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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…lowing overwhelming support in the state House and Senate, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana became the first governor to sign an “academic freedom” bill into law. Observers on both sides of the issue are now waiting for the first school district in the state to adopt a curriculum based on this new language. Of course, these academic freedom bills, along with the “teach the strengths and weaknesses” wording in Texas are merely a watered-down version of in…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…support from, Democrats. These states included Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, and Tennessee. Other bills in Category 1, involved “encouraging schools to teach the Bible and encouraging students and teachers to express religious beliefs in school—both of which can lead to proselytism or denigration of non-Christian faiths.” Still others sought to provide religious exemptions (or refusals) from the law in ways that would affect access to rep…

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Arkansas’s Creationism Bill is Also Motivated by Anti-Trans Bigotry

…8, a few years after the successful criminal prosecution of John Scopes in Tennessee, Arkansas made it a crime “to teach the theory or doctrine that mankind ascended or descended from a lower order of animals.” Susan Epperson, a 10th grade biology teacher, challenged the law and the Supreme Court struck it down 40 years later. But Arkansas wasn’t done. In 1981, 13 years after losing at the Supreme Court, it passed a new law telling schools to teac…

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Did Richard Dawkins Hand Creationists Their Next School Strategy?

…who personally want to explore ID or other evolution “alternatives.” Both Tennessee and Louisiana have passed such laws in recent years, and neither law has been challenged in court. Because the ID-promoting Dover, PA school board was replaced by the time the ruling was issued, Jones’s verdict was never appealed to a higher court. But if there is a next generation evolution trial, it will probably have to address Kitzmiller’s finding that teachin…

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Junior Falwell Unmasked Conservatism; Let’s Thank Him For It

…estern Virginia bolted to the Union. Confederate troops had to occupy east Tennessee to keep it from emulating West Virginia. Winn Parish, Louisiana, refused to secede from the Union. Winston County, Alabama, declared itself the Free State of Winston. Unionist farmers and woodsmen in Jones County, Mississippi, declared the Free State of Jones.” By February 1864, Davis despaired: “Public meetings of treasonable character, in the name of state sover…

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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…rom civil rights laws. This year, Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee passed laws requiring or allowing public schools to display the U.S. motto, “In God We Trust.” The Minnesota legislation, which included an In God We Trust amendment, passed but was vetoed by the governor. Marty expects the issue will be back in some form in 2019. As Project Blitz strategists saw it, they could gain political advantage by getting opponents on the…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…e qua non of the culture wars, the American Family Association. This year, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal replicated that strategy—even though for Perry it apparently reaped no real electoral benefits. For Huckabee, who may well reprise his 2008 run in 2016, it meant bringing a preacher’s style to the campaign trail, which he then parlayed into a lucrative deal with Fox News. In 2004, it meant preachers crisscrossing swing states like Ohio, campa…

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Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’

…role as he and his American Episcopalian guides drove East from Denver to Louisiana, up through South Carolina to Washington DC.  ______________________ RD: A number of American human rights experts have said that the killing and forced displacement of the Ngok Dinka people from Abyei in May, and their replacement by the Arab, northern-aligned Misseriya, constitutes “ethnic cleansing.” Is ethnic cleansing part of what is happening in Kadugli? Sin…

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The Battle for the Meaning of Religious Freedom Day

…emoration—the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. The Tennessee legislature as well as the Michigan House and the Washington House resolutions did manage to state that the Virginia Statute was a forerunner to the First Amendment and, in the case of Michigan, that the bill disestablished the Church of England, though they laded their resolutions with language about God and religion and how various Founding Fathers thought relig…

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New Atheism Produces Another Curiously Uncurious Science v. Religion Book

…ic clash between Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan over whether a Tennessee high-school teacher could tell his students that humans had evolved (the jury ruled no). A couple of pages later, Coyne refers to “the persecutions of Galileo and John Scopes.” The conflation of the two is clumsy—and telling. Equating Scopes with Galileo is, at best, a display of historical ignorance; at worst, it’s an exercise in willful blindness. Galileo was an…

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