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Biology Textbooks Approved in Louisiana Over Creationist Objections

…out mention. On Thursday, despite the organized anti-evolution campaign by Louisiana Family Forum, science triumphed in the state of Louisiana.The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education there voted 8-2 to approve recommended high school biology textbooks, over the objections of creationists who were horrified that teachers were going to teach their children science. In November, the state’s school board had held off adopting the biology I and…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…notions of “human dignity” and “human flourishing,” Catholic natural law—an 800-year-old tradition dating back to Thomas Aquinas—is a lens that offers utter clarity to conservative Catholic jurists, activists, policymakers, and scholars as they observe, describe, and engage the world. The power and sharpness of this lens allow them to confidently snap every human movement—every human desire and motive and act—into its divinely appointed and proper…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…, not the fourth century … You’re not free to practice your religion in my airline seat.’ ‘This is male entitlement .. the height of male arrogance.’ One comment referred to this as a ‘back of the bus’ issue; as in, women being asked to move in such circumstances was tantamount to assigning them a lesser status as citizens and lower dignity as human beings. Other readers proposed that airlines set aside special seating for men requiring such accom…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…the lead sponsor of the LSEA, Senator Ben Nevers, saw it differently. “The Louisiana Family Forum suggested the bill,” Nevers told the Hammond Daily Star at the time. “They believe that scientific data related to creationism should be discussed when dealing with Darwin’s theory.” The Louisiana Family Forum, which helped DI lobby for LSEA, is affiliated with Focus on the Family and is dedicated to “persuasively present(ing) biblical principles in t…

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Creationism: Don’t Use the “C-Word”

…In lobbying for LSEA, the Discovery Institute had worked closely with the Louisiana Family Forum, a conservative Christian organization that directly championed the teaching of creationism as recently as 2004. (Read how Louisiana Coalition for Science’s Barbara Forrest connects the dots here.) However, because of that pesky First Amendment, which prohibits using public school biology class as a pulpit, creationism is never specifically mentioned…

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As Florida Attempts to Make it Illegal, an Argument for the Sacred Work of White Discomfort

…if this bill included the avoidance of individual discomfort, not just to Florida’s teachers but to Florida’s athletic coaches? Florida, like most Southern states, is obsessed with football. But what kind of football teams would Florida schools produce if players could argue that they were being discriminated against if they were made to feel uncomfortable? When I was younger, I had dreams of playing soccer at the highest levels. I participated i…

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Atheist Nazis? The Pope’s Cheap Atonement

Adam Clayton Powell called it “cheap grace,” but we might call it “cheap atonement”: the effort by sinners to select which sins to acknowledge and repent. Pope Benedict XVI ended his heavily protested visit to England with a heartfelt apology for German bombings of England during the Battle of Britain; though he refused to accept Christian responsibility for the Holocaust, blaming it instead on pagans and atheists. Given that Cardinal Walter Kasp…

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Glenn Beck’s Cheap Grace

…tion is illustrated in, among other places, Matthew 5:23-24: “when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift.” In other words, to be reconciled to God, we must also be reconciled to one another. Salvation may be personal, but it is not private. Love for…

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Creationist-Leaning Texas Sets Textbook Agenda

…One of the things we will most certainly discuss is what’s happening with Louisiana’s new law and its adoption process. The Louisiana Family Forum, an affiliate of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, was behind efforts to adopt the law. To Forrest and other critics of the law, those supplemental materials smell like lucrative book sales for the Discovery Institute and other creationist and intelligent design organizations. This week, Americans Un…

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The Big Lie Misrepresentation in Louisiana “Seal of Confessional” Case

…de, according to bloggers at Hot Air and the American Conservative, “[t]he Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that a priest must testify in a case about what he heard in a confessional,” and “Fr. Bayhi will have to go to jail to protect the seal of the confessional.” These pundits can, to some extent, be forgiven for these misleading statements since the Catholic Church’s Baton Rouge Diocese has made some fairly alarming claims including, among oth…

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