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The Left Behind: Why Are White American Christians So Racist?

…koned with, even in the most progressive denominations. In that sense, his book may serve as a welcome call to repentance to Christians who think their church is doing better on racial issues than it really is. But will White Too Long be able to provoke change on a broader, more systemic level? I’m less sure of that. Obviously, there aren’t too many white churches where people sit around on Sunday morning talking about ways to do a racism in the c…

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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…now is this: how can we wage this battle even more effectively? How can we best shield ourselves from the inevitable onslaughts of predatory journalists, readers, and politicians who prefer “fake news” over evidence-based, critical discussions on religion and society? How can we more fully reap the rewards of living dangerously? It is not about policing our tone or maintaining respectability. On the contrary, I beg public intellectuals: do not san…

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What is Community?

…too complex. One of the passages I was reading refers to the ummah of the Book. I found that interesting. Interesting because I had to think what it meant. Is it like the “people of the book” in the Qur’an, thereby identifying only the Abrahamic religions with each a distinct ummah? Especially when the Qur’an also commands us (humans? Muslims?) to be the “best ummah“; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate or balanced way (i.e. not the extre…

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Katy Perry’s Evangelical Hangover

…ssarily so obvious. As Harvard historian David Hempton has observed in his book Evangelical Disenchantment, prominent artists who’ve shaped the larger culture include fairly few faithful evangelicals, but a decent number of people who’ve fallen away from those churches. Oddly enough, though, these latter figures tend to bear marks of the religious tradition that formed them, including a dislike of spiritual rigidity and a fervent sense of social m…

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Ummah: Solitude and Connection

…too complex. One of the passages I was reading refers to the ummah of the Book. I found that interesting. Interesting because I had to think, what it meant. Is it like the “people of the book” in the Qur’an, thereby identifying only the Abrahamic religions with each a distinct ummah? Especially when the Qur’an also commands us (humans? Muslims?) to be the “best ummah”; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate, or balanced way (i.e. not the ext…

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An Interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin on the Feminist and Abolitionist Founder Who Has Slipped into a Memory Hole

…Harlow Giles Unger told an audience at the National Archives that “history books, especially high school and elementary school history books, have sought to make Thomas Paine a virtual non person . . . to avoid antagonizing church leaders, churchgoers, and public officials.” That’s why, added Unger, he wrote his biography of Paine. Downey sees the memorial as righting that wrong: “We as a nation have to atone for this attempt to diminish his legac…

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Satanic FOIA Reveals Deep Confusion About 1st Amendment

The Satanic Temple, best known for its offer to build a monument to Satan in an attempt to challenge the Constitutionality of a Ten Commandments monument in Oklahoma, recently filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain any correspondence surrounding the issue. Lucien Greaves, the Temple’s organizer, sent me over a hundred letters, petitions, and audio files of voice mail messages addressed to the Oklahoma Capital Preservation Com…

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How the Religious (and ‘Nones’) Vote May Tip 6 Swing States

…s a tough nut to crack. For a faith outreach director it would probably be best to do little more than the ordinary outreach to keep things close in the York-Lancaster-Harrisburg corridor, and try like hell to turn out the Philadelphia suburbs. Expect a lot of stops at mainline churches on the Main Line. North Carolina: Second only to Florida on this list for social complexity, but one thing is for certain: at 73% approval for Trump, North Carolin…

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Do Not Arrest the Pope: New Atheists’ Call for the Pope’s Arrest Isn’t Likely to Produce Justice

…ens and Dawkins might be able to milk this legal maneuvering for increased book sales and further accolades by their own constituencies, they do so at a very high cost. The bifurcating ideology to which both men cleave—one that places enlightened atheism and benighted religion into two hostile and irreconcilable camps—is dangerously infectious. The more successful Hitchens and Dawkins are in pursuing their current efforts against the Pope, the mor…

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Mitt Romney Plays the Tin Man at the NAACP Convention

…ere possible to fully communicate what I believe is in the real, enduring, best interest of African-American families, you would vote for me for president.” Well, Mitt, we really don’t understand who you truly are in your heart. You don’t know how to show us what’s really there. And If you can’t fully communicate what you believe is best for African Americans at the NAACP convention, you can’t do it anywhere. So what was this speech about? I belie…

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