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How Does an Atheist Come to Believe in God?: An Interview with Jacob Needleman

…ow profound—and how distorted it had become, how shallow it had become. So more and more I got deeply interested in religion because I had to teach it. And then I got personally interested in my own personal, spiritual search which I started to undertake. Which came to you by happenstance, as you describe it. Yes, by happenstance. There’s a long story there too. I encountered the particular teaching of Gurdjieff when I was quite young, in college,…

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Gay Marriage Opponents Running on Empty

…Baltimore. At the first, about a dozen volunteers spent the night making almost 300 phone calls and collecting pledges of volunteer support and contributions from 50 new supporters. Add that to the five other locations holding similar phone banks or collecting post cards of support, and I’m sure we easily got our 300 today. In addition, Equality Maryland hosted an interfaith meeting to mobilize supportive faith leaders. It was so great to see such…

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My Lowest Point

…maghrib, which is permitted for women and the disabled. We ended up on the most modern bus of all the bus rides until then, or later. It cost only 20 riyal. I was so happy I paid for all five of us. My roommate tried to get me to take her money, but I started crying, this time from joy, “I was afraid I would not be able to complete my hajj!” Things turned around from that point, and this party of five would see me through until my entire visit to…

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Will Catholic Voters Support LGBT Rights in Washington State?

…the decision will be made. We are participating in a Catholic-to-Catholic phone bank that Washington United for Marriage has set up on Wednesday nights and we assist with the larger phone bank at the Jewish synagogue downtown. A great deal of our work is communicating with Catholics on our email list and Facebook. As a Catholic, how does your faith shape your views on marriage for LGBT people? My faith blossomed in the 1960s after Vatican II. I h…

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A Tale of Religious Tolerance… On Reddit

…happened next speaks volumes of Reddit contributors. Although many of the mostly white, liberal, and somewhat-educated young male audience showed their ignorance for diverse religious values, most bit back. Reddit peers verbally tore “european_douchebag” apart, castigating him for not only taking a creepy smartphone picture of an innocent young woman, but for taunting her based on her physical appearance—a physical appearance that, in her mind (t…

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How To Talk To “Nones” and Influence People: Rob Bell’s Transrational Experience

…nwelcome in my community, something that was “sending me backwards.” I had moved to North Carolina almost a year before, from New York, in order to get my PhD in religion at UNC Chapel Hill. A good Northeastern liberal, I’d read the warning articles in The New Republic before I went, and I knew the Tea Party had taken over the state, but I could not have imagined something like the “bathroom bill,” or HB2. When I sat in Bell’s audience in Durham i…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…rst airport lounge, Newsweek in the second. Against a backdrop of shouting mobs, smoke and fire, Time’s headline reads: THE AGENTS OF OUTRAGE An embassy attacked. Diplomats murdered. The new calculus of violence against America. Published on September 13, its author is Bobby Ghosh, senior editor for Time International. Then, from the echo chamber, Newsweek followed suit on September 17 with a controversial cover featuring a closeup of two shouting…

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Mormons Prepare to March in LGBT Pride Parades Nationwide

…land, Boise, San Francisco, and Salt Lake City, members of three different Mormon contingents—Mormons Building Bridges, Mormons for Marriage Equality, and Affirmation: Gay and Lesbian Mormons—will walk during the month of June. (Find complete details on LDS pride parade contingents here.) First up is June 3, Salt Lake City. I spoke with Erika Munson, organizer of Salt Lake City’s Mormons Building Bridges group, a contingent of at least 100 self-de…

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Conservative Rep Grills Oklahoma Personhood Sponsors

…rian Crain, the sponsors of SB-1433, have both taken, and it strikes me as more and more bizarre the more I hear it. If the bill is intended only to express a certain position, and if Billy and Crain are both confident that that position leaves birth control and IVF alone… well, why not say that? A “statement of purpose” would, one presumes, be a great place to… oh, I dunno… STATE YOUR PURPOSE. Guys, it’s not like there’s a maximum word count. Unl…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…them, that’s when you laugh,” said Norris. “Laughter” doesn’t always mean “mockery,” she continued. More often, laughter is a way of “allowing those contradictions in” which can lead “to a deeper understanding.” She likened it to a relationship: “It’s like loving somebody because you think they’re perfect and wonderful and you don’t want to see any of their faults or loving them and knowing that they have those faults.” The creators of A Game for…

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