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The Many, Not the Few: An Anthem for Occupy

…orce of which he balanced against a core commitment to what he calls “true freedom,” an idea of radical nonattachment to particular belief systems through a rigorous, regular questioning of, well, everything—perhaps especially what is spinning in your mind in charged moments like the one in which Makana had found himself that evening in Waikiki. “I found it odd,” he says, “that I was afraid to [sing “We Are the Many”] at first. I found it disturbi…

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Does Atheism Have a Misogyny Problem?

…of meta-humor, however, it was clear that the heated argument had taken a toll on the atheist and skeptic community. But the internet explosion wasn’t without its benefits. If you had managed to elbow your way through the melee without getting splattered by stray mudslinging, or accidentally whacked by someone going to town on a straw man, you might have noticed some genuinely thoughtful, nuanced ethical discussions taking place. For the most par…

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Why Liberal Religious Arguments Fail

…all eager to tell us how gruesome the unemployment and discouraged worker numbers continue to be, and how desperation and depression are taking their toll for millions who struggle for a livelihood. If there is any passion at all in these recitations, it is a passion in the head. Better than none, I suppose. But if we want to galvanize people who themselves are not struggling around the grim state of the economy, reeling off the facts won’t cut i…

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Desert Prophet of Salvation Mountain Wants to Share his Life Story

…abs from New Mexico, he came by Salvation Mountain one day and noticed the toll the harsh life was taking on Leonard. So, he went back to New Mexico, rented out his house, bought a camper and moved to the Colorado Desert where he has lived since, taking care of Leonard, making sure he eats and stays cool. A month ago, just as the temperatures were beginning their climb past the 100-degree mark, Eubank arranged for Leonard to move into the town of…

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Monks With Guns: Discovering Buddhist Violence

…g was the last thing on their minds. The constant fear and violence took a toll on them. Monks talked about the guns they had bought and now kept at their bedsides. Others spoke heatedly about the violent militant attacks on Buddhist civilians and monasteries. Although the cause of the violence is multilayered—owing much to corruption, drug trade, and corporatization—many monks also felt Islam was to blame. In their minds, the conflict was anchore…

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Christian Cults and Vampire Zombies: Stake Land is Scary and Smart

…oach: it can’t be reconciled.”   Thankfully, that nihilism takes a greater toll on the characters in Stake Land than it does on the viewer. While Martin, Mister and the other survivors they encounter must endure the onslaught of the Brotherhood—a radicalized Christian cult that commandeers aircraft from which to drop captured vampire-zombies into the last redoubts of civil order—they also pass through rural landscapes that have begun to reclaim th…

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Will the Religious Side with Workers?

…American South or to the Global South, took their predictable devastating toll on private-sector unionism. Surging public sector unionism during this same period saved the American labor movement from complete collapse. But now these public sector unions are also under the gun in a big way. So my question persists: Where were the vast majority of American religious leaders during these decades of attacks on workers and their organizations? It’s n…

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The H Word

…luding letters from thousand of academicians supporting Kushner’s right to freedom of expression, causing the CUNY board to reinstate Kushner’s honorary degree. Wiesenfeld’s obsession with finding ‘anti-Semites’ everywhere has been well-chronicled in the press and he even told the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg that “my mother would have called Tony Kushner a kapo.” As Wiesenfeld’s mother survived a concentration camp, it seems that he feels entitled…

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God Bless Islam with Courageous Leadership

…ve, through silence and inaction, invited a plague of craven violence on a number of Muslim societies. In a manner of speaking, in many places, the asylum is in charge of the mosque. Religious leaders are more interested in cowing to public adulation through demagoguery than in showing courage and exhorting people to piety and sanity. Check if the sermon in the`Id al-Fitr (End of Fasting) sermon at your mosque hinted at the cowardly acts of al-Qae…

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The Theo-logic Behind Pat Robertson’s Offense

…ered Haiti impoverished for decades. Natural disaster places an unbearable toll on an already weakened infrastructure. Christians have noted this, but have placed the blame on economic or political sources rather than allowing a place for the impetus that Christianity gives to ideas of manifest destiny and global capitalism. Instead of putting a bandage over Pat Robertson’s social faux pas, though, we should allow the wound to remain exposed a whi…

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