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슬롯사이트추천ペ⟨lv-2021.cOm 텔레ⓡOⓡOⓡO11⑨ 코드ᴀᴀᴀᴀㅡ✗로또사이트추천□도박사이트♖파워볼놀이터 안전놀이터추천◆나눔로또추천

The Bible May Be Stranger Than You Think … And Why It Matters

…o name a few: it’s actually a collection of books, some of which are themselves collections; it evolved over a long period of time (centuries), in terms of both the content of individual books and as a collection of books; the whole thing is really really old, so old that even the youngest parts of it come from times and places vastly different from today; the languages through which we’ve received it (with the exception of a little bit of Aramaic…

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Into the Darkest Moment of a Dark Year Comes the Saturnalia, a Time for Drinking, Swearing, Gambling, and the Circle of Life

…rsals, free speech, and libationary merriment of Dionysian proportions involving drinking, swearing and gambling, with banquets and food sacrificed to deities. It even marked a truce period; no wars could be declared during the Saturnalia (but occasional murders occurred taking advantage of the distractions). On 19 December, gifts would be exchanged. Green garlands would decorate homes. People nominated a “King of the Saturnalia” (though please ex…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…this is not a blessing of a gay marriage. “The Church of England gets involved in services of thanksgiving with regard to many areas of life. “This is a service of thanksgiving for the committed relationship between two people. It is entirely appropriate for this to happen.” The Church of England’s College of Bishops is meeting this week to discuss issues of sexuality and high on the list will be the marriage for same-sex couples. Canon David Por…

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How the Christian Nationalist Version of ‘The American Story’ Enabled Georgia’s Anti-Black Voter Restriction Law [Audio]

Last week, Georgia Republicans passed a radical new law designed, as the New York Times put it, “to restrict voting access in the state.” The bill, which some have referred to as Jim Crow 2.0 for the disproportionate effect it will have on Black voters, was signed by a white governor surrounded by six white men beneath a painting of a former slave plantation. In this exclusive three-minute clip from the March 26 episode of Straight White American…

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Are We Living in a Simulation? Bad Religion, Bad Media Combine in New Doc, ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’

…e on processing power. It’s just IT best practices. This is Rodney Ascher’s 2021 A Glitch in the Matrix, due out this Friday, February 5. The movie has two distinct threads—the first, a documentary about simulation theory. The second, a crime docudrama about a domestic violence event that involved The Matrix. If the movie has a thesis it is most elegantly framed by Erik Davis, who says something like: the conditions of our collective existence are…

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‘How Pentecostal Christianity Is Taking Over the World’: An Interview with Author Elle Hardy

…tructures, such as the Family Research Council. Pentecostals might get involved with such groups too, but they’re also out there doing their own thing. They take the view that we’re in God’s advancing kingdom—go out there and do whatever you can. Prayer walk through the red-light district to cast out the demons; stop that woman in her wheelchair and command her to be healed in Jesus’ name. There’s also a spirit of innovation at play. Leaders of ma…

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Beverly Cleary, Author of the Ramona Series, Understood Children, Shoes, School, Words, and How it Feels to be Heard, or Misunderstood

…hared the New York Times obituary for Beverly Cleary, who died on March 25, 2021. When a friend noted that, to be fair, Cleary had lived to see 104, Jones wrote back: “I know, the cursing is not a rational reaction. STILL.” Beverly Cleary would understand. After promising a quick turn-around on this essay, I went to the shelf, scanning for the Ramona books. I knew exactly where they were. Except they weren’t. They’d been packed up for college. Bec…

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Image of Mitt Romney at a podium looking down with blurred sign in background that reads "Conservatives"

Mitt Romney, the Public Face of Mormonism, Reckons with His Alienation From a Radicalized GOP and His Role in Enabling it

…y highlighted the salacious details in this riveting tale of how Romney evolved from the GOP’s “standard-bearer” to “party pariah,” and what that decline says about the fate of American conservatism. But given Romney’s significant place in the broader story of American religious history—he was the nation’s first Mormon to be nominated for president by one of the two major parties—it’s also an important text for the nation’s story of religion. Romn…

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What We Need to Understand is that Fascism is Intersectional and Erotic—’Thy Rod is Thy Gun,’ With a Hip-Thrust

…gh he’s a full-on fascist Civil War preacher. And I’ll say this—It’s like Elvis and Chuck Berry, right? Elvis rips off Chuck Berry. We know that. That’s settled. But Elvis is also pretty good, right? So this pastor, Hank, he’s pretty good at it. He can do it. He can preach. Which is why he has a very diverse congregation. And he makes it sexual. With a background in researching German fascism, the encounter you describe at the Lord of Hosts Church…

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Why the Roman Catholic Church Should Not Ordain Women as Deacons

…ough the Synod on Synodality, which was launched by Pope Francis in October 2021. While the document Enlarge the Space of Your Tent notes that the synodal process unearthed a near universal call from around the world for women deacons, it also notes that some parts of the world are also calling for women priests. If both priesthood and the diaconate are officially open for discernment, then why is the discussion about female deacons getting far mo…

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