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That Mercenary Feeling: What the Apparently Unlimited Use of “Contractors” Says About American Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq

Today’s New York Times contains a little sleeper piece that almost escapes notice beneath the bigger headline about vote fraud in Afghanistan. In it Jim Glanz points out that Pentagon-employed contractors not only outnumber uniformed U.S. troops in Afghanistan but also that the ratio of contractors to military personnel there is the highest of any war in U.S. history. In a new study, the Congressional Research Service reports that contractors mak…

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Using the “A” Word: Israel and Apartheid

…regime with an intensity similar to the passion they brought to ending the Vietnam War and supporting the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. Among the many gems that the author uncovered  is this gem from the files of the LA Times: “A nineteen-year-old Barack Obama gave his first political speech in February 1981, urging the trustees of Occidental College in Los Angeles to divest from South Africa.” The most newsworthy of the book’s findings is t…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…here should be dozens of great forthcoming books on the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War writ large, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iraq and, to my knowledge, there aren’t. It has been almost seventy years and still there isn’t a good religious history of American involvement in the Second World War. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Give them pleasure? Piss them off? I grew up in Minnesota. Pissing people off terrifies me. I’m only slightly…

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…Evangelicals and the U.S. Military, 1942-1993, dates the trend back to the Vietnam War.) New York Times, 2005: There are also growing numbers of enlistees from evangelical churches. In 2005, there were 1,794 members of the Assemblies of God in the Air Force, 597 from the Church of the Nazarene and 108 from the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Because so many churches cannot be comfortably categorized as evangelical or nonevangelical, and because…

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…section on the Fed, amid a jumble of claims that veer from World War II to Vietnam to the Patriot Act to an indictment of Fox News, including superimposing Howard Beale’s rant from Network over an image of Rupert Murdoch, the film also links the Bush family to support of Hitler — a claim also made and documented by non-rightwingers.  Fixated on “one world” conspiracy theories, the film glorifies Lou Dobbs for reporting on the North American Union…

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Excommunicated For ‘Grave Scandal’ of Ordaining Women

…ourth year, having become a naval officer, I volunteered for shore duty in Vietnam which would become a turning point in my life. Never had I experienced such violence, suffering, and fear. In the madness of war, my faith became more important and I felt God was calling me to be a priest. I talked to a Catholic Army chaplain about my calling, and he recommended that I join the Maryknoll Missionary Order who worked with the poor around the world. I…

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Mitt Romney: Wooden Pastor or Real Boy?

…was a Republican that raised the minimum wage, stood up to his own party when it betrayed the African-American community and to the military when he believed it had “brainwashed” him about the Vietnam War. So while I don’t disparage Mitt his good works in the least, I’m not convinced that this campaign narrative can breathe life into a wooden candidate….

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Yes, the Navy Yard Shooter Was a Buddhist

…e moral force of his convictions, and Buddhist monastics in both Tibet and Vietnam chose to burn themselves alive in protest rather than take up arms against their oppressors. In fact, the promise not to kill another living being is the first of five precepts enjoined on all Buddhists. (The other four are to refrain from stealing, lying, sexual misconduct and intoxication.) If someone cannot even keep the precept not to kill then what business do…

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Another Manufactured Outrage: Rep. Ilhan Omar Did Nothing Wrong in Listing Hamas, Israel, and U.S. Together

…ar greater. Think about the victims in Iraq. Think about crimes during the Vietnam War. Think about torture under the Bush administration. Think about complaints raised about American crimes in Afghanistan, including drone attacks, the specific subject of her question! It was none other than Martin Luther King Jr. who called America, “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” Of course, he was also called an anti-American domestic ene…

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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…tion in the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal provided the leverage for Vietnam to draft a sweeping comprehensive religious freedom law. But Saperstein is no cynic about these leveraged achievements: “We should remember that there are millions of people who are truly suffering and that the United States still plays a critical role in hewing to the idea that universal human rights are a real thing and not merely a ‘Western imposition’ that can e…

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