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What a Forgotten 19th Century Suffragist Can Teach Us About Women’s Rights vs. The Religious Right

…of social mores, cultural productions, religious practices, and political codes. As the United States continues under the fraught leadership of Donald Trump, we find new iterations of the “Christian nation,” new connections and clashes between immigration bans, the religious right, and women’s rights. But if oppression relies on strange alliances, so does resistance. Sowing the seeds of liberation often entails looking back to the past and reaffi…

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Alabama Senate Considers Giving Church Its Own Police Force; Irony Reportedly Dead

…see here. Because we are to pretend drugs don’t exist in the affluent zip codes, because drug abuse cannot be acknowledged in the pursuit of the Christ-centered life. Because everybody is better off if we pretend that problem is … somebody else’s problem. This is from April 2015, before the original bill was considered in the Alabama Legislature. To recap once again: the Briarwood high school was caught trying to sweep a drug problem under the ru…

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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…includes a restriction on public and private educational institutions from promoting “gender ideology” and a provision that “no person may be prosecuted” for not accepting “sexual diversity.” Deputy Anibal Rojas Espino, who introduced the legislation, declared, “We believe in a country with values firmly established in God and in Pro Life (not abortion) and in Man – woman marriages, as our original design is.” (Translation via Google). The legisla…

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London’s ‘Big Gay Iftar’ And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fi Islam and Putinism. The authorities have banned alcohol, enforced dress codes and “moral behavior” for women, supported honor killings and blood feuds, and even closed orphanages as being alien to Chechen culture. Russian police reportedly arrested about 20 protesters in St. Petersburg on May 1. The BBC reported on psychological and religious “cures” that gay people in Russia are being subjected to: Some Russian families turn to religious insti…

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An Open Letter to Rabbi Dov Linzer on Modesty and Jewish Law

…ort their position by reading closely and deeply the same Talmud and legal codes that you do. Their community embodies an extreme yet also consistent rendering of Judaism founded on the Talmud and the legal tradition it generated. It is true that their egregious behavior steps beyond any acceptable norm. But their more general interpretation of Jewish law does not. Shouldn’t recent incidents serve to show that your anti-misogynist Orthodoxy, which…

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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…doubt that the use of “Letters of Good Standing” and the adoption of new “Codes of Conduct” (why either term is capitalized in the report is a mystery to me) will have much impact. Under the white supremacist patriarchy that still shapes so much of the American experience—not least in the SBC and similar churches—predatory white men will always be able to find people willing to attest to their “good character.” I’m reminded of Supreme Court “Just…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…has signed laws requiring abortion waiting periods, imposing new building codes on clinics in an attempt to shut them down (which the Supreme Court found illegal in Texas), and just recently, requiring “burials” for aborted fetuses that one abortion activist told me could add $2,000 to the cost of a $400 abortion. It was left for Kaine to argue the “faith by example” position of Bush: That’s what we ought to be doing in public life: living our li…

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A New Mormon Religion Has Taken QAnon Conspiracies and Canonized Them as Doctrine

…, reads like word salad. For supporters, however, it’s a puzzle of cryptic codes and symbols that unveil a Satanic pedophile ring controlling the government. Beginning in 2018, the mysterious figure “Q” began detailing Donald Trump’s ascent to power and the “storm” that was coming to finally end control of the “Deep State” and corrupt government. Using “Q drops,” the cryptic 8Kun messages used to rally supporters, “Q” offered supposed intel to the…

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Toni Morrison, Prophet of America’s Demons (1931-2019)

…acteristics extend into the twentieth century, reproduce the necessity for codes and restriction.” That “race” is a pseudo-scientific social construct is besides the point, Morrison would remind us. Of course race is a pseudo-scientific social construct, but that doesn’t mean that real people don’t live with and suffer under the legacies of racism. Playing in the Dark is a helpful rejoinder to every self-satisfied prig who sanctimoniously informs…

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BYU Skinny Jean Controversy: Sexism, Sizeism, or Standards?

…puses in Provo, Utah, Rexburg, Idaho, and Laie, Hawaii have long had dress codes requiring students to dress conservatively, prohibiting shorts, skin-baring cropped tops, and “form-fitting clothing.” The popularity of leggings, jeggings, and skinny jeans (even Mitt Romney has a pair) has produced new attention in LDS communities to how those dress code boundaries are enforced and who bears the brunt of the enforcement. Beginning in November, the B…

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