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Pagan Outrage Machine Fires Up in Response to Time Halloween Article

…en article amounts to tilting at windmills. The real motivation behind the online furor against Latson may be the opportunity to perform a religious identity centered around a history of persecution—all while sitting at one’s computer. Baker suggested that America’s renewed interest in Salem might be a product of the war on terror which has been used to justify the erosion of civil liberties and a culture of spying on civilians. This, in turn, has…

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Christians and Cage Fighting, From “Fight Church” to Mark Driscoll

…rhetoric Driscoll spewed relentlessly, using the anonymity afforded by an online alias, William Wallace II: a portrait in virtual violence. Whether it is Driscoll or the men who justify the violence of MMA, the ‘matter’ of violence gets lost in (dis)embodied spectacles, both visual and virtual, that infect cultural imaginaries and affective atmospheres. In their brutality within the cage and online, Fight Church and Driscoll enact what it means t…

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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…s meeting on Gender Identity at the UN; video of the event has been posted online. “The Many Faces of LGBT Inclusion,” a forum sponsored by Salzburg Global and Being LGBTI in Asia in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, is being held in Thailand this week. You can follow via @SalzburgGlobal and @beinglgbti. At Vice, Khalid El Khatib asks, “Why Are There So Few Resources for Gay Muslims Online?” Kenya: Activist criticizes gove…

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The Grand Old Homonationalist Party: The Issue that Keeps the Log Cabin Republicans, Republican

…der in question, Imam Marcus Robertson, was being enrolled in the latter’s online seminary. Whatever the broader impact of religiously sanctioned homophobia upon Mateen’s psychology, one cannot posit ideological influence simply on the basis of online enrollment. Sadly, this isn’t the first time a Republican has analyzed the role of Islam in terrorist attacks by stringing together the words “radical,” “threat,” “creeping,” and “sharia.” Angelo has…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…that I really liked was the discussion with Gloria Beth Amodeo, who is an online friend of mine I hope to meet in real life someday… KGV: She’s lovely. CS: I was impressed with the way that she talked about this whole process in conjunction with what was then Campus Crusade for Christ, now Cru, using these techniques; how the people in Cru began isolating her from her family as they drew her in. Is there anything you’d like to say about that? CK:…

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Before Breitbart: How Right Wing Media Transformed American Politics

…er range of political ideas, policy preferences, and ideologies to ferment online. Fox News, with its ties to both the Republican Party and conservative elites, became a target—attacked by Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum in 2012, and by Donald Trump in 2016. And it gained online competitors as well—Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, the One America News Network, Breitbart TV. Just as the media landscape has fragmented, so too has the American right. The cons…

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Let’s Get Lost: Mapping Religion in the 21st Century

…n map is the American Religious Sounds Project, a map, digital archive and online museum. A collaborative project of Ohio State and Michigan State Universities, the project emerges from an earlier pilot study, the Religious Soundmap Project of the Global Midwest. The current iteration seeks to map “varied sonic cultures” of diverse religious communities and their practices nationwide, drawing on students, scholars, and others from around the count…

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Warpaint: What Does George W. Bush See in His “Portraits of Courage”?

…e him.” He first painted a cube, then a watermelon, then an apple. He took online courses from the Museum of Modern Art to study art history. He painted his pets and landscapes at his ranch and self-portraits in his bathtub and shower. He painted world leaders. “Before long I started to see the world differently,” Bush writes. Another teacher suggested Bush paint people he knew who others didn’t, so he decided to paint the wounded warriors he’d me…

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Manchester—Last Gasp of a Failing Terror Movement?

…The motivations for Abedi are not yet clear. However, in my monitoring of online Twitter chats among young ISIS supporters, I have found a consistent theme, a longing for community. This idea of being part of a family is not just a feature of ordinary tweets, it is prominent in the memorial sites set up online and included as tweet attachments. These commemorative sites that appear on web-based magazines such as the former Dabiq, now renamed Rumi…

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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…fits in that marriage. China: Targets of sweeping new censorship rules for online media include homosexuality The Chinese government imposed sweeping new censorship rules for online media; Reuters reports that homosexuality is among the topics that are no longer approved, along with “violence, drug addition, extramarital affairs and religious cults.” Under the new guidance, which comes into immediate effect, censors should check that content adher…

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