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“Reason to Worry”: An Anti-Semitism Scholar Opens Up on Trump, Misogyny and the Future of Anti-Judaism

…s amount to the equivalent of however many billion sightings. I think that number was inflated. But it doesn’t matter much. What’s the difference between ten billion views and, say, one billion views? It’s all bad. It’s just this question of magnitude. It’s a little bit like you’ve seen the tip of the iceberg, and someone tells “You know, 90% of it is underneath.” I had a similar experience when I was working on my first book, Communities of Viole…

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Evangelicals Clutching Pearls Over Student Debt Relief: Lord Have Mercy!

…diana, is all in on debt forgiveness. This guy actually does quote Jesus a lot. The second guy, from the Cato Institute (that well-known Christian organization), says that you can’t apply biblical texts related to an ancient agrarian society to our situation. The third guy, who works for a Washington PR firm, says let’s not debate this at all: Instead, we should humbly engage others with our biblical convictions and research about alternatives, co…

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National Association of Evangelicals Supports Immigration Reform, But Elsewhere Discord Reigns

…tepping up the pace of deportations of those same persons. Why? Because of cheap politics and the sneer. And also because people of faith have started fighting among themselves instead of working to resolve the problems. We should be in charge of helping politicians have the political cover they need to do the extravagantly right and realistic thing. Consensus is possible if people are willing to give and take; to be a little less convinced that t…

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The Bible is a Good Book, But God Didn’t Write It

…rs and that’s what leads to civil wars. We’re in a down economy, there’s a lot of anger. It was a depression that brought Adolph Hitler into power—and he had a victim he could denigrate. He united all the Germans against the Jews. It’s cheap politics, but we still have people who know how to do that. It doesn’t lead to anything but destruction. How can reeducating ourselves about the Bible—and educating the non-religious about the Bible—help us re…

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Fear of a Catholic Ghetto

…romise between integration into a wider system where it’s possible to do a lot of good; and sincere fidelity to a healthcare practice that very few of their constituents believe, adhere to, or think is good for them.   Indeed, such negotiations have already been taking place locally, when hospital mergers press the issue. With the Affordable Care Act mandating coverage of contraception, it’s playing out nationally.   But that’s rather different fr…

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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…duction” to his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, the polyglot, erudite Webster examines the “Origin of Language,” beginning with a synopsis of how God gave a divine decree to Adam to name the animals. In other words, the origin of language begins with Adam. Moreover, Webster hoped his dictionary would be a “useful instrument for the propagation of science, arts, civilization, and Christianity.” These are exactly the kinds of thing…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…nod to the white supremacist Unite the Right rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. Notably, the Canadian government stripped Pawlowski’s church of its tax-exempt charitable status in 2010. The August 7 conflict began when black-clad leftist activists (often referred to as antifa) interfered with the Pawlowski group’s audio equipment in an attempt to disrupt the event. But to paint the situation as simply “a shocking a…

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The Forgotten History Behind Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Terrorism

…influences had been eliminated. This is not to dismiss that a significant number of people believe that immigrants pose a threat to the cultures of the West. The immigration of Muslims and other minoritized religious groups to white, Christian-majority countries such as New Zealand, the Netherlands, and the United States have clearly engendered negative reactions and often nostalgia for a more homogenous society. But when those feelings become th…

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Why This Lie? Brian Williams’ Pulpit Fiction

…mons can’t help but bend facts in the service of supposed truth—a story’s plot and its moral rarely fit so neatly together. And perhaps that’s true of war stories as well. “For a long time I was angry,” the writer and former Marine Phil Klay notes in his National Book Award winning collection Redeployment. “I didn’t want to talk about Iraq, so I wouldn’t tell anybody I’d been. And if people knew, if they pressed, I’d tell lies.” Williams’s Icarus-…

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Catholic Bishops Meeting For Family Synod; South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church OKs Gay Weddings, Ordination; Court in Malaysia Deals Setback To Transgender Advocates; Global LGBT Recap

…ng media, challenging the laws through legal cases. Nancy Nicol writes: “A number of themes can be identified throughout this body of work that speak to profound discrimination and violence: random violence in public places; police harassment, extortion, custodial rape; ‘corrective rape’ against lesbians ‘to make them straight’; exclusion and violence perpetuated by friends, family and community; Church fueled hate; state fueled hate; employment d…

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