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300-430 New Dumps Book - High-quality Cisco 300-430 Test Questions Fee: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Wireless Networks ☀ Go to website ➥ 🡄 open and search for ➽ 300-430 🢪 to download for free 📦300-430 Sample Questions Answers

Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…hat history does not repeat itself? To find out I turned to the Center for New Community (CNC), a national nonprofit that helps build local alliances among congregations from different faith traditions and other institutions seeking to resist bigotry and build “a democratic future based on human rights, justice, and equality.” Eric Ward now works at the CNC. From his office outside Chicago, Ward asks people to consider to whom is America supposed…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…holy city, east and west. Very astutely, and unexpectedly, Barak used the New Testament, rather than to the “Old Testament’ to buttress his case for continuing Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem. Referring to the ‘unrest’ at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif Barak told the UN delegates “I believe that the very words Temple Mount in every Western language carry the real story of this place. When we think of Jesus walking in the streets of Jer…

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…occupation of Palestine has been seized by radical groups to justify an all-encompassing hatred of Jews. The longer this conflict drags on, the worse it is likely to get. But there are ways out—though that window is quickly closing. It is not true that, as Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times (‘Netanyahu Will Make History’), that there is either ‘only one state,’ in which Israel ‘cannot be Jewish,’ or a two-state solution, an Israel and Pa…

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Pope’s Liberal Defenders are Missing the Point

…ine in a melodramatic conservative-Christian narrative that seeks religious-freedom exceptions from federal and state anti-discrimination laws, especially those barring sexual-orientation discrimination. The first, relatively un-detailed reports of Kim Davis’s meeting with the pope—which took place Sept. 24 at the Vatican Embassy in Washington—gave way to an avalanche of news articles and a furious debate, especially among U.S. Catholics, over how…

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LDS Church Responds to South Park Mormon Musical

…ties of mass human suffering, collide with the limits of their insular Book-of-Mormon-Belt worldview. Reviewers are reporting that despite the shock value of the show’s obscenity-laden musical centerpiece, The Book of Mormon musical is actually sweet on Mormons, depicting us—for all of our unique beliefs and, well, cultural corniness—not as caricatures but as good-natured human beings who really just want to help. “It will be fascinating to see ho…

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Tree of Life, Book of Job

…emporary conservatives tell us, merely a competition of natural drives, dog-eat-dog, live-and-let-die? Surely one could think so; nature is indeed ruthless. But is there not, as our religious teachings insist, also a mysterious human impulse toward transcendence of that nature?  A pull also toward empathy, love, and beauty? None of these make any sense, and none of them bring worldly reward. As Job and The Tree of Life both make clear, the good su…

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Significant Changes to LDS Scripture Reflect Shifting Church Views on Racist History

commentators have noted, offer continuing cover to Brigham Young, whose on-the-record racist statements to the Utah legislature suggest his influence in the evolution of a non-ordination policy. Commentators also note the absence of reference to the fact that black women were not historically admitted to LDS temple worship until the 1978 announcement.  Another significant change is to the introduction to the Pearl of Great Price, a book of script…

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Sarah Palin and the Politics of Victimization

…pondence, Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis,” back issues of The Freeman from the 1940s, and Booker T. Washington’s Up from Slavery, all the while keeping abreast of Antonin Scalia’s dissenting opinions and the latest from University of Chicago economist Luigi Zingales? (The book tosses out these references with an air of insouciance, as in “I came across a wonderful book…”) Perhaps Palin herself is, in fact, conversant with these source…

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Lying Boldly: Louise Hay and the Problem of Religious Science

…e direct. The leaders in this faith have had an intuitive belief in the all-saving power of healthy-minded attitudes as such, in the conquering efficacy of courage, hope, and trust, and a correlative contempt for doubt, fear, worry, and all nervously precautionary states of mind. Note that Dr. James, in looking back over the last part of the 19th century, already sees the New Thought movement as a “mass imposing in amount.” Prescient though he was…

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Norwegian Catholic Church May Stop Civil Marriages; Global LGBT Recap

…on LGBT citizens.” Australia: Australian Christian Lobby Partners With Anti-Equality American Evangelicals Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, reported the Sydney Morning Herald on April 16, was scheduled to “share a stage at the Australian Christian Lobby’s annual conference with a radio host who compared the advancement of gay rights to the rise of Nazism in pre-war Germany.” The event that weekend featured American religious right figures Eric Me…

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