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Image of Hubert Aiwanger, Bavaria's deputy premier speaking at a podium.

Holocaust Humor and The ‘Real’ Germany — As Top Officials Shatter Post-WWII Taboos, German Conservatives Follow GOP Playbook and Charge Ahead

…avaria—a Southern, very Catholic and quite conservative state—are just the latest evidence of a global right-wing resurgence and should be recognized as yet another warning that a significant shift in German conservatism is underway. It’s also a sign that Germans—many of whom shake their heads incredulously at what they perceive to be the antics of the U.S. far-right—should finally start paying attention to what’s happening in their own country. “…

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Gordon Gekko Gets God: The Heritage Foundation of Theology

…keep up with those Joneses) we were okay with it. It is only now that the latest and largest financial bubble has burst that we are beginning to break through our perceptual bubble to wonder whether entrusting our fates to self-interested and unregulated moneymen was really such a great idea. But I would not count on, say, the bad odor now adhering to the word “banker” to lead to our deliverance from the bankers’ grip. To imagine that we can esca…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…omanage. Intoxicated by the prospect of total situation awareness that the latest satellites and computer networks offer, they still insist on the possibility of running a war from thousands of miles away. Nowhere is this habit more evident than in the unmanned drones that chase the Taliban with Hellfire missiles, controlled by pilots safe and sound in the Nevada desert. With every headline about a village full of civilians pulverized by these mac…

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PFOX Accuses PTA of being PC

…scriminated against, it’s because the jig is up, and with Rekers being the latest in a line of “ex-gay” proponents defecting from the program or being outed as being what they profess to cure, the National PTA can spot a charlatan. Griggs isn’t done yet, though. This rejection can only mean one thing: “The PTA has become a left-wing advocacy group instead of serving the needs of all children,” said Griggs. Hardly. Only a quick gander at the speake…

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Don’t Laugh at Rick Scott’s ‘Plan to Rescue America’ or Be Fooled by Reports of a ‘Backlash’ — His Only Mistake Was Revealing the Truth of Today’s GOP

…the same lines as the ethno-nationalist sense of “volk” that animates the latest ad for Peter Thiel-backed far-right candidate for US Senate in Arizona, Blake Masters. Both claim that there’s a narrow and fixed definition of who is and is not American—first and foremost, white, Christian people who look, sound, dress, worship, believe, love, and act like they do—and both draw clear lines to show who is in and who is not a part of it. The future f…

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Selling the Idea of a Christian Nation: David Barton’s Alternate Intellectual Universe

…supplies ready-made (if sometimes made-up) quotations ready for use in the latest public policy debate, whether they involve school prayer, abortion, the wonders of supply-side economics, the Defense of Marriage Act, or the capital gains tax. And Barton’s engagingly winsome personality, fully on display on The Daily Show, doesn’t hurt. He fires facts faster than they can be fought off, and he does so with a sort of Gomer Pyle sincerity that makes…

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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…twork executed a French aid worker taken hostage in April. Bus ads are the latest arena for debate between Muslim and anti-Islamic groups. One ad from a Muslim group reads, “The way of life of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Islam. Got questions? Get answers.” Meanwhile an ad from Stop Islamization of American responded, “Fatwa on your head? Is your family or community threatening you? Leaving Islam? Got questions? Get answers!” P…

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Countering the “Countering Violent Extremism” Program

…ficials. What to make of these developments? First, these programs are the latest installment in a long history of US interventions in religious and political fields abroad. Second, the CVE agenda assumes that religion is the “cause” of various political outcomes, both good and bad. It is the job of the state, and other international authorities, to cultivate religious moderation and to sideline extremism. Third, this good/bad religion narrative d…

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The Jerusalem Tinderbox

…en though Netanyahu opposes it — “pyromania.” This week, in discussing the latest escalations in violence and rising tensions in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in particular, Seidemann told me that current situation in the “home town for people dealing with the apocalypse” “augurs for a non-routine violent event,” in part because “we have seen a serious destabilization at the Temple Mount.” Later that day, Glick was shot. If you want to understand…

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As Long As There’s Fear, We Aren’t Ready for Atheism: A Conversation with Theologian and Ex-Priest Daniel Maguire

Professor Daniel C. Maguire’s latest book, Christianity Without God: Moving beyond the Dogmas and Retrieving the Epic Moral Narrative, is an ambitious project that functions as both a primer on the logical and ethical failures of theism and as a reimaging of the biblical narrative to meet the great moral challenges of our day. As a theologian and former priest who teaches ethics at Marquette University, a Jesuit school, Maguire fills a critical g…

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