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“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What ALEC Does for Big Business

…f the Christian Right. It‘s a central issue in the Masterpiece Cakeshop vs Colorado Civil Rights Commission currently before the Supreme Court, and it’s no secret that the Christian Right has been busy taking their religious freedom agenda to the states. Many of the bills on their agenda are making news; some have passed key legislative committees or whole state legislative chambers, and some have already been signed into law. But what reporters,…

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Here’s What the Court Didn’t Decide in Masterpiece

…in December: neither Phillips’s freedom to exercise his religion, nor the Colorado Commission’s treatment of his beliefs, occupied much time. (Tellingly, it was Justice Anthony Kennedy, who authored the Court’s opinion in this case, who first homed in on the commission’s proceedings.) As those who followed the case will recall, the justices devoted much of the argument to a detailed, and sometimes lighthearted, examination of the question of whet…

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“Project Blitz” Seeks to Do for Christian Nationalism What ALEC Does for Big Business

…f the Christian Right. It‘s a central issue in the Masterpiece Cakeshop vs Colorado Civil Rights Commission currently before the Supreme Court, and it’s no secret that the Christian Right has been busy taking their religious freedom agenda to the states. Many of the bills on their agenda are making news; some have passed key legislative committees or whole state legislative chambers, and some have already been signed into law. But what reporters,…

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GOP Education Bill Would Radically Rewrite Religious Freedom and License Virtually Any Form of Discrimination

…he Supreme Court is currently considering a widely publicized challenge to Colorado’s antidiscrimination law by a baker who on religious grounds refused to create a custom wedding cake for a same-sex couple. Previous arguments of this sort, whether raised by bakers, photographers, or florists, have not gained traction in lower courts, although the justices seemed sharply divided at December’s oral arguments in the Colorado cake shop case. However…

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Desert Prophet of Salvation Mountain Wants to Share his Life Story

…back to New Mexico, rented out his house, bought a camper and moved to the Colorado Desert where he has lived since, taking care of Leonard, making sure he eats and stays cool. A month ago, just as the temperatures were beginning their climb past the 100-degree mark, Eubank arranged for Leonard to move into the town of Niland, three miles from the Slabs. Leonard still spends his mornings at Salvation Mountain, but for the first time since he moved…

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What Justice Gorsuch’s Record Suggests About the Masterpiece Cakeshop Case

…e Supreme Court hears oral arguments December 5 in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, it will be the first time the Court has taken up a major gay-rights case since its historic June 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which established marriage equality as a constitutional right. Much has changed since June 2015, not least of which is the unexpected death of Justice Antonin Scalia and then, following the Senate’s unprecede…

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Onward Christian Trump Soldiers

…ion for the coming July 4th festivities, Rep. Doug Lamborn, who represents Colorado Springs and El Paso County in Colorado (full disclosure—my home) introduced a resolution to declare July 2nd as a “National Day of Personal Reflection and Repentance.” Heretofore, Lamborn has been best known for bringing military pork but little else to his district, expressing doubts about the man-made causes of climate change, making the list of the “seven most a…

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Silence of “Religious Liberty” Activists on Muslims’ Cases Not What You Think

…employer, Cargill Meat Solutions, a meat processing plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Until recently, employees had been allowed—with prior permission from a supervisor—to take one or two short breaks per shift to pray, as required by their faith. While the employer claims this policy has not changed, in early December a group of workers was not permitted to pray when they chose to, then told by a supervisor “If you don’t want to work here, go home…

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Will the Catholic Church Throw Cold Water on the LARC Revolution?

…ent to doctors for IUDs to encourage their use based on the success of the Colorado program, the Illinois Catholic Health Association objected to the program, saying it might force its providers out of the Medicaid system. Illinois says it will not require Catholic hospitals or doctors to provide IUDs, but may require them to file a referral plan with the state, which the Illinois Catholic Health Association indicated would still be objectionable,…

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Navy Yard Shooting: Why It’s Not a Religion Story

…ke Jesus. A few years later on July 20, 2012, James Eagan Holmes entered a Colorado cinema and opened fired on the Dark Knight audience. He set off tear gas and opened fire, killing twelve people. Similar to Cho’s attack, most news stories did not focus on Holmes’ religious identity or how his Lutheran background provided a contradiction to his killing of twelve people. In the fervor to explore the contradictions implicit in Aaron Alexis’ profile,…

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