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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…in the college handbook. Does Crook see a connection between the worldview promoted at Central Baptist and the violence and rejection LGBT people often face? “There’s a lot of talk about religious bigotry,” he says. “About Christians hating other people for the way they act. I don’t think that’s true. We don’t hate them—we love them like we love anybody else. We just happen to disagree with them. That gets turned around into they hate us, and it m…

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The Sacramental American Day of Thanks

…he was not thinking about the Civil Rights movement; he was thinking about Vietnam. Given that the spiritual heart of the American civil religion was, for Bellah, a largely prophetic caution against idolizing the nation, and the importance of holding it accountable to transcendent standards of ethical behavior and international justice, Bellah’s decision to focus on foreign rather than domestic policy is less surprising. It also enabled him to ext…

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The Best Books Media of 2008

…elknap/Harvard University, put all of its considerable prestige behind its promotion—in 2007, that is, when Harvard published the book. The fact that the Times slipped the book onto its 2008 list is a clue that such lists aren’t so much a reflection of the best as of what the editors read and cared about that year. That can lead to a certain amount of cronyism—books by Times contributors are especially well represented on the Times’ list—which is…

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Revelations from Family of Secrets (an addendum)

…r National Guard in order to avoid military service that might send him to Vietnam; how he failed to fulfill that service; and how his failure was systematically covered-up and politically defused. Also covered are the allegations of how W. was an abuser of illegal drugs in addition to his apparently drinking problems as a young man. One important story from W.’s past that has long been rumored is confirmed in this book. It is a story that perhaps…

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Boy Gets Boy, Saves Earth: A Gay Christian Writer’s Plan to Change the World

…eir place in the universe.” Moore said his father, a veteran of the war in Vietnam, was as traumatized by the hostility that greeted him when he returned from the front, as he was by the brutality of the conflict in Southeast Asia. Hal Creed, Thom’s father in the novel, is a disgraced superhero who was blamed for the deaths of the thousands who died the first time the dreaded Planet Eater threatened the Earth. And just as the 36-year-old Moore did…

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Air Force Speaking Invitation to Member of “Lord’s Army” Sparks Outrage

…McClary, a born-again Christian and war veteran who lost an eye and arm in Vietnam, has received endorsements from the late Jerry Falwell and Billy Graham, and says he is now a member of the “Lord’s Army.” The Air Force Academy invited McClary to speak at the Feb. 10 event, which was inspired by the annual National Prayer Breakfast in DC. Church-state separation advocates have long been critical of the Air Force Academy’s tolerance for, and indeed…

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Transforming America’s Israel Lobby

…erican Jews who want the occupation to end. Some of us marched against the Vietnam War and even the Iraq War. Some of us give money to help victims in Darfur and fund shelters for battered women here at home. Few of us can bring ourselves to say much out loud about the battering of an entire people, if we are within the Jewish communal tent. Until very recently, I was in that category, looking back on my own reactions to sundry allegations of bad…

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The Christian Century is Dead

…Protestant churches through the civil-rights struggles of the 1960s, anti-Vietnam War movement of the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, and the battles for women’s rights and gay rights in the ‘70s and ‘80s. However, they lost many of their foot soldiers during the Clinton era, when they went into hibernation inside a non-descript office building titled “the God Box” (because of all the religious organizations housed therein). While hunkered down in this…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…appraisal of how religion, politics, and economics were interwoven in post-Vietnam American culture and society, To Serve God and Wal-Mart is also a bracing reminder that we, among the most materialistic people in the world, have turned a blind eye to the impact of material conditions on our actions, attitudes, and beliefs. Simply put, the 2008 election’s voting bloc du jour, “Wal-Mart Moms,” are more than a pundit’s wet dream or Rodeo Drive’s wor…

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That Mercenary Feeling: What the Apparently Unlimited Use of “Contractors” Says About American Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq

…ive in the direct cost-per-individual sense, and it is vastly more expensive in terms of the cost to the way our massive and growing presence in that very poor country is perceived by the locals. I’m not the first to suggest that Afghanistan will be Obama’s Vietnam. Trying to run the operation with unaccountable hired help is just one reason this venture has Big Doom written all over it. A week ago the Times listed five books that the President pl…

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