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Answers in Genesis Seeks Tax Breaks for New Theme Park

…evelopers of approved projects the sales tax paid by visitors on admission tickets, food, gift sales and lodging costs. Developers have 10 years to reach the 25 percent threshold. Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, says there are concerns over the project, but it’s too early to tell whether the proposed business incentives would be unconstitutional in that it would involve excessive entanglement with r…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…e Futbol, an amateur soccer team from Mexico City whose players are gay; a number of team players have been denied visas to participate in the World Out Games in Miami in May. United Kingdom: Mapping identifies concentrations of LGBT people beyond London While the U.S. Census Bureau will not document the LGBT population in the 2020 census, the UK’s Office for National Statistics has mapped the country’s GLB population for the first time. The surve…

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Sydney’s Anglican Diocese Gives $1 Million To ‘No’ Campaign on Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…tholic Malta,” where “most of the line’s fleet is registered,” reports the Miami Herald. Romania: Marriage-Refusing Clerk Kim Davis Joins Liberty Counsel’s Anti-Marriage Crusade We reported last week on U.S.-based conservative Christian groups supporting Romania’s “illiberal” move to put a ban on same-sex couples marrying into the country’s Constitution. More details have emerged, including the fact that anti-LGBT legal group Liberty Counsel took…

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Is Corrupt, but Liberty U’s Problems Go Far Deeper

…, how, even when presented with photographic evidence of his presence at a Miami night club (Liberty students are prohibited from attending dances), he claimed it was photoshopped; how he dealt out university contracts to family friends; and how he ordered his staff to violate IRS tax code. Falwell’s been able to get away with such behavior partly because he doesn’t fear his board of trustees, which is essentially just a collection of close friend…

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Cherry-Picking in the God Gap: A Post-Election Conversation on the Religious Vote and the Battle to Spin it

…the Republican party over Trump, and…it didn’t happen. We’ll see different numbers floating around (there are as many measures of evangelicals as there are demographers), but preliminary indications are that the white evangelical vote for the GOP dipped little, if at all. Chrissy: Well, Dan, I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to publish a fair bit of media criticism over the course…

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Perry Taps Anti-Gay Crusader and “Prayer Lady” for Florida Team

…and Renewal Project Pastors’ Policy Briefings. Olsen is, according to the Miami Herald, “one of the most plugged-in evangelicals you’ve never heard of in Florida:” She’s the founder and president of the Florida Prayer Network and she and husband Tenney are the pastors and founders of International House of Prayer in Tallahassee. A former higher-up at the Concerned Women for America of Florida, Olsen also served as southeast leader of the National…

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“Biblical” Disaster: Understanding Religion in Haiti

…n the Caribbean. As I watch the drama unfold in Haiti, and feel it here in Miami, the home of the largest Haitian Diaspora in the United States, I cannot help but think of another earthquake, another country. In 1976 a 7.5 earthquake devastated Guatemala, leaving 23,000 dead and over 50,000 injured. My husband, a child at the time, has told me of the silence, the fear that followed this catastrophe. As a scholar of religion, I have often wondered…

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Coulter’s Gay Gig Costs Her Right-Wing Gig

…d Coulter from its speakers lineup for the Take Back America Conference in Miami next month: Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, said the decision was a gut-wrenching one for his team because of their fondness for Coulter as both a person and writer-speaker. “Ultimately, as a matter of principle, it would not make sense for us to have Ann speak to a conference about ‘taking America back’ when she clearly does not recognize tha…

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Coulter Calls WND “Fake Christians”

…n such a spin he canned Ann from the upcoming Taking Back America event in Miami. Now, Coulter is firing back, calling Farah and his cohorts “fake Christians who are trying to get publicity,” during an appearance on the Fox News show The Red Eye. Thanks to her, they’re certainly getting a lot of publicity. Farah responded in a column in WND: Coulter called me a ‘publicity whore’ for my decision. But look who is on television talking about this—thr…

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Cuba Opens its Doors to the Catholic Church

…attendance, as was Archbishop Thomas Wenski and several other priests from Miami. In the wake of the Church’s continued involvement in the release of over fifty political prisoners on the island, last week’s inauguration is a material symbol of the easing tensions between the Cuban government and the Catholic Church. While Castro’s government never officially severed ties with the Vatican, the expulsion of various priests after the triumph of the…

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