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Creationism and Evolution are Competing ‘Myths’

…ctions overlap significantly. While initially the ichthys symbol may have simply conveyed the owner’s identity as a Christian, the popular circulation of the Darwin variant seems to have narrowed the original’s semantic range in such a way that it now signifies a commitment to the creationist narrative over and against the evolutionist narrative. Thus one finds the ichthys symbol inscribed with the word “truth,” as well as other modifications, inc…

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Would Tea Partiers Consider Jefferson a Heretic?

…o the state ratifying conventions, where they urged state delegates not to sign on. As Ed quotes from the book: If there was little debate in Philadelphia over the “no religious test” clause, a veritable firestorm broke out in the country at large during the ratification conventions in each of the states. Outraged Protestants attacked what they saw, correctly, as a godless Constitution. The “no religious test” clause was perceived by many to be th…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…legitimately held by civil government (because God didn’t grant it) and it promotes inflation, which he says is nothing more than theft from those who are not in debt in favor of those who are. Many of North’s works are popularly accessible and have made their way into fundamentalist church Bible studies, as well as homeschool and Christian school curriculum. He lectures on these issues at American Vision’s annual Worldview Super Conferences and h…

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Hajj Journal: Friday Salat al Jumu’ah in Haram al-Sharif

…she made a rift in our united efforts. What I mean is, the other women by sign language agreed with me to keep our space. At first they were going to lift up their prayer rugs when shifted by the security guards, but then I gave them the eye and also told the guard in Arabic, “We’re a group (of ladies) here.” Why should we move? To understand how this works, try to remember we are dealing in numbers of devotees so far from manageable that it almo…

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Israeli Forest Fire as Divine Punishment, Religious Leaders (From Both Sides) Agree

…strous levels… The warning sign sent from above joins the previous warning sign, when we are already in the midst of drought. These warning signs are sent to wake us, to prod the sleeping from their sleep… Each one must come to conclusions and drive crookedness from his heart.” Israel’s most prominent ultra-orthodox rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, had a more specific explanation: “Fire exists only in a place where the Sabbath is desecrated,” he read from the…

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Muslim Brotherhood: Protect Churches; Mufti Exempts Egyptians from Friday Prayer

…rmy feels everything is calm enough that people should stop. That’s a good sign, one hopes. On the other hand: there are huge fears about what might happen after Friday prayers tomorrow. Particularly around Tahrir Square. People were talking about a bloodbath ensuing, after the violence of the last couple of days. Others were hearing reports that at least on Thursday night, the protestors were fairly few in number in comparison to before. No one r…

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I Ate A Bowl of Soup, and Now I’m Muslim

…that Campbell’s Soup Canada is a introducing a series of halal soups is a sign that Muslims are taking over the U.S. and imposing shari’ah to make everyone Muslim. The Revealer has a great series on the (mis)uses of the term shari’ah that points out that there is no one thing called shari’ah, and it does not mean what its popular critics think it means. My friend Peter Bebergal has a piece on how the same sort of simplistic thinking has infected…

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Oppressed Women Need Liberation

…, with some seeing it as a positive development, and others seeing it as a sign of “sexual deviancy” and commanding religious divorces for women wearing burqas. Husbands are apparently unsupportive, dictating that their wives should dress as men see fit. When I first ran across this story in the summer, via Talk Islam, I said: Jewish women want to wear the burqa for modesty and the religious authorities say to be modest is a sign of sexual devianc…

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Beyond Retribution: Bin Laden’s Death in its Cosmic Context

…ur crime, you will not experience remorse. In this sense real remorse is a sign of coming into alignment with the good, of coming to care about the true and the right. In short, it is a sign of moral redemption. Hungering for Redemption And so my theory is this: at the root of our desire for retribution is the wish that those who have wronged us feel the full weight of what they have done, suffering remorse proportionate in severity to the gravity…

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Palin Bus Tour Like Gideon’s Fleece

…on sets fleece on a threshing floor, using it as a way of asking God for a sign whether or not to go into battle against the Midianites. God gives Gideon the sign to smite the Midianites and to do battle with his Baal-worshiping neighbors. Setting down Gideon’s fleece, then, in contemporary Pentecostal interpretations, is a way for believers to seek God’s approval for their own ambitions or “calling,” and to claim they are carrying out God’s purpo…

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