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CUFI Entices Donors for Israel with Christmas Ornament

Christians United for Israel, the apocalyptic advocacy group founded by San Antonio televangelist John Hagee, has just announced a generous donor who offered to match donations of up to $500,000, to help it raise a million dollars by the end of the year. CUFI has always maintained — despite all evidence to the contrary — that it is primarily motivated by concern for Israel and the Jews, not by Hagee’s apocalyptic vision for the return of Jesus at…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…legislator Curtis Bowers, who recently won the Christian Reconstructionist San Antonio Christian Film Festival. As a youth, Bowers and his family spent summers at Summit, which he described recently as “such a valuable and important thing that was helping turn America back to God and the Bible;” as an adult he opened a restaurant in Manitou Springs. After being appointed to the Idaho legislature in 2007, Bowers wrote a column titled “Communist age…

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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

…t-wing pastors in the movement, Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, has a history of inflammatory statements on multiple topics. In a 2006 NPR interview with Terry Gross, he said, “those who live by the Koran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews.” That rhetoric continues, both from Hagee, who was one of the pastors who spoke at the embassy christening in May 2018, and others—it is not limited to a handful of pu…

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Kirk Cameron’s Monumental Reveals Subtle Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…ian homeschooling movement, as well as Doug Phillips’ Vision Forum and the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), it was unclear whether he was promoting their views. In the weeks leading up to the release of Monumental, Cameron made numerous appearances ranging from CNN, to CPAC, to interviews with religious-right leaders where he embraced popularized versions of the Reconstructionist framework. On David Barton’s Wallbuilders L…

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When Religious Freedom Means Freedom for Religious Violence

…that is, until November, when Flynn blurted out their broad intention at a San Antonio rally, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.” But there’s so much more. The ReAwaken events are a revision and rebranding of “Health and Freedom” conferences which in the Spring of 2021, rallied opposition to Covid prevention measures such as masking, vaccinat…

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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…he first big abuse story broke in 2019, when the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News released their investigation documenting 700 victims of sexual abuse over a 20-year period. At that time, I published a piece for Playboy called, “Why the Southern Baptists Won’t Solve their Abuse Problem,” so, as you might guess, I’m not surprised the scale of that problem turned out to be as massive as it was. As I wrote then: “Evangelical subculture…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…uthern Baptist Convention, recently uncovered by the Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News, we should pause to take stock of the culpability of the broader conservative, mostly white evangelical subculture—not just churches in other evangelical denominations, but also educational institutions, parachurch ministries, parallel information and entertainment industries, and political lobbying organizations. As I have argued at RD and elsewher…

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Public Shrines to Treason: Charlottesville and the Cult of Confederate Memorialization

…he removal of Confederate monuments took place Sunday in Baltimore and San Antonio, calling these memorials to white supremacism for what they were—and what the “Unite the Right” crowds reveled in their being. Just as no American, after Charlottesville, can doubt that the current US president remains deferential to an extremist white supremacist base that rallies in his name, so too no American can pretend Confederate memorials don’t serve as publ…

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Challenging Both Homophobia in Islam and Populist Bogeyman of ‘The Homophobic Muslim’; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…tive Catholics were less pleased with Brazilian Bishop Antônio Carlos Cruz Santos, who said at a July 30 mass that “you cannot say” that homosexuality is chosen. “It if is not a choice, if it is not a disease, in the perspective of faith it can only be a gift,” he reportedly said. “A gift from God. It’s given by God. But perhaps our prejudices do not get the gift of God.” Crux reports that after seeing controversy generated by his homily, the bish…

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A Monumentally Different Kirk Cameron

…nything but. Cameron recently returned from the Reconstructionist-inspired San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF) hosted by Doug Phillips and Vision Forum (I wrote about SAICFF and his previous participation here and here) where he and Phillips discussed the theological background to the version of American history presented in the film, showing the subtle influence of Christian Reconstructionism and R.J. Rushdoony’s Biblical Phi…

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