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Mormon Leaks: Boring Meetings with Interesting Implications

…” might have an impact on the ability of senior couples to serve missions. Science of morality… immoral In 1966, 25-year-old Charles Whitman went on a killing spree at the University of Texas. In a suicide note left behind, Whitman asked that an autopsy be conducted on his body as he was convinced that something biological accounted for his actions. The autopsy found a tumor on his brain that was suspect…

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Why the Lewd Trump Tapes Won’t Matter (As Much As You Think) in White Christian America

…eme Court. Just a couple of examples, which could be multiplied endlessly: Reed concludes the above post by arguing that “Given the stakes on the election and the critical issues confronting our nation, an audiotape of an eleven-year-old private conversation with an entertainment talk show host is unlikely to rank high on the hierarcy of their concerns.” It’s interesting to see what els…

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Recent Debates Highlight Democrats’ Antisemitism Blind Spot—But It’s Not What You Think

…e about the preservation of optics for the sake of a high-stakes campaign. Like Republicans, Democrats frame their support of Israel as fundamentally American and resulting from the abhorrence of antisemitism. But the Democrats don’t seem interested in the nuances of antisemitism, and they damn sure don’t seem interested in examining their own ingrained antisemitism. Recently at the 2019 A…

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From “It’s Just Words” to Just Words: Speech Ethics in the Time of Trump

…seed, thereby allowing the root of compassion to break forth. Eventually, compassion becomes the sturdy stalk that gives life to the fruit of kindness. Rule #3: Practice Hospitality Hospitality is the gracious honoring of one’s neighbors, especially strangers. A compelling gesture of hospitality is contained in the Sanskrit greeting: “Namaste,” or “the sacred in me greets the sacred in you.” Even as people stand firm on their differences of opini…

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How Protesting Black Bodies are Imagined as a Threat to National Pride

…want to protest on 9/11 should “remain in the locker room until kickoff”: Interesting here is how the containment of black protest mirrors the containment of religion within liberalism. Protest, like religion, is fine as long as it is confined to its proper, and private, place. While Sunday football and the celebration of the nation are treated as sacred rituals, we should…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…f the documentary Life in the Shadows: Silent Suffering in Myanmar’s LGBT+ Community.) Win Htein has become well known among foreign journalists in Burma for his cantankerous dismissal of questions about the country’s persecuted Muslims, but at least he has enough respect for the gravity of that issue not to find it hilarious. Mexico: Anti-marriage-equality protests planned in 60 cities We reported last week that Catholic bishops had called for Se…

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Democratic Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Makes Faith 101 Misstep

…nfortunately, not enough Christians understand that Pharisees went on to become the dominant tradition in modern Judaism. Nor do many Christians get that the New Testament sees Pharisees through a partisan lens, as it were. They were rivals to the nascent Jesus movement, and often their rhetorical targets. Second and more positively, Buttigieg speaks of the need to represent all comers, religious or not. Good on him for that. Much of the discussio…

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Christian Right Claims to be ‘Above Politics’ Are Unbelievable

…ssues” is an example of a kind of convenient deliberate vagueness that’s become common among “respectable” evangelicals, but to anyone intimately familiar with white evangelical subculture, in context it’s instantly recognizable as a dog whistle gesturing toward anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion stances. Meanwhile, the statement “Jesus is here for all the sinners” represents a faux-inclusive stance of the sort called out by Church Clarity, an organizat…

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Russian Operative Maria Butina, Who Leveraged Christian Right Connections, Sentenced For Conspiracy

…Prayer Breakfast, and she noted specifically that those individuals were “coming to establish a back channel of communication.” Statement of Offense at 5. The Russian delegation to the National Prayer Breakfast organized by Butina ultimately included approximately fifteen people, which is significantly more than attended in the years prior to 2017. The delegation attended a U.S.-Russia Friendship Dinner two days prior to the actual event. Accordi…

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After Roe: 3 Troubling Trends from the ‘Compassionate’ Anti-Abortion Crowd

…ut it goes to show that many anti-abortion activists want people who can become pregnant to live with this newly-located Overton window no matter what comes next. Keeping abortion illegal will always be more important to them than alleviating the suffering that an abortion ban would cause. There’s no turning back. But the questions shouldn’t stop there. What if the maternal mortality rate goes up? What if the police treat miscarriages as potential…

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