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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…ympathetic to the advertising. But we don’t take a position on this except promoting dialogue. At Sojourners, we’ve decided to have a safe place for dialogue and even disagreement on our staff and in our constituency. That’s interesting, since the Believe Out Loud ad could be best interpreted as . . . promoting dialogue. Sojourners, so far, has been silent on the Rev. Robert Chase’s piece we published here. In the court of public opinion Twitter,…

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Islamic Intellectual Leadership at a Crossroads

…ions are suspect. Among the topics he mentioned: secularism, Islamic penal code, Muslim women’s rights, headscarf or burqa, and equality, it is interesting to note how many have to do directly with women or with gender identity and politics. He was concerned that using vaguely poetic or philosophical language might be seen as an attempt to mislead the readers. Otherwise, he should just stick to these button issues. Isn’t it curious that women are…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…founded the Americans for Democratic Action, which is the Progressive Socialist Party of today.” Socialists, the ACLU: basically Glenn Beck’s enemies list. Harry Ward was in fact the chair of the ACLU, though he had nothing to do with the social gospel movement. (He was a communist though, which is probably why Barton threw him in there.) And Niebuhr, whose ideological evolution is very complex—from socialist to foreign policy ‘realist’ whose infl…

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Leaked ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donor Comments Clearly Demonstrate Christian Nationalist Presence

…en hacked and the donation files were released and made available to journalists and researchers, some of whom are slowly but surely investigating. Out of the vast list, there are comments from donors around the world echoing the rhetoric of Jericho Marches and religious violence and spiritual warfare, alongside more standard comments. What follows is not a quantitative study—one hopes that journalists and social scientists working on far right gr…

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After Greece, Humanists Launch Push for Secular Invocations

…rom which to choose people to deliver prayers, they are making available a list of individuals who are able to deliver an invocation from a secular or atheist perspective. From the group’s statement: The Supreme Court’s ruling, authored by Justice Kennedy, makes clear that local governments must make “reasonable efforts to identify all of the congregations located within its borders” and welcome an invocation by anyone who wishes to give one, rega…

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Closed-Door Conference in Poland Shows How US Conservative Christian Networks Export ‘Conversion Therapy’

…arenting and its implications for child development.” Sullins’ main talk enlisted countless slides with numbers, tables, and colored graphs in an effort to question the well established fact that, in addition to scant data supporting even a modest success rate, treatments aiming to suppress sexual orientation or gender expression can cause serious damage, or even be deadly. His own research, however, has essentially been deemed junk science by tho…

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The Far-Right Embrace of the Knights Templar isn’t Just About Faith, Tradition or History — It’s About Hate

…hbishop Carlo Maria Viganó, and others to rail against Pope Francis, “globalists” (i.e. “Jews”), and “the New World Order.” The original title for this year’s event, “The Crusade Has Been Called: The Kingship of Christ vs the New World Order,” has since been changed to “Traditionis Custodes & The Great Reset: Where do we go from here?” The new title—linking the ban on the traditional Latin mass to the “Great Reset” conspiracy theory—is accompanied…

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For Love or Threat: Pro-Life Prayer Includes Names, Photos of Abortion-Rights Advocates

…she’s remarkably generous in her assessment of PLAL’s naming her for their list. Scheidler and Marty both confirmed that their interactions have been part of a respectful ongoing dialogue when she’s researching pieces about PLAL activities, despite her disagreement with their mission and tactics. “By calling me a ‘pro-choice journalist’ I think that they were actually trying to make it understood that this wasn’t meant to be, at least towards me,…

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Don’t Laugh at Rick Scott’s ‘Plan to Rescue America’ or Be Fooled by Reports of a ‘Backlash’ — His Only Mistake Was Revealing the Truth of Today’s GOP

…it adds the unhinged culture war agenda of the far Right to the mix. Scott promotes a long list of drastic changes to the fabric of US society: in line with the Right’s attack on public education, schools will be forced to teach American exceptionalism and the public education sector would be diminished, as would the federal Department of Education. Scott justifies the latter with the “states’ rights” rhetoric that the Right still uses to paint ov…

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Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Murdered, US Evangelicals Must Take Responsibility

…nd lesbians, though it has yet to be made into law. Kato was included in a list of 100 homosexuals whose names, addresses, and photographs were published in a Ugandan paper called Rolling Stone. The paper urged readers to kill those on the list. A Ugandan court ruling prevented the paper from publishing more names. Hopefully, Kato’s death will serve as a wake-up call to conservative evangelicals in the U.S. who have attempted to wash their hands o…

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