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Reclaiming My Time: Maxine Waters, the Sabbath and the High Holy Days

…catastrophic hurricane season, to say nothing of the deadly earthquakes in Mexico or numerous tragic conflicts across the globe. “Our time is limited and we should be sparing with how we use it, so as to not waste it, but to prioritize what is important,” Kissileff says. “It sets the tone for the whole year.” It’s unlikely that Heschel would have been surprised by impact of Waters’ mantra, though he might chime in: Tishrei 2017 is a reclaiming of…

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“Tell Me What You Believe About Ferguson, and I’ll Tell You What You Believe About God”: A Missouri Pilgrimage

…opped at the Cahokia Mounds. The most complex archaeological site north of Mexico, the Mounds were once part of a native civilization larger than London. Little remains of the city, and the sacred landmark with its intricate earthwork is now a popular course for joggers. “The story of Ferguson didn’t start on Canfield Drive. The story of Ferguson is a whole lot longer,” said Rev. McBride after a moment of silence. “It started here 1000 years ago w…

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Catholics Are Facing a Very Real Emergency

…rom Pennsylvania were sent to a treatment center for sexual abusers in New Mexico and later assigned to parishes, hospitals, and other institutions in that locale. The mind boggles at the extent of the abuse pandemic and bishops’ chess moves. To expect priests who have lived under the current way of doing things to have anything helpful to preach or teach about it is naïve. Without serious remedial courses on administration, public safety, duty to…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…entina are about evenly split (45-47 and 46-48), with opposition higher in Mexico (36-62) and Colombia (23-71). Filipino Catholics oppose (14-84), while Catholics in Uganda and the Congo almost unanimously oppose same-sex marriage (1-99 and 2-98).  Survey results are presented in an interactive format that makes it easy to view results by country and by topic. It includes demographic information on age, church attendance, marital status, gender, l…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…ns here might want to rethink the United States’ trade and aid policies to Mexico so that it too could be an economically viable place for people to live. That would be an extravagant, realistic creativity. Religious people are also pragmatic people. Being pro-Spirit does not mean you are anti-reality. We know what it is like to live between a rock and a hard place. We are rarely in favor of pie in the sky. There is nothing pie-ish or sky-ish abou…

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Uncle Sugar as Religious Bogeyman

…to answer for his endorsement of biblical patriarchy. Just this week, New Mexico Republican Steve Pearce, in a new book, writes that “the wife is to voluntarily submit, just as the husband is to lovingly lead and sacrifice” and “the husband’s part is to show up during the times of deep stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the outcome, blaming no one else.” In 2011, Michele Bachmann had to explain what she meant in a 2006 speech…

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The Oil Spill and “Real Deathliness”

Efforts to put the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in a theological context are all well and good but honestly, I don’t think that comparing the disaster to abortion or reminding people that “the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world” or asserting that it really is as important as abortion is going to cut it. The basic problem is that they don’t name “the real deathliness that hovers over us,” as Walter Brueggemann calls it, “the very fea…

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Why Are Some Muslims Calling to Replace GMT with Mecca Time?

…fact on a line of longitude that passes through Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Antarctica.” The problem here is the qualifier, “Western” before scientists. Virtually all respectable scientists, Western or non-Western, would agree with the above statement, including many Muslim scientists. But by adding “Western” before “scientists,” the sentence creates an impression of a clash between Muslims—clinging to pseudoscientific ideas—and the rat…

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Canadian Courts Consider Decriminalization of Polygamy

…eligious and civil liberties. Polygamy-practicing Mormons began fleeing to Mexico and Canada in the 1880s, after US Supreme Court Justices upheld the conviction of George Reynolds on polygamy charges in 1879, declaring polygamy an “odious” “Asiatic” practice not protected by First Amendment freedom of religion guarantees. Mormons founded and continue to make up a significant proportion of Canadian towns such as Cardston, in Alberta. The Bountiful…

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Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church: When Adults are Victims

…2008, when Katia Birge, a US-born journalist and translator now living in Mexico, was 25, she says she became a victim of sex abuse in the Denver Archdiocese of the Catholic Church. But after a decade of explosive sex abuse scandals, most prominently involving minor children, Birge’s story doesn’t fit the recognized narrative. She was already an adult when it happened, and her alleged attacker is not an ordained member of the clergy. Both facts p…

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