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Promise Keepers 2.0: Women and Jews Invited

…e rally-goers, and it also urged attendees to bring food donations for the Denver Rescue Mission. At the rally itself, there was no sustained talk about the spiritual or political effects of the global financial crisis, but there was a call to support something called the Hatikvah Project, which works to alleviate poverty among Messianic Jews in Israel (who, we were told, are poor because their families and nation reject them as apostates). Americ…

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Catholics Coming Around On Senate Health Care Bill

…, is now, along with the CHA, under fire from Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver for “undermining the witness of the Catholic community; and ensuring the failure of genuine, ethical health-care reform.” Of course the key thing to watch — regardless of whether reform passes — is how all this rhetoric about the Hyde amendment affects future legislative maneuvers relating to abortion. Pro-choice members and activists have been miffed for months that…

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Nadia Bolz-Weber on Becoming ‘God’s Bitch’

…ding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, an ELCA mission church in Denver, Colorado. In the book, she likens herself to “a Lutheran Nikita,” the fictional teenaged drug addict whose death was faked by the government so she could do their dirty work. “I was allowed not to die in exchange for working for God,” Bolz-Weber writes, “I’d have to become God’s bitch.” I had a chance to talk with Bolz-Weber about her journey and how she now finds i…

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God May Weep For Church Sexual Abuse, But Bishop Chaput Prefers to Bark

…w to this fight, having contested statute of limitations laws as Bishop of Denver. He knows exactly what he’s saying. Not going back in Philadelphia means not opening up more litigation in an Archdiocese that has been broken by sexual abuse, two grand jury investigations, and the first Catholic administrator sent to jail for child endangerment by pedophile priests. Not going back means that even though the Archdiocese just settled with “Billy Doe”…

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Trump In Colorado: When the “Facts” Are No Longer Checkable

…rather modestly sized (like his hands) basketball arena, he’ll move on to Denver, where the suburbs are friendly while the city area is hostile. News of Trump’s visit hit just as I got word that the Clinton campaign was pulling its commercials from the state. Polls suggest that Colorado is a fairly safe state for a fall Clinton victory, while money is desperately needed in key swing states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. This is part of a long-term tre…

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Does ISIS Vindicate Pope Benedict’s Islam Remarks, as George Weigel Believes? 

…icle published in a variety of Catholic media such as First Things and the Denver Catholic Register, that the controversial references to Muhammad and Islam which opened Benedict’s Regensburg lecture look a lot different now, in light of ISIS, etc., than they did when the latter first delivered the speech in September 2006. My question to Mr. Weigel is: “To whom does the Regensburg address look so different now?” Surely he’s not claiming that thos…

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All Candy, No Jesus: Halloween in America

…It got me thinking about the odd cultural bird that is Halloween—America’s number two holiday in terms of money spent—a holiday with deep “pagan” or “old religion” roots and the site of two Catholic feast days commemorating our dead friends and allies: All Souls’ Day on November 1, and All Saints’ Day on November 2. As a bonus, October 31 marks the kickoff of the Reformation, when Luther posted his theses on the door of the Castle Church of Witten…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…ames’ Gang”: “Word was brought to the Fifth Police Station to-night that a number of boys were using the Concord-street School-house for some unknown purpose, and a posse of officers was sent to investigate. The gang scattered at the approach of the police, and in their flight on drew a revolver and fired at Officer Rowan, without effect, however. William Nangle, age 14, and Sidney Duncan, age 12, were captured, but the other five or six escaped,…

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In Praise of (Some of) John L. Kane’s Reasoning

…hich are really spot-on, even at points inspiring. In a 2002 speech to the Denver Bar Association (opens as .doc), Kane called for far-reaching reform to the legal system: The legal system’s stubborn adherence to antiquated, unworkable rules of civil procedure, the imposition of mandatory sentences in criminal cases, the surrender of individual rights and responsibilities to administrative agency discretion, and the conquest of form over substance…

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I Know Why a Rain Dance Won’t End The Drought

…and Colorado has seen fires devastate the fringes of urban areas south of Denver. The American consumer is looking at higher prices as corn crops across the Midwest are dying in the fields. This is the context in which Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently said: “I get on my knees every day… and I’m saying an extra prayer now. If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.” As an American Indian all my life I have been…

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