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Republicans Lead the Way
on Repeal of “Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell”

…cked out under DADT. He called DADT a “cloud of fear” that gay and lesbian service members live under – a constant threat of being kicked out if their sexual orientation is revealed. People like Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (and a marine vet, btw), wants to keep that cloud of fear hovering over gay and lesbian service members.  He claims ending DADT will violate the religious liberty of chaplains. ”Chaplains will be muzzl…

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Progressive Faith Leaders Rally to Keep Heat on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

…aders in the public square to amplify God’s call to remove the barriers to service for lesbian and gay people,” he continued. Well before the ruling, “faith leaders have been making their own congregants aware of how DADT harms gay and lesbian service members and also harms our country at a time when skilled members of the military are needed more than ever,” Knox said. However, advocacy on behalf of lesbian and gay servicemembers is not limited t…

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Marriage Vote ‘Transforms’ Not-So-Catholic Ireland; Activist to Malaysian PM – ‘Love Is Not Terrorism’; LGBTs Find Growing Acceptance in Colombia, Not At World Meeting of Families; Global LGBT Recap

…an integral part of supporting human rights for all. “It is a vocation of service to everyone,” said the monsignor. Ireland: Marriage equality vote ‘transforms’ gay Ireland, no longer ‘most Catholic country in world’ Conor Humphries at Reuters writes that Ireland’s referendum in favor of marriage equality “is having a profound effect on the country’s gay community even though a legal challenge has delayed the first weddings.” Gay couples holding…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…not a blessing of a gay marriage. “The Church of England gets involved in services of thanksgiving with regard to many areas of life. “This is a service of thanksgiving for the committed relationship between two people. It is entirely appropriate for this to happen.” The Church of England’s College of Bishops is meeting this week to discuss issues of sexuality and high on the list will be the marriage for same-sex couples. Canon David Porter, the…

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In His ‘Forgiveness Day’ Sermon — a Slightly More Sophisticated ‘GloboHomo’ Rant — Kirill Lays Out an Authoritarian Vision in Which His Version of God Might Dominate and Rule the Human Race

…rs and clergy bow to each other and ask forgiveness. It’s a highly kinetic service. Bows. Prostrations. Kisses. Weeping. It’s a service meant to bring out humility and social solidarity. The fact that Kirill used this Sunday to politicize the death of innocent Ukrainians is theologically corrupt. The sermon, which has yet to be officially translated into English, opens in a similar fashion to many of Kirill’s public speeches. He congratulates the…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…vice. The rest of the UU protestors began the day at the 6 a.m. interfaith service, in which Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray of the UU Congregation of Phoenix, played a central role and UU singers participated in the joint choir. The more than 200 UUs, some in clergy garb but most in their bright yellow shirts emblazoned with the Standing on the Side of Love logo, were visible in the service and then in the march down the street. Once groups convened do…

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Egypt Goes After Gays to Silence Islamist Critics; South Africa’s ‘Open Mosque’ is Closed; Global LGBT Recap

…s for the teaching of sex education. A few months ago, the National Health Service board for Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland’s largest, opposed a draft guidance that would allow teachers and students to opt out on the grounds of “conscience,” saying it could undermine the whole purpose of providing sex education. On Sunday, the director of the Scottish Catholic Education Service, Michael McGrath, published an op ed in the Scotsman making the c…

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Ultra Orthodox Murder-Suicide Makes Headlines

…taffers as colleagues. And the Israeli government has recognized a year of service to Zaka as a form of Shnat Sherut—national service. This all sounds very positive, doesn’t it? Except for one thing: by bringing young Haredi men into contact with the permanent emergency that is Israeli civil society, Zaka and the Israeli Army have brought these young men into contact with the world of physical violence, aggression, and gun use. Hitherto protected…

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Baby We Were Born for War: To Dominionist Christian Groups, No Election is Too Small — and Colorado is Just the Beginning

…f the people.” Nine days before the election, Holt announced during Sunday service at his new, much smaller church, The Road @ Chapel Hills, that three members of his church were running for school boards in two districts. All three went on to win: Aaron Salt in Academy District 20 and two of the three members of the winning (and Coalition-backed) slate in District 49, Lori Thompson and Ivy Liu. Holt asked for a show of hands of people who live in…

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A Truly Fearless Human Being: Rev. Howard Moody, 1921-2012

…rm. That experience stayed with him. When he began the Clergy Consultation Service in 1967—the group of 21 New York clergy who referred women for abortions when it was still illegal in every state—he arranged for the clergy involved to attend a demonstration that could teach them what an abortion procedure entailed and what a woman experiences in an abortion. The clergy met with a pathologist who explained the procedure using a life-size model of…

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