evangelical childhood. It seemed like everyone my family knew had some connection to Christian missions in Central America. And those missions bore their toxic fruit. Today, El Salvador has a significant population of mostly charismatic evangelicals that can be counted on to support…

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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…s. You could see some evidence of this impulse in the audience at Folsom Field: the Israeli folk dancers, the shofar blowers, the men (and even some women) wearing kippot and tallitot, arms upraised, singing the praises of Yeshua. “God loves diversity,” Rabbi Jonathan Bernis of Jewish Voice Ministries declared on Friday night. During the altar call, Bernis told Jews to remember that “if you are Jewish and you have converted, you are still Jewish.”…

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Donald Trump Scares LGBT People Worldwide and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…Independent Expert. The Daily Maverick has more on South Africa’s actions. El Salvador: Religious leaders push for constitutional restriction on marriage “Ultraconservative lawmakers in El Salvador submitted a proposal to the country’s parliament Wednesday to ratify a constitutional reform to restrict same-sex marriages,” reports teleSUR. The country does not provide any legal recognition for same-sex couples, but the right-wing ARENA party, along…

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Obama at Romero’s Tomb: The Politics of Liberation

…d as Marxist, Oscar Romero was evangelized by the suffering of the poor of El Salvador who had been brutally targeted as insurgents by the death squads of the Salvadoran military. Initially Romero understood the Gospel as a message of peace and reconciliation, not social justice and liberation, which he saw as leading to conflict and threatening Church unity. After he was appointed archbishop in 1977, the repression of the rural poor escalated, an…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…, making marriage equality a reality in Ireland before the end of the year El Salvador: Human rights groups call for more action in response to anti-LGBT violence Last week Amnesty International responded to a wave of violence against LGBT people by calling for concrete action to fully implement hate crimes legislation, noting that a 2012 law on violence against women was stymied by “a lack of funding and bias against women among government offici…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…ifficult to imagine a more important repository of the intellectual source code of religious and cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…res the life of LGBT people through the metaphor of Khmer wedding rituals. El Salvador: Human Rights First brief on anti-LGBT violence Human Rights First released a brief about anti-LGBT violence and murder, along with impunity for the perpetrators. Taiwan: Complaints target TV episode featuring gay soldier In Taiwan, where a move toward marriage equality seems to be advancing over the objections of some religious groups, China Post reports that Y…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…. Hyman’s proof text for due diligence is Proverbs 14:15: “The naïve will believe everything, but a wise man looks well into a matter.” Sure, okay, why not? But his other Scriptural reference is confused. Hyman reminds us that money itself is not evil—it is simply “a medium of exchange.” The “love of money” is the problem, as Paul points out in 1 Timothy 6:10. We can’t make rational decisions about money when we love it; we can only apply the “thr…

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Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics; South Africa’s ‘Open Mosque’ is Closed; Global LGBT Recap

…d’s largest and most powerful democracy entirely at the service of this novel religion, promoting sodomy and child-slaughtering domestically and abroad.” All of this, he writes, makes it difficult to “know which camp to choose.” After portraying Putin’s opposition to abortion and gay rights as grounded in political calculation more than religious conviction, Krempach concludes: So whose camp do I choose, Putin’s or Obama’s? Neither. Both have, for…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…gyptian Christians, and the novel she’s referring to is Yussif Zeidan’s novel Azazeel (titled Beelzebub in English), which met with little fanfare in Egypt until it won the Arab world’s version of the Booker Prize. Set in 5th-century Egypt, before Islam spread to the Nile Valley, the story takes place at a time when Christians (Coptic Christians to be exact) dominated Egyptian culture and political life. Boutros is one of many Coptic Christians wh…

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