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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

…who is married to Liberty Counsel’s (notably more infamous) founder and chairman, Mat Staver, is a licensed attorney and a member of the Florida and Washington, D.C. bars. Her Liberty Counsel bio touts that she is “admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme and 12 federal courts of appeal.” So her urgency in warning supporters about what’s at risk at the Supreme Court could reasonably be considered sincere. Until one continues reading the messa…

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Silence of Latino Religious Leaders Enable GOP Tolerance of Trump Spectacle

…ons—Gustavo Arellano’s recent Politico piece being one of the funniest and best—they don’t bear repeating here. The virtue of Trump’s spectacle is that it rendered the GOP’s inept attempt to reach out to Latinos/as to be as empty as Trump is. The motive for GOP hand-wringing in the wake of the 2012 presidential election was simple. They can count. And you would think my home state of California would offer the GOP some caution. The GOP is dead in…

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The Top 10 (Non-Religious) Religious Films of 2017

…because of its first five minutes, but Wonder Woman continues some of the best of audio-visual storytelling, telling us why Hollywood is the most powerful mythmaker on planet earth today.   8) The Disaster Artist There’s little religion in this film, but James Franco’s quirky project points out the ways films are followed religiously, how they create their own worlds that people find meaning and purpose within. Tommy Wiseau is shown to be a fanat…

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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…ores Huerta. To my mind these leaders and all of the Elders constitute the best of the best in respect to role in shaping progressive social thought and redemptive nonviolent action. But there were two problems: (1) large numbers of Occupiers “don’t know much about history” and thus had no idea who was in their midst, and (2) large numbers of MSM people “don’t know much about history,” either, and thus found it possible to treat the Elders’ declar…

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Personhood Ohio Claims Bible Dictates Criminal Penalties for Abortion

…e for the claim that a compilation of ancient texts is also an instruction book for 2011… no, in this case it is actually not clear. You wouldn’t know it to read this translation—in which what happens to the fetus is translated as a “premature delivery,” presumably resulting in a live birth—but that translation is contested. Some biblical translators believe it is more truly rendered “a miscarriage.” (The bit about “no lasting harm follows to the…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…time to change churches. In Baltimore, symbolic gestures on the pulpit are best complemented by concrete actions in our streets. Their hands forced, some of Baltimore’s black churches have stepped up to meet this demand. Prayer walks have been held by congregations at the same Penn-North intersection where CNN and others incessantly broadcasted images of a torched CVS as if it were a dying human being. In warmer months, New Bethlehem Baptist Churc…

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Where Polls and Surveys Fall Short: A Conversation with Robert Wuthnow on “Inventing American Religion”

…igious practitioners and scholars alike. Robert Wuthnow is professor and chair of the Department of Sociology at Princeton University. The Cubit recently reached out to him by phone to discuss Jimmy Carter, the “Nones,” and guidelines for interpreting poll data about religion. This interview has been edited for clarity and length. Andrew Aghapour: How did polls become a significant tool for understanding American religion, and what made them so at…

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This Is How You Lose Them: Why “Generation Z” Won’t Be Flocking To Churches Anytime Soon

…easibility of White’s goal of bringing in Gen Z successfully is dubious at best, as many churches are not meaningfully addressing the social issues that matter the most to Gen Z. How they lost Millennials is exactly how they will lose the tweens. White is correct in saying “the church simply has too many blind spots,” but again, it’s a glaring omission to not name some of those blind spots, particularly when it comes to evangelicalism’s increasing…

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First Congregational UCC, Ripon Wisconsin

Cheese State Reality Check: On The Wisconsin Idea and the Social Gospel

…on works in Bascom Hall, and the Bascom dairy on campus sells probably the best ice cream in the state. Likewise Charles Van Hise, the long-serving president of the UW is remembered with a hall where generations of students have studied foreign languages. People outside of Badgerland might be more familiar with Robert “Fighting Bob” LaFollette, founder of the Progressive Party in the early 20th century, and still today an inspiration to lefties. E…

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Inspired by the Anti-Abortion Movement and QAnon, Anti-Trans Rhetoric is a Blatant Call for Violence

…t transgender healthcare and LGBTQIA+ rights; these all draw from that playbook. All of these components–physical assaults, book banning, and legislation–are reminiscent of the Nazi assaults on the German trans community. The new playbooks also use the same narratives the Christian Right used on gay people in the past, the same made-up logic about transness or gayness as a “social contagion.” Because gay or trans people can’t reproduce, their lie…

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