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Debunking the Myth That Democracy Is “Incompatible” With Islam

…d the campaign to “promote” democracy under Western military occupation in Iraq, for example, did not dampen the desire of these populations to elect their own representative governments through fair and transparent elections. At the same time, substantial Muslim majorities, male and female, want the Sharia to be at least a source of legislation in their countries, seeing no disjunction between religious beliefs and democratic principles. In a num…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…sake of the little ones. Many little ones will fall into this sin if LGBT promoters push them. And we also protest for the sake of the LGBT promoters themselves. For their sin will be multiplied by every abused child that they push into sodomy.” Orozco discounts the likelihood of such an appeal, since Belizean law generally bars “interested parties” from appealing if the parties themselves decline. Rather, his focus is on understanding the decisi…

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Obsession with Attackers’ Backgrounds Misses the Point of Terrorism

…the country is asking all the wrong questions. Though the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Daesh) has claimed responsibility for the Minnesota mall stabbings, the bombs found in New York and New Jersey remain ongoing investigations with no entity claiming responsibility. Whether the bombs were part of jihadist terrorism or some other form of terror, remains unknown at this time; the real questions are bogged down in a rush to judgement by public c…

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Right-Wing Religion, Anti-Globalism, Authoritarian Rule: America Catches Up With the Rest of the World

…it in a good way. In my interviews with refugees from ISIS-held regions in Iraq, they made it clear that their fellow villagers who supported ISIS were not bad people. They did not subscribe to all of the horrible things that ISIS said and did. They were simply looking for respect. They saw in ISIS a voice for their frustrations. The Sunni Arabs in western Iraq and eastern Syria had been alienated by their own governments in Baghdad and Damascus….

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Trump Administration Is Not-So-Subtly Christianizing Foreign Policy and Aid

…ample, spearheaded the effort to bypass the United Nations efforts to help Iraq, focusing U.S. government aid on Iraqi Christians and Yezidis. While both communities have suffered significantly since the fall of Saddam Hussein and the rise of ISIS in Iraq, Pence’s intervention suggests that the government is more focused on advancing a narrative of Christian persecution. That, of course, includes pushing for the release of jailed pastors in countr…

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Papal Consultant: Cuomo Should Be Denied Communion

…example, and John Paul II adamantly opposed the United States’ invasion of Iraq. By the same logic that applied to John Kerry’s “wafer watch,” shouldn’t Roman Catholic politicians who support capital punishment or the war in Iraq also be denied Holy Communion? (I’m sure the fact that politicians who fall into the latter category tend disproportionately to be Republicans rather than Democrats has nothing, nothing at all, to do with the distinction….

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Obama to Cave on Bush Tax Cuts: Letter to the Washingtonians, Chapter 1

…ur civilization. Days after the first troops poured across the border into Iraq, my son was born, though I did not know him at the time. His mother, poor, ill, and struggling with drugs and booze, lost him and his sister to the county some time later. I doubt very much that as she sank into the arms of addiction that she took notice of one election after another, of one economic setback after another, of torture and Katrina and corruption and the…

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Vainglory Days: A Foremost Expert on Religious Violence Offers Clues to How QAnon Might End

…sily. By “being based on fiction” I mean not only the “big lie” that QAnon promotes, that the 2020 election was stolen and that Donald Trump is still the president. Associated with this big lie is a quite remarkable alternative reality that proposes that there’s a hidden cabal of manipulators in the government, the media, and in the motion picture industry. These Satan-worshippers are part of the “deep state” that runs the country for its own evil…

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Undercover at Falwell’s Liberty University, Finding Common Ground

…f George W. Bush. Everything going wrong in politics, from the invasion of Iraq, to the sidelining of climate science, to the obsession with Terri Schiavo, seemed to come down to theological delusion. Much of the best religion writing I could find was out to expose the troubling truths about the religious right. Jeff Sharlet was infiltrating “America’s secret theocrats” in my hometown of Arlington, Virginia and Ted Haggard’s New Life Church in Col…

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American Idol(atry): McCain-as-Jesus

…nt, then dissent becomes blasphemous. To question America’s involvement in Iraq becomes an act of heretical defiance. With the theology behind Everhart’s statement, America can literally do no wrong. As a result of this nationalistic worship of America, we could find ourselves building walls to keep the unclean and unrighteous out of our holy land. We could find ourselves doing as we please in Iraq and elsewhere in the world without consideration…

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