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Times’ Link of NOI With Capitol Killer is Based on Flawed Comparison Between Rightwing Christian Nationalism and Black Religious Nationalism

…n the opinion of the Southern Poverty Law Center to explain the beliefs of African-American religious groups, it often relies on a flawed and completely problematic interpretation of African-American religions that do not place an integrationist ethos at the center of their worldview. Because these groups employ racial mythologies that condemn the racism that forms the cultural matrix of their lived experience. The media, anti-hate organizations,…

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Obama’s Preaching Doesn’t Reach

…n for breakfast,” are just two examples of how Obama deploys this racially-coded rhetorical strategy. The president’s behavior since taking office towards the African American community has been either to tell black folks to get in line and get to work, or gee, I love ya’ll, but I need your vote. If only he would speak to Republicans and Tea Partiers in the same harsh manner. All of this has come at a time when the president’s approval ratings hav…

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

…volunteer, there is a new description accompanying it: Martin Ssempa, FWI African Coordinator (volunteer)—Martin Ssempa was associated with Family Watch International because of his extensive work with youth promoting abstinence-based HIV education in Uganda. This association ended when Family Watch became aware of Mr. Ssempa’a support of the proposed law in Uganda calling for the execution of homosexuals who engaged in “aggravated homosexuality”…

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Poets and Preachers: How Black Literature Blurs the Lines Between Sacred and Secular

…he same time, I don’t want to reinforce another misconception: namely that African Americans are all, by disposition, naturally religious, or more religious than the general population. There is no singular sacred/secular line that African Americans either embrace or resist. As is the case with all human beings, black folks have and continued to mark the boundaries between the religious and the secular, as well as to blur the presumed lines betwee…

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Post-Election, “Is The Black Church Dead?” Redux

…r primaries), and two are heading to Congress. Tim Scott will be the first African-American Republican to represent South Carolina in Congress since Reconstruction. (He beat out Strom Thurmond’s son in the primaries.) Iraq war veteran Allen West will be headed to Congress from Florida, despite having been fined for improperly firing his weapon to force information from a detainee while serving in Iraq, and for his connections to a criminal motorcy…

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“Let’s Get in Formation”: Beyoncé’s Spiritual Call for Black Resistance

…tian practices are mixed. Religious and cultural hybridity are part of the African experience, part of the African American experience, and part of the black experience. The fact that Beyoncé plays the figure of the priestess throughout, and a zealous male plays the figure of the black preacher should not be overlooked. These two figures are the heart of the black community. Black women have always been healers and “sha-women.” Black women have al…

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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…the money.” The fact of the matter is, not so much has changed since 1967. African Americans under the first African-American president have watched the bottom fall out of the black middle class. What will the 2012 election change about this situation? Perhaps it is time for the churches to begin to “mic check” MLK’s words on poverty, in addressing all of our branches of government, in order to bring about Kings’s Beloved Community.   Kerry Pimblo…

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The Age of Dhikr

…route into Islam at the end of the 20th century for more white Americans. African Americans came to Islam at the beginning of the 20th century, for various reasons. African Americans are minorities within the American Sufi communities. These communities are mostly populated by white Americans and the should-be-hyphenated-Muslim immigrants and their descendants. I don’t consider Sufism about race politics. In addition, generally these communities…

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The Ghost of Rev. Wright

…mney’s campaign has to figure out how to tap into disaffected conservative African Americans and Latino Christians who may actually vote for him, despite the fact that the Mormon ban on African Americans in the priesthood existed until 1978. On race, Romney so far has leaned heavily on his father’s narrative and the participation in the civil rights movement, while sidestepping actually opposing the ban, citing only his happiness about the lifting…

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Anglican Church To Install First Female African Bishop

…ght that do not ordain women, three are in continental Africa. Another two African provinces ordain women only to the diaconate, restricting their access to the priesthood and the episcopacy. The ACSA, however, has maintained a more progressive practice with regard to women that reflects the generally more liberal South African approach to social issues. The consecration service for Wamukoya will be presided over by current ACSA Archbishop Thabo M…

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