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Hell in a Cell: ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ Reflects the Growing Belief That Cocksure Men Will Save Us in the Battle of Good v. Evil

…to introduce a match called “hell in a cell.” The message from this cross-promotion seems clear: exorcism isn’t a matter of prayer so much as it is a spectacle pitting man against demon. Ironically, however, Slate’s Molly Olmstead argues that this is why the real-life exorcists of the IAE did not like the film. “Many exorcists will try to present an exorcism not as a dramatic battle with the devil,” she writes, “but as a boring task—and a simple…

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Following Republican Playbook, German Conservatism Breaks the Post-WWII Taboo

…Poschardt isn’t alone. One of his head writers, Anna Schneider, has lauded Jordan Peterson and Argentinian anarcho-fascist Javier Milei, who welcomes comparisons with Trump and Bolsonaro; sees socialists as “enemies of humanity”; denies climate change; has close ties to the Christian Right; wants to ban abortion, and supports unrestricted gun ownership. Schneider, who Die Welt has comically named “chief freedom reporter,” tweeted gushingly about M…

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Mike Johnson isn’t Just Your Average Christian Right Avatar — He’s Influenced by Fringe Movements Unfamiliar to Most Political Analysts

…in Congress Johnson worked for 10 years as a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian Right powerhouse and SPLC-designated “hate group.” The ADF advocates for the disenfranchisement of and discrimination against LGBTQ people and seeks to criminalize abortion—it was the driving force behind the fall of Roe v. Wade, which protected the right to abortion, last summer. Constitutional attorney (and fellow RD correspondent) Andrew Seidel warns…

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Indie Catholicism is Real: Married Clergy, LGBT Ordination, and Sacramental Justice for All

…but without formal connection to the pope in Rome. They make decisions as free-standing communities and “just do it.” A woman called to the priesthood can get ordained. Divorced-and-remarried people can take communion. A Catholic and Buddhist couple can have a sacramental marriage. A lesbian couple can have their baby baptized. Independents do this “sacramental justice” work every day—and not just within their own churches. In fact, independent C…

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WikiLacks: Did Clinton Campaign Mock Catholics? Not Really

…ng their kids Catholic, noting that Murdoch even had his kids baptized “in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.” Halpin went on to say, “Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the [Supreme Court] and think tanks to the media and social groups.” This isn’t a “mocking” of Catholics or an attack on them, it’s merely an observation of the fact that while most people associate poli…

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Female Deacons: Pope Francis Walks It Back, Women Clergy Weigh In

…that prohibits females from sacramental authority in the church.” The Rev. Jordan Ware, also an Episcopal priest, mentions that the Roman Catholic Church is a “sister church” to the Anglican Communion of which she’s a part, and adds that deacons in the Episcopal church “remind the Church what’s going on in the world and what the Church ought to be doing to serve the needy. Deacons also read the Gospel during worship “because they’re the ones who k…

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Snake-Handlers, False Messiahs, and a Few Great Souls: 14 Who Died in 2014

…ican religious history, including There Is a River: The Black Struggle for Freedom in America and Martin Luther King: An Inconvenient Hero, Harding taught at Illiff School of Theology in Denver, Colo. for more than 20 years. Nelson Bunker Hunt A Texas billionaire remembered mostly for his business exploits, Nelson Bunker Hunt bankrolled the religious right. He underwrote many Campus Crusade’s projects, including the 1967 “Berkley Blitz,”the $6 mil…

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Because God Tells Me So; Do Jews Have a “Historic Right” to Israel?

…up… “Palestine is our land and nation from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river, from north to south, and we cannot cede an inch or any part of it,” he said. –Al Jazeera, Dec. 9, 2012   Last week B’nai Jeshurun (a.k.a. BJ), an independent progressive synagogue in Manhattan, made the front page of the New York Times after its leadership sent a membership-wide email applauding the UN vote granting Palestinians non-member “state” status. Whi…

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…k on 30 Rock, Cornel West made a quick cameo as a coach to a baffled Tracy Jordan, who insisted on referring to his eminent guest as Questlove—a mistake loaded with resonance.  For the rest of us, Cornel West is an instantly recognizable, even ubiquitous presence. Some know Brother West from bestselling books like Race Matters; some know him as the Harvard professor who battled with President Lawrence Summers (and lost); some know him from The Mat…

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The General’s Son Recounts Very Different Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

…“push Israel’s eastern border to its natural location on the banks of the Jordan River.” The occupying army cleared the way for civilian settlers who still use the mythic version of the 1967 events to claim an “inalienable right” to all that land. “Israel legitimately seized the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria in self-defense,” they argue, ignoring the historical evidence. “Israel’s moral claim to these territories, and the right of Isr…

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