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Sing the Glory of the Smoke: The Spiritual History of Jazz

…of improvised peak experiences—but it also establishes a different kind of frontier, an almost fantastical utopian edge. So science here is moving both deeper within the human and beyond the human altogether. Let’s talk about improvisation. To paraphrase from your book, jazz improvisation takes place at the ‘edge of a breath,’ poised in that momentary space before the beat of the drum hits the ear. As a jazz musician yourself, did you try to incor…

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The Lethal Mix of Religion and War, Or, Why the World Ended in 1099

…the Franks as religious wars rather than as conflicts over the control of frontier settlements. Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? I wrote this book to be accessible and compelling for all readers. However horrifying and disturbing the First Crusade was, it is a great story, and one that more people ought to know. I’m also hoping not to lose my scholarly audience, because the book is presenting genuinely new interpretations of…

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Francis Visits the Church that John Paul Broke

Nearly two and one-half times as many current Catholics think Francis is “more liberal” than they are on “the environment, immigration and distribution of wealth” than those who think he is more liberal on “birth control, abortion and divorce.” – From a New York Times/CBS News poll, release on September 20, 2015 The last time there was this much excitement about a pope’s inaugural visit to the United States, Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wal…

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In The Daily Beast, Niall Ferguson Says: Bomb Iran

…eating an open front, so to speak, a giant security vacuum from Pakistan’s frontier with Kashmir to southern Lebanon. Fantastic. The same extremists who slide in and out of Afghanistan and cause so much damage in that region could then smuggle weapons and material across Iran, through a patchily-governed Iraq, and across an unstable, violent Syria—as is already happening in the aftermath of the redistributive consequences of the Libyan war. They c…

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Pastor of Kentucky Church Severed From Baptists Over LGBT Inclusion: Not Activism, Just Honesty

…tual home for many students, staff, and distinguished professors. Today the 800-member church is a diverse community of faith including people of various races, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation, and world-views. Refugees and immigrants compose roughly one-third of the congregation. The church is heavily invested in a wide array of social ministries in the Commonwealth, the U.S., and the world. Below are excerpts from a conversation with the…

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Romney Betrays Harold Bloom’s Fantasy Mormonism

…is nothing exceptionally peculiar in Mormonism’s transition from renegade frontier religious movement to bureaucracy. Its mainstreaming and bureaucratization is as American a story as its origins. Intoning darkly the most sensational aspects of Mormon belief, a rhetorical tactic in which Bloom borrowed much from Hitchens—they tithe! they don’t allow non-Mormons (or less observant Mormons, in fact) in LDS temples! they believe they might become li…

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The Missing Element in the Conversation on Christian Nationalism and Freedom: Whiteness

…the earlier Puritan settlers into the unique ideology of the U.S. settler class,” forging an indissoluble link between white rights and gun rights on their way West. Dunbar-Ortiz makes a convincing case that these Protestant settlers played a vastly outsized role in shaping a violence-laden American conception of what individual freedom means: The majority of Ulster-Scot settlers were cash poor and had to indenture themselves in order to pay for…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…in the history of the western world. Drawn from an upwardly mobile yeoman class, and populated by ministers, scholars, and merchants, they were some of the most unlikely candidates to forge a new civilization in the frontier wilderness. Yet their propensity to interpretive obsession led them to be their own first chroniclers, none more so than Bradford in his Of Plymouth Plantation. Initially the symbolic import of their American locale was less…

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Let’s Get Lost: Mapping Religion in the 21st Century

…eastern, urban audiences back when it constituted the edge of the American frontier. She looks at paintings and popular forms like cycloramas, as well as maps—maps of all sorts, plotting cities and stopping points, charting currents and depths, organizing information about game and trade, weather and vegetation. But maps, she insists, do far more than orient. Maps also offer an experience, rich in detail but explicitly limited. Consider one of her…

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“Reason to Worry”: An Anti-Semitism Scholar Opens Up on Trump, Misogyny and the Future of Anti-Judaism

…eeling unmoored, I called up David Nirenberg. Historians may not be in the business of comforting people, but, during troubling times, they can offer a little anchoring perspective. Nirenberg is the author of Anti-Judaism, a survey of 2,400 years of anti-Jewish thought. Histories of anti-Semitism often focus on Jews: what about Jewish history has brought them into contact with so much hate? Was it the money-lending? The refusal to convert to Chris…

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