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The Bishops Did Send a Message with Their Vote on Biden and Communion; Are We Sure It Was The One They Intended?

…and trying to decide how they want to work with him. Again, not surprisingly, it’s a bit of a mixed bag every time someone new is sworn into office. They loved Trump’s stance on abortion and GLBTQ rights (no and no, respectively). They were less thrilled with his stance on immigration (also: no). Conversely with Biden, they like where he’s at with immigration and poverty. It seems like the church is a little more tentative about vaccination, but…

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‘We’re Through the Looking Glass Now’: Talking Deradicalization with Dr. John Horgan

…ne the damage that’s been done, although it’s going to take us years to fully appreciate it, if we’re even capable of fully appreciating it. And we have to get out of our comfort zones and bubbles. How do you reach out to people who don’t listen to reason? It’s the classic pseudo-argument situation, where you can’t even agree on a premise for the basis of a conversation. [As I mentioned] for some extremists, it’s a journey they are likely to finis…

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Media Fail to Acknowledge That 2024 Hopeful Ron DeSantis is as Catholic as Biden

…ianity. But the existence of social justice impulses within Catholicism doesn’t negate the existence of authoritarian impulses within the church, to say nothing of the harm those authoritarian impulses lead to. Christianity isn’t remotely always or inherently benign. If we’re going to be honest about the current state of American politics, we have to face that fact. One concrete way to start is to acknowledge that Ron DeSantis is every bit as Cath…

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I’m Not Here to Fix Evangelicals, But to Show Them Who They Are: An Interview With the Author of ‘White Evangelical Racism’

…efined evangelicals. Perhaps my favorite part of the book is its refreshingly honest depiction of Billy Graham as someone characterized as “waffling on civil rights.” Instead of praising Graham to the skies for integrating some of his crusades in the South, you note that he also held segregated crusades even after his first integrated crusade. You also point out that he had no qualms about joining First Baptist – Dallas, the megachurch now headed…

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Evangelical Troll Erick Erickson Tries to Theologize Cancel Culture. Fails.

…a little. First, the train wreck (I’ll explain why it’s just an image in a bit):         And now the listicle: This doesn’t actually explain cancel culture. Also, cancel culture is an idea made up in the past couple of years by conservatives who don’t like how society has decided to hold people accountable for past words and deeds. If it were really such a threat to Christian liberty, you might expect that someone would have noticed it at some poi…

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Arkansas’s Creationism Bill is Also Motivated by Anti-Trans Bigotry

…reated you.” The notes for her speech posted on Facebook ended this line a bit differently, “. . . to deny who you are and were created to be is to deny Him.” Bentley is legislating her holy book and denying citizens their rights because she sees the very existence of LGBTQ people as a denial of her god, a hateful religious belief she wants preached to captive audiences of schoolchildren across the state. Bentley then stretched to make Jesus relev…

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Not Peace, But Division? Evangelical Vaccine Refusers Divide Families

…would take some real responsibility for creating the monster, it seems highly unlikely that they will do so in any meaningful sense. In order to get to the root of the problem, after all, they would have to address the authoritarian aspects of their own patriarchal, anti-LGBTQ theology, and they would have to be capable of overhauling evangelical education such that it would no longer promote “alternative facts.” Personally, I’m pretty certain tha…

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Red Pop and Freedom: How (And How Not) to Celebrate Juneteenth, a New Federal Holiday

…keenly aware of the temporal proximity between Juneteenth and the 4th of July. As stated previously, Juneteenth is not a replacement or substitute for the 4th of July holiday, nor is it the “Black 4th of July.” This point cannot be stressed enough. This line of argument shares a common misunderstanding with a line of T-shirts that feature the message “Dear Racism, I’m Not My Grandparents” that convey the ahistorical message that previous generatio…

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As Pat Robertson Retires, Here Are 10 of His Most Cringeworthy Moments

…Robertson founded an evangelical university, ran for president, and allegedly used an ostensibly humanitarian aid mission as a front for a corrupt, for-profit diamond mining operation in Zaire under the brutal dictatorial rule of Mobutu Sese Seko, who came to power in 1965, with the help of the CIA. (For more information, check out my 2018 article on the subject in Playboy, or watch the 2013 documentary “Mission Congo.”) Along the way, he’s develo…

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