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Alex Jones, Performance Artist, and the Duelling Meanings of ‘Sincerity’ in Politics and Public Life

…eage of “-gate” scandals but it also, following on a country soured by the Vietnam War, torn apart by race, and jolted by multiple assassinations, represented a sea-change in thinking about authority—including, perhaps ironically, the authority of the “mainstream media” that broke the story. Liberals who need their news media to be devout investigators, as with Saints Woodward and Bernstein, cannot understand the appeal—the perceived function of s…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…n from military rule proved particularly robust and where national leaders promoted LGBT human rights at home and abroad? Will Raúl Castro and his eventual successors seek to imitate China and Vietnam, where dramatic market reforms occur within unreconstructed communist political structures, and where LGBT people have carved out increasing space in the private sphere, but LGBT human rights – as rights, as markers of an independent civil society –…

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Milquetoast Liberal Religion Won’t Challenge Conservative Values: A History Lesson

…swers. Certainly, the assassinations, the political trials and the ongoing Vietnam War had a traumatizing effect on the nation. In The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Picador, 2008) Naomi Klein wrote that when traumatizing events like these happen, capital rushes in to take advantage of the crisis to restructure the economy in favor of the radical free market. It was this period—the end of the 1960s and early 1970s—when the busine…

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Why Did So Many Black Women Die? Jonestown at 35

…practices up until the final act of murder-suicide, an event that had been promoted and rehearsed several times. When the fated day came, Christine Miller, an African-American woman in her 50s, was the sole objector caught on the so-called death tape, challenging Jones’ death decree until she was shouted down by zealous African-American Temple members. It’s difficult to listen to or read these accounts without feeling the deep complicity of the co…

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In Tea Party Senate Candidate’s Dissertation, A Nostalgia for a Populist Christian Nation

…ince historians of the period, to Sasse’s dismay, have focused more on the Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement than on religion. But as Sasse’s narrative proceeds, it becomes clear that despite failing to amend the Constitution to permit mandatory school prayer (an effort Newt Gingrich half-heartedly resurrected in the 1990s) Becker emerges as the courageous, if unsophisticated, defender of Sasse’s pious, patriotic multitudes. Becker repeatedly…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…ceived as a brutal and bloody imperalism manifesting itself in places like Vietnam and Iran. I mean, how can God’s anointed nation possibly be doing such awful things? Where white Americans complacently see their history “in an upward spiral” under special providential protection, nonwhite Americans, and almost everyone outside our borders, see this New Israel behaving more like Old Egypt in its worship of wealth and power. Brooks ends his column…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…n under investigation by the officials in the prime minister’s office for “promoting homosexuality” since mid-March. The organization has been trying to resolve the matter quietly, but activists in Uganda say privately the investigation could be the beginning of an ominous political turn they have long feared — that the law would work not only to destroy the lives of hundreds of LGBT individuals, but also would become a weapon used against critics…

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Hobby Lobbying: How Corporations Got Consciences

…r Frank Church, a leading liberal and one of the earliest opponents of the Vietnam War. But he came from a conservative Catholic family and was outraged by the idea that the Catholic hospitals of the Pacific Northwest might be forced to perform abortions. “How could anyone suggest such a thing?” he once demanded. When a package of public health bills, including the Hill-Burton Act, came up for reauthorization in March, Church warned Congress that…

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Close Encounters With Roy Moore

…he hands of the enemy?” Moore, who graduated from West Point and served in Vietnam, is fond of reiterating the he has sworn to uphold Constitution against enemies, both foreign and domestic. He readily agreed that America has been overtaken by enemies within. “Our government is infiltrated with communists, we’ve got Muslims coming in and taking over where we should be having the say about our principles.” And more: “I’m not so sure some in governm…

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Why This Lie? Brian Williams’ Pulpit Fiction

…ore important truth. Yet the similarity of such lies should call more than the liars into question. One of the great chroniclers of war, belief, memory, and the deceptions fostered by each, Tim O’Brien (the author of classic Vietnam story collection The Things They Carried), once wrote, “You can tell a true war story by the way it never seems to end.” If we continue to participate in the lie that war is sacred, our national war story never will….

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