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대구의밤트렌스젠더㎬﹛﹚❇대구의밤출장마사지✓대구의밤바 대구의밤립플❉대구의밤나이트✄대구의밤나이트

Democratic Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Makes Faith 101 Misstep

…nfortunately, not enough Christians understand that Pharisees went on to become the dominant tradition in modern Judaism. Nor do many Christians get that the New Testament sees Pharisees through a partisan lens, as it were. They were rivals to the nascent Jesus movement, and often their rhetorical targets. Second and more positively, Buttigieg speaks of the need to represent all comers, religious or not. Good on him for that. Much of the discussio…

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Does ‘Criss-Cross Apple Sauce’ Make Yoga Secular? Opponents of Yoga in Public Schools Have a Point

…ord-centered understanding of “religion” as consisting primarily of verbal communication of beliefs, rather than performance of bodily practices. Legislators are optimistic that they can have their yoga without establishing religion, as long as they remove Sanskrit terms and chants. By contrast, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) interprets Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as defining religion “very broadly” to “include ‘a…

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‘The White Privileged Man’s Burden’: If Jesus Was White Who Are We to Question the ‘Privilege’ That Came With it?

…s no better example of “white fragility” than the response of conservative commentator Eric Metaxas to DiAngelo’s video with the following tweet: “Jesus was white. Did he have “white privilege” even though he was entirely without sin? Is the United Methodist Church covering that? I think it could be important.” As expected some members of the Twitterverse took Metaxas to task for the…

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Hey Hey, Ho Ho White Jesus Has to Go… But The Issue is More Complicated Than You Think

…y still be present for African Americans and others even after white Jesus comes down and browner and blacker depictions become normalized within American society? I argue that the removal of white Jesus as an icon doesn’t directly equate to the uplifting of Black humanity on theological grounds. The question of how Jesus should be depicted in racial terms is more complicated than representing the “right” color. The push to remove white Jesus and…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…and profound. I think it’s Euclidean geometry. At the same time, Lindell’s commerical taps deep roots in American religion. We have always been a nation eager to seek redemption from former sins, all the way back to Jonathan Edwards’ sinners in the hands of an angry God to the Methodist and Presbyterian strivers of the Second Great Awakening, all the way up to today’s megachurches preaching self-help. More important, we’ve always been a nation wil…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…ally imperative for politicians like Hoylman, along with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, to raise concerns about possible discrimination in patient care by Samaritan’s Purse staff. But even if it is true, as Graham maintains, that Samaritan’s Purse will treat all patients equally, valid concerns about how the organization interacts with patients remain. Graham, who has consistently been one of the Christian Right’s staunchest support…

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‘Restart the Economy’ is a Prayer to a Conservative God Who Demands Human Sacrifice

…edictably centers on reversing these obstacles. “Restart the economy” is becoming a refrain. President Trump has already tweeted in this direction: “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF.” His top economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, has spelled-out things further: “The economic cost to individuals is just too great … we’re going to have to make some difficult trade-offs.”…

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Some Mormons See a Message in the Angel Moroni’s Fallen Trumpet

…e) that held the statue would be animated and blow its horns at the Second Coming. This prophecy had now been proven false, they claimed. It’s possible the most common response to the news were humorous suggestions that the red state of Utah had been divinely charged to give up its support for President Trump and the Republican Party. Brandon Dew tweeted, “Even Moroni is tired of Trump.” Some called it “the ultimate mic drop,” while others posted…

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What Does the Catholic Church’s Patriarchal Structure Have to Do with the Failure of the Amazon Synod?

…and a celibate priesthood. Men in the region aren’t interested in making a commitment to celibacy. The few who become priests fly/drive/walk around a huge area to dispense the sacraments like one more product. It’s a hideous theological model—the community gathered in thanksgiving and not the presence of a priest constitutes Eucharist—and a futile struggle for the Roman model. Another issue that arose was the ordination of women as deacons. By all…

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There is Another Reason Trump Refuses to Concede the Election

…biblical passages (chief among them John 10:10, in which Jesus says, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”) to insist that God desires our physical and financial prosperity. Our task, in a phrase popularized by the movement (and its detractors), is to “name it and claim it.” The most virtuous and effective act in prosperity theology is positive confession, in which one claims and expresses gratitude to…

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