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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

Can Faith-Based Organizing for Gun Control Work?

…ronmentalists and evangelicals) draws media attention, that alone does not change minds, mobilize activists, or create a movement capable of pressing for viable change. The Creation Care movement collapsed, Bean and Teles argue, because it “lacked mobilized power, a base of organized supporters with intense policy demands, willing to engage in sustained conflict.” In the end, Bean said last month during a panel discussion of the paper, the movemen…

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Of God, But Not God: A Methodist Minister Speaks About Church’s Refusal to Open Its Doors to LGBT

…we’re close to 40% clergywomen in Oregon-Idaho now. Wow, that’s an amazing change. Yeah. And have people’s attitudes towards clergywomen changed over that time? Definitely. But my gender has always been an issue. People have always left the churches where I’ve served because I’m a woman. The reality is that I’ve had to be better at my job than my male counterparts. I’ve had to work harder. I’ve been willing to do that. And I have for the most part…

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Vatican Enlists Allies Against Gay Marriage; Iranian Gays Pushed to Change Gender; And More in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…attitude of permanently defending the status quo, but life is always about change,” Mujica said in an interview with USA TODAY. “Instead of modifying our laws so people can live, we try to change how they live. It’s like fighting against the wind — it’s useless.” Some Uruguayans are shocked at how quickly things have changed. And many, echoing the voices of so many around Latin America, are sickened by it. “It’s a horror,” said Mercedes Arcos, 66,…

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Can Religion Professors Save the Planet?

…of the correlation between religious affiliation and attitudes to climate change. (White Protestant men – the GOP base? – were most skeptical of human influence upon climate change, for instance.) Now, while such information does advance understanding, such studies are almost never done under the auspices of the AAR, an organization made up of theologians and humanists. The Society of the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR), meanwhile, is populat…

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By The Numbers: Jeb Opposes Francis on Climate Change at His Peril

…ike Bush’s: the total donations from well-heeled donors opposed to climate change legislation. But there’s a little more to it than that. Bush doesn’t have much to worry about in a Catholic backlash. Here’s why. Majorities of Catholics across the board say that global warming is “somewhat” or “very much” of a problem: But when asked whether they thought climate change was real, and if so what causes it, a difference appears among Catholics: just 3…

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Ignoring the Pope on Climate Change is Not Like Using Contraception

…arry whomever they choose, regardless of gender.” The construal of climate change as divorced from morality is, as I argued in a previous piece, a fundamental misunderstanding of Catholic social doctrine. This is unfortunate coming from any member of the Catholic church, but especially from those in public life. Nevertheless, Catholics are entitled to loyally dissent from non-infallible papal teachings, including this encyclical. The role of Catho…

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Republican Scandals Drag Secretive ‘Family’ Into the Big Time

…ervision (which was granted)—Colson wrote: “That which I found I could not change or affect in a political or managerial way, I found could be changed by the force of a personal relationship that men develop in a common bond to Christ.” That which he could not achieve through politics, he could achieve through the spirituality of The Family. Colson, like Abraham Vereide and Doug Coe, Vereide’s successor as leader of The Family, became an admirer o…

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Trump is a Nightmare, Sure, But Can He Actually Do Anything?

…OJ’s religious freedom memos issued earlier this month—cannot unilaterally change existing law, only clarify it. “The guidances don’t articulate new law,” Gupta explained. But such guidance is intended to inform policy-making, and does generally reflect the legal judgment of the DOJ—which is why the latest religious freedom memos give Gupta pause. Calling that guidance “fairly dangerous,” Gupta pointed to the fact that the latest DOJ memo “creates…

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Has Sojourners Really Changed its Policy on
Gay Ads?

…this appears to be a positive direction for the publication’s advertising policy around LGBT issues, which has been less than inclusive in the past, it is unclear whether it signals a real shift in Sojourners’ stated desire to avoid the issue via paid advertising. It is increasingly important that progressive Christians take a firm unambiguous stand and decide they want fellow Christians to welcome the LGBT community in the church.” It is that “f…

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Pence Defends US Immigration Policy in Guatemala … Using Scripture

…akes some nerve to defend the Trump administration’s senseless immigration policy to Central American leaders, but that’s Pence for you. Manafort knew what he was doing when he selected that dead-eyed Opie from Indy. The man could lie about the dead grandmother in his basement and not break the plastic in his smile. After this speech, though, I’d want to run a metal detector over Pence’s zipper to check for brass castings. “Do justice and love kin…

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