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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

…rever. Even among “dwellers” who recognize the folly of the Republican war policy in Iraq, some will find that symbolism overriding their policy concerns and pushing them to vote for McCain. It won’t always be this way. History is on the side of the “seekers.” Eventually they will dominate public life, including the political process. The “dwellers” sense that they are fighting a rear-guard action, which is why their counterattack is so ferocious….

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A Great Evangelical Divorce? — Speaker Mike Johnson’s Breakup with Marjorie Taylor Greene Could Be Bad News For Trump

…between these two groups, but there are real tensions here—occasionally in policy and always in style. But the rift was out in the open this week around Ukraine. And it wasn’t pretty. When evangelicals argue politics, it isn’t just about policy. It usually comes down to accusations about how good a Christian one’s opponent is—and excommunicating them from evangelicalism. This week showed that the old establishment evangelicals still have some chop…

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Equally Blessed: Wear a Rainbow Ribbon to Mass

…n change policies from there. What are the biggest obstacles in the way of policy change in the Catholic church? With LGBT issues, the greatest obstacle is silence, though the obstacles run the gamut from silence to violence. By breaking the silence, even in small ways, we are planting the seeds of change. What’s next? The ultimate goal is to have a Catholic church that accepts and respects all of its members. LGBT people and youth are definitely…

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55% of Utah Mormons Believe LGBT People can “Change”

…eported being “unsure,” and 15% believed gay people could not voluntarily “change” their own sexual orientation. Among non-Mormon Utahns surveyed, 66% believed it was not possible for gay people to “change” their sexual orientation, while 20% thought it possible, and 14% were unsure. Which confirms what those of us who live within the culture know: many, many LDS people live in a parallel universe when it comes to the reality of LGBT experience. J…

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Burning Man in the Age of Rick Perry: Revelation, Pluralism, and Moral Imperative

…nge, not because it is wrong in its current state necessarily, but because change is growth, change is life.    This is how I understand revelation, whether religious or secular: one encounters the numinous, and one senses an imperative to act in accordance with it. This conception is not my own; it is the foundation of the theology of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the great religious/spiritual progressives of the past century. For Heschel, while…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…se many colleagues who love the Catholic community enough to challenge and change it. Otherwise, despite their admirable intentions and their determination to change a sexist system, I worry that women priests risk being reduced to the 21st-century answer to a shortage of male priests (as their fore-sister was in Czechoslovakia). I fear they will be co-opted by the same officials who now denounce them. Already the churchmen use them. Instead of ig…

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Why The Advocate‘s Choice of Pope Francis for Person of the Year is a Mistake

…intment that will come in the future when Catholic church teachings do not change will not be a surprise to those of us who know the history of the glacial pace of change in the Catholic church. Personally, unless Pope Francis calls a council on human sexuality, I very much doubt his papacy will change much about the corpus of Catholic teaching on homosexuality—defined by that tradition as ‘intrinsically disordered,” While I very much appreciate t…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…g with a loss and so coming to appreciate what it means, how the world has changed, and how we must ourselves change and renew our relationships if we are to move forward from here.…This work is not opposed to practical action, rather it is the foundation of any sustainable and informed response. We are living and dying now at the cusp of a long period of mourning that will rupture what we’ve known as a Good Death. May it also be a period of learn…

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The EPA and Evangelical (Anti)Environmentalism

…angelical anti-environmentalism. Now, evangelical anti-environmentalists like Beisner, Beeker and Cavanaugh face a much more formidable opponent in the EPA. And there is much at stake. For many years, Congress has demonstrated an inability to take action to combat climate change. The EPA has the power to take this important step to address the climate change crisis and in doing so lend the U.S. some credibility so that other nations might follow s…

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New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay”

…e questions. We just have to take the researchers word for it that they’ve changed and that they’re happy about that change. Another concern about not knowing the stories of these participants calls into question what kind of sexual “problems” they may have been dealing with in the first place. Often, when I hear from people who say they have “changed” and become heterosexual, they tell me about the problems they had with pornography and sexual pr…

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