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Biggest, Best & Worst LGBT Religion Stories of 2016 and more in Global LGBT Recap

…t subsidizes the surgery. It dates back to 1986 when, following a personal appeal from a trans woman, Ayatollah Khomeini issued a hand-written fatwa that “God willing, sex reassignment, if advised by a reliable doctor, is permissible.” More from the BuzzFeed story: Hundreds have undergone sex reassignment surgery in Iran since Molkara’s meeting with Khomeini. Almost 1,400 people applied for permission for the process between 2006 and 2014, accordi…

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How Do We Break the Cycle of Religious Violence in South Asia?

…takes place shortly after. Often, these rumors spread via Facebook or WhatsApp. Soon, a mob will gather. They will destroy homes, shops, and places of worship belonging to the minority community. Law enforcement will often turn a blind eye, or in some cases, actively participate in the violence. Finally, violence in one country ignites retaliatory violence in another. We saw this recently, where attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh led to attacks on Mu…

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There’s Nothing Wrong with ‘Prayer’; But There’s Every Reason to be Skeptical of Pence’s Coronavirus Prayer Circle

…e bets on whether or not a Mike Pence prayer was Christian—it is utterly inappropriate. I mean, does anyone seriously think that Graham and George defended Pence assuming that it wasn’t an explicitly Christian prayer? Also, putting aside the fact that this godless liberal can only afford inexpensive wine, did Merritt stop to think about the relationship of the praying Pence image to the constant barrage of Christian nationalist imagery put out by…

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Does ‘Criss-Cross Apple Sauce’ Make Yoga Secular? Opponents of Yoga in Public Schools Have a Point

…SA Foundation), reasoning that it is possible to strip yoga’s religious “trappings” by relabeling poses such as “lotus” as “criss-cross applesauce.” In 2016, however, the Pennsylvania Board of Education ruled that a yoga-based charter school is legally impermissible because the curriculum retained language used in “religious instruction.” These rulings, like Alabama’s recent legal wordsmithing, reflect a Protestant-derived, Word-centered understan…

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The Facts About ‘Sharia’ May Surprise You

…e Guardian article on Mubarak Bala confidently states that “sharia law” is applied in twelve Nigerian states. But this is wrong. Shariah, as it was meant to be applied, with its courts and judges and institutions, is no longer the law of the land anywhere in the world. What goes by the name of “shariah law” these days is simply the appropriation of isolated pieces of fiqh taken out of their ancient context and tacked onto existing Western civil co…

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Dear White Evangelicals: A Black Square Ain’t Gonna Cut It

…the art forms. How do your Black parishioners feel? Included? Celebrated? Appreciated? Probably not. Until white evangelicals are willing to rework the entire framework of their teachings, they can ‘Blackout Day’ till they’re blue in the face, but their overall message will remain loud and clear: Black people are a stain. A moment, only to be tolerated but never fully accepted. And the only square that will prove to matter will be the one at whic…

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The Wrong Man: Why Falwell’s Paying for His Indiscretion But Trump Gets a Pass

…t his clothing and mystery beverage were in violation of Liberty’s student code of conduct (as some students were quick to note)? Or was this just the final straw in an already-collapsing heap of negative attention? As a scholar of religion and American culture, I would argue that these aren’t the most helpful sorts of questions to ask. Rather, if we want to understand what’s going on here, then we need to think of this photo as a moment exposing…

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Trump’s Nominee to Fill RBG’s Seat Is Unfit. By Definition.

…me Court. Even if they possessed the temperament to do so impartially, the appearance to all sends a very different message. And if Trump and McConnell have their way, this new justice might even help decide the fate of the 2020 election. As Trump and McConnell have stacked the federal bench, integrity and impartiality are increasingly rare traits. Many of us who seek to defend in advance progressive causes believe that there is a bloc of justices…

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A Link to Jewish History, RBG’s Iconic Collars Were a Beacon for the Marginalized

…mous dissents. But her collars, and the signals they delivered—dissent and approval, femininity and righteousness and pleasure—encoded the proceedings with a special kind of attention, another layer to Supreme Court ritual. Those fabric beacons shone powerfully for those of us who have experienced marginalization, had to code switch from setting to setting, or learned to express ourselves through subtle cues beyond formal language. While it’s not…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…aren’t so much sober accusations of individuals’ crimes than an insiders’ code for ‘elite liberals.’ The Satanic abuse panic of the 1980s and 90s led to the persecution and false convictions of many innocent people and caused traumatic rifts in communities. The panic involved gothic stories of bloody ceremonies conducted by community-members in black robes, including graphic claims of child and adult sexual abuse and rumors of specific “cult” loc…

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