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Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua Dies: Potential Witness in Philly Sex Abuse Trial

…rked under Bevilacqua, and would have taken his orders from the Cardinal concerning abusive priests. Philadelphia is Ground Zero in the Catholic sex abuse scandal, as this is the first time that a church administrator is being put on trial for “aiding and abetting” priests who had abused children, male and female alike. If he is convicted, this may open the floodgates for prosecution of other perpetrators— bishops, cardinals, and others responsibl…

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Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal

…rous weaknesses in the Charter have become painfully clear. In February, a Philadelphia grand jury found “substantial evidence” of abuse committed by thirty-seven priests in active ministry. Cardinal Justin Rigali, after initially claiming that there were no “admitted” or “confirmed” abusers in ministry, subsequently suspended twenty-seven clerics. And in May, the chair of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia review board revealed that the archdiocese…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…r or sister, and then come and offer your gift.” In other words, to be reconciled to God, we must also be reconciled to one another. Salvation may be personal, but it is not private. Love for God and love for one another are connected. 1 John 4:20 puts it this way “Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.”…

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Why I Will Not Submit to Arrest, Or, the Problem With Moral Mondays

…r to me whether the desire for moral heroism is just contagious or subtly encouraged and exploited. There are instances here of both. There are white men without prior records and/or with personal and political connections striding around with barely concealed pride for being arrested with an African-American man of authority. Some of these white men will eventually use their proximity to Rev. Dr. Barber and the abiding culture of muscular heroism…

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A Meditation on Shopping and Desire

…d for a theological category to come to terms with our context, the word concupiscence leapt out at me. A theme that emerges in Augustine’s corpus is how we have misguided desire, or lust and passion, in relation to the material world and other human beings. How does Augustine define lust and passion? He often describes it as concupiscence: strong desire, especially sexual, that sometimes implies sin or evil. Concupiscence refers to compulsive and…

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Are Evangelical Films Destined to Leave Secular Audiences Behind?

…the debate about Left Behind. Among evangelical Christians who like the franchise —which doesn’t include all of them—there are real differences about what the film should be. In this way, Left Behind represents a big question about the persistent problem of the market for faith-and-family films. The past few years have seen attempt after attempt to do what Lalonde wants to do: make quality movies that please evangelicals and also appeal to a wider…

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Irish PM Scathing Denunciation of Vatican

…umble if serious, concerted efforts are not made to stem the moral and financial collapse.   Meanwhile, Philadelphia may be the next Cloyne. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia appointed its new leader last week, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver. The Archbishop, who has presided over the “clean up” of several church scandals, most notably the Legionaries of Christ, will have his hands full with the Philadelphia grand jury reports and the upcoming t…

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Philadelphia Man Blames Bible for Stoning Death

…kes the English version at face (and literal) value, they do terrible violence to the text. The Bible is not meant to be a book of answers where you can just open it up and find out exactly what to do next. It is not a Ouija board or a divining rod. Instead, it is a collection of writings from wildly different times, cultures, and points of view. In fact, it contradicts itself from book to book, and sometimes from chapter to chapter. To say, “the…

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Yes, Let’s Talk About Kermit Gosnell

…addest things I have read in the wake of this disaster is the account of a Philadelphia social worker, pointing out that the community health center which serves the same low-income neighborhood in which the Gosnell clinic was located is considered to be one of the city’s best facilities. But as a recipient of federal funding, of course this center could not offer abortion care. So why did Gosnell’s patients not go to a better, i.e. safer, abortio…

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The Faith that Faith Produced

…you in hell if you dispute his prescription. Many who question God’s existence are more concerned with His relevance to them than any metaphysics. We can only be free if we remove the shackles of faith, these self-ruining feelings of incompleteness, prudery and debasement, and accept the inevitability of our random lives. I don’t mean to be flippant. This is how it seemed to me, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t knock me off my feet. Why spend…

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