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What Coverage of a Fatal Orthodox Baptism Reveals About Western Media

…ductive the conversation around decolonization and multiculturalism truly is. Because in the ironically binary world that these discourses create, there’s little room for whatever traditionally Orthodox cultures are: European, but not Western; Christian, but not Western. It makes us unable to see that when we hijack a tragedy to assert our cultural superiority we’re engaging in a dangerous game, regardless of the culture. And that nothing looks li…

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The Intellectual Source Code For National Conservatism Can Be Found at This Niche Catholic Publication

…cultural conservatism in the United States. The foundation of this source code (the motherlode of the code, as it were) is Catholic natural law moral philosophy. Natural law is the 800-year-old Thomist tradition that absorbs (from revelation and scripture) and communicates (into public discourse and legal practice) a quite specific understanding of the human individual as the summit of God’s creation. First Things has hosted some of the most impo…

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Why President Obama Should Not Visit the Western Wall

…f the holiest places on earth for Jews. Since the Six-Day War in 1967, the Western Wall and the area around it has been under Israeli control. Today, the Wall and the area nearby, including the plaza in front of it, is administered by the Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Sites of Israel, Shmuel Rabinowitz. The Rabbi of the Western Wall, like other local rabbis in Israel, is a state appointee, an employee of the Ministry of Religious Affairs….

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Failure to Grasp the Distinct Character and History of Eastern Christianity is Compromising Our Understanding of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

…mention the fact that, in the case of Orthodoxy, this often results in non-Western convert communities, such as in sub-Saharan Africa and South Korea, being completely ignored). This conflation ignores the very real history of conquest and occupation that occurred between Western and Eastern Christendom, in which the West has almost always been the aggressor, that stands as one of the foundations of modern Eastern Christian identity. For example,…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…warning on the website, maintained by the Clarion Fund. “Today you can find closed communities of Radical Muslims across the United States promoting Radical Islamic ideology and living under localized versions of Shari’ah.” This view that shari’ah is a threat to the constitution, to capitalism, and to American liberty helps explain the rash of attempts to “ban” shari’ah in the states. Rep. Gerald Gay, the Wyoming legislator spons…

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The Biblical Money Code!

…we find an investment advisor named Sean Hyman pushing “The Biblical Money Code,” which claims that advice “woven” into Scripture has helped him go from earning $15,000 to giving away up to $50,000 a year. Unlike Hovind, Hyman is giving away his system for free. All you have to do is sit through an hour-long video, during which Hyman explains how “to unlock vast amounts of wealth safely and ethically.” Fancy explanations are provided, but it’s act…

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Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics; South Africa’s ‘Open Mosque’ is Closed; Global LGBT Recap

…ther setback in the struggle for gay rights on the continent. Chad’s penal code is more than half a century old and does not explicitly mention homosexuality. But section 361 of a draft new code states the punishment for anyone who has sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex is 15 to 20 years in jail and a fine of 50,000-500,000 Central African francs (£60-£600), according to a document seen by Agence France-Presse. The cabinet claims that…

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Egyptian Da Vinci Code Author Angers Coptic Christians

…ene, as the Egyptian authorities did in 2007 when they banned The Da Vinci Code. The Coptic community—which accounts for roughly 10 percent of the nation’s 80 million citizens—had raised alarm and demanded that both the book and movie be banned. Now, three years on, Zeidan’s bestselling novel is is prompting angry demands from that same community. In early May a group of Coptic lawyers demanded that the government imprison the author for five year…

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Capricology: Tattoos, Blood, Cyber-Dating

…ke away that free will, except for those who have the capacity to hack the code and reprogram the car. We normally think of robots as almost pure code, yet the scene last week when Graystone orders the Zoebot to rip off her arm raises some interesting stakes in this. It seems to me that people may be treating the Cylons differently depending on what mix of code and law they believe governs their behavior. And of course, those of you who study reli…

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“Muslim Gospel” Revealing the “Christian Truth” Excites the Da Vinci Code Set

…e GBarn undermines Christianity. Such claims soon attracted attention from Western journalists. The Daily Mail addressed the claim that this gospel might “cause Christianity’s collapse,” while the Vatican Insider dismissed it as a “hoax,” charging that the Gospel of Barnabas was a forgery. The dating of the manuscript was questioned by scholars like T. Michael Law, and Christian blogs offered point-by-point refutations countering the notion that t…

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