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Pro-LGBT Evangelical David Gushee: “I’m With You and the Church Needs to Change.”

…e made.” Whereas previous Reformation Project gatherings involved 20 or 30 participants, this year’s event will be “much more ambitious,” Gushee said. Founded last year by Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian, the Reformation Project as a “grassroots movement” that is “growing exponentially,” Gushee says. He wanted to attend “to stand in solidarity with Matthew” and to “be one of the few gray beards” there. Gushee uses the word “soli…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…evy manipulation and general gross lack of boundaries came to light. Ditto Paige Patterson of the Southern Baptist Convention, thrown out of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for bullying rape victims and being a general disaster on sexual issues. Andy Savage, pastor of Highpoint Church in Memphis, fared a little better. He got a standing ovation from his congregation after confessing to sleeping with a 17-year-old member of his youth grou…

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Recent Debates Highlight Democrats’ Antisemitism Blind Spot—But It’s Not What You Think

…antisemitism of violent white nationalists—and Republicans like Steve King—pales in comparison to the word choice of a freshman hijabi Congresswoman. Democrats don’t seem to know or care what the real threats facing Jews are, nor do they seem to recognize the diversity—ideological, political, and otherwise—of the Jewish community. Furthermore, for certain issues, bipartisanship—held up as a moral ideal—deliberately attempts to obfuscate moral wron…

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Episcopal Church Removes Bishop Who Split Following LGBT Inclusion Vote

…n central California; Fort Worth, Texas; Quincy, Illinois; and Pittsburgh, PA.  A pastoral letter from Jefferts Schori to members of the Diocese, however, made clear that The Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, as with other dioceses voting to secede, “continues to be a constituent part of The Episcopal Church, even if a number of its leaders have departed.” Steps have been taken to reorganize the Diocese within the Episcopal Church under new lea…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…hes in other evangelical denominations, but also educational institutions, parachurch ministries, parallel information and entertainment industries, and political lobbying organizations. As I have argued at RD and elsewhere, evangelicalism is essentially authoritarian, its defining doctrine of “biblical inerrancy” (or at least “infallibility”) serving to uphold a usually implicitly white supremacist—and usually explicitly patriarchal—theology and…

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Whether We Call White Nationalism ‘Christian’ Is All About Who Gets to Define Christianity

…ume that he’d cite the Sermon on the Mount, the Two Great Commandments, or passages like “God is love and whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). Tarrant and his ilk would retort by citing Constantine and the Crusades, the Jesus of the Book of Revelation, or biblical passages like Luke 12:51-3, where Jesus shows his teeth, so to speak, and says things like: Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I…

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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…t Muslims and Christians or studied the artifacts they left behind. His 74-page manifesto, “The Great Replacement,” parrots the deeply flawed historical claims of white nationalist pseudo-intellectuals and their trolling internet henchmen. The manifesto smacks of white fragility. It spews vitriolic rhetoric about the malleable Other who seeks to invade and replace; the non-white bogeyman who threatens white identity. In this case, the Other takes…

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Retribution v. Reform in American Justice

…ous tradition actively engaged in prison visitation. When I was 10, I accompanied my mother and my Sunday School class to the Indiana State Prison at Michigan City. I had a pen pal who was incarcerated there. I sent him letters and sticks of gum. I visited him in prison several times. I thought all Christians did that sort of thing. Finding out that I was wrong about that, including the fact that there were Christians who supported capital punishm…

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May 21 Rapture Scheduled for 6 p.m.

…as considered a sea-sickness ‘cure’. – 1 jigger of absinthe added to a champagne flute – Add iced champagne until it attains the proper opalescence. – A small amount of sugar or Gomme syrup can be added to round it out, especially when using a verte absinthe. If Death in the Afternoon doesn’t sound like your thing, Toland also suggests a Blue Heaven, which is Amaretto, rum, Blue Curacao, pineapple juice and a pineapple garnish. He adds, “There are…

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Why Immigration is Such a Key Motivator of Nationalist Aggression and Hostility

…United States. Moreover, the mass shooter at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018 targeted the synagogue in part because of its work in welcoming immigrants and refugees. Even more recently, in her State of the Union response, Katie Britt falsely claimed that a rape and murder which took place during the Bush Administration happened under President Biden—evoking feelings of shame and a loss of control. Her ineptitude in delivering the…

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