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Jews and Muslims Join Forces for Academic Freedom

…n Middle East Reporting in America). CAMERA fellows are paid to create pro-Israel activities on campuses, and to challenge “propagandistic assaults on Israel” from groups like Students for Justice in Palestine. Vessal was just doing his job. Organizations like CAMERA are part of a well-funded network that sees universities as battlegrounds to pursue the strategic initiative known in Hebrew as hasbara (propaganda or public relations, depending on y…

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Talking Justice on Twitter: “We Are Breaking Down Barriers”

…losest ally Israel has, pretending to be an honest broker between its ally Israel and the nation Israel is oppressing. We also debate the words of leaders. On American television, Mr. Netanyahu says that he wants peace, regrets the death of Gazans, and is for a two-state solution. But, when the same man, Mr. Netanyahu, is in Israel, he says there will never be a two-state solution, he will never relinquish security control west of the Jordan River…

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A Rabbi And An Imam Write Together About Israel and Gaza

…uld disturb all people of faith. The only moral path to a solution between Israelis and Palestinians (Israeli Jewish/Muslim/Christian and Palestinian Muslim/Christian) will be dialogue and negotiation. This is a long and arduous path, but the faith that grounds our traditions can sustain the slow evolution of history. The current conflict is an outgrowth of over a century of opposing narratives and ideological differences that no military operatio…

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Racist Hanukkah

…n conflict, and actively soliciting African-American Christian support for Israel. In the face of the worsening racial situation in Israel, how will these outreaches continue without questions and scrutiny? How will they respond when African Americans begin to ask questions about the treatment of African refugees in Israel? The issue of immigration for many nations, including Israel, is fraught. When the immigration issue becomes racialized, it es…

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Kosher Nukes: Israeli PM Consults with Radical Rabbi on Iran Strike

…allah Khameni supported and confirmed that sentiment, dubbing the State of Israel “a cancerous tumor.”   Once upon a time Israeli government officials distanced themselves from outrageous pronouncements like Rabbi Yosef’s 2005 remarks about the ‘causes’ of Hurricane Katrina and his 2010 prayer for the death of the Palestinian leadership, but no longer.   Within a few days of news of the government’s consultation with Rabbi Yosef, the Israeli press…

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Goldstone 2.0: God Plays No Favorites

…er. The world must hold Hamas responsible for the unconscionable murder of Israeli civilians. Nothing justifies sending rockets into residential areas. But Israel, as the occupying power, and the one with the strong standing army, must bear responsibility for protecting the civilians who live under its rule. For those deeply involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, every development becomes an opportunity for propaganda. Some who define thems…

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RDBook: Is Zionism Anti-Semitic?: Zizek’s Violence

…only Zizek could be reduced so easily, let alone constitute the threat to Israeli statehood that the Israeli journalist feared him to be. But Zizek’s views on the Arab-Israeli conflict are so finely attuned to inter-Jewish debate that his opinions read like those of an insider, and reviews of his books often land in Israeli tabloids. Such will surely be the case with Zizek’s restatement of his critique of “anti-anti-Semitism” in his latest book,…

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Glenn Beck: The One-Man Answer to the Two-State Solution

…tion that cuts off Jerusalem.” Beck called upon his followers to gather in Israel this August. Because that’s one thing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict needs: Glenn Beck and his fans wading into the middle of it. Here at RD, Anthea Butler plumbed Beck’s motivations: Although a Mormon, Beck’s beliefs appear here to be more aligned with conservative Christian beliefs regarding the end-times, and a particular reading of the Book of Revelation that l…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…waste American money to buy their expensive oil when we could have our own cheap oil?” “Why is he trying to make rich people poor?” “How is it right to punish rich people for working hard and realizing the American Dream?” It was late on a Friday night and I was tired, so I half-heartedly responded by explaining that there are other factors to consider in every charged question she’d been armed with. But I wondered, “Why the hell was the Salvation…

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Burning Man: Religious Event or Sheer Hedonism?

…llar annual budget is funded almost exclusively by ticket sales, and these tickets are not cheap (ranging this year, for example, from $210-$300 depending on time of purchase). This pays for the basic infrastructure as well as expenses like a hefty per-person/per-day use fee charged by the Bureau of Land Management. In addition, a significant portion of each year’s budget is set aside to fund many of the large-scale art installations various parti…

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