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Body of Work: Remembering Daniel Berrigan, 1921-2016

…n’s dying, like all deaths, as the shedding of a worn-out jacket. The soul freed of its tattered covering moves on to another life. That is somewhat but not entirely consistent with the Catholic teaching on death. As I mourn the death of this extraordinary man, whom I see in the famous photo smiling and more free than most, maybe, in handcuffs, smiling. I think of the Christ and the body. I think of how expert and deliberate Berrigan was in using…

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Telling the World a ‘Big Story’: RD in Conversation with Karen Armstrong

…d by your encounter with Asian religions. Would you still call yourself a “freelance monotheist?” Or is “freelance religionist” a better moniker? Yes, I wish I had never made that quip about being a freelance monotheist. I drag it around with me wherever I go. What I meant was that at that time I drew nourishment from all three of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and that I could not see any one of them as superior to th…

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The Radical Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Left’s Challenge Today

…e and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Hard questions for today Reading “Beyond Vietnam” today stirs up deep memories and raises difficult questions for me. I was just cutting my activist teeth in 1967, and I wondered then—as I do now—about my vocation and our vocation as seekers of justice and peace. Today, as then, the Left is divided between so-called “centrists” (ignoring how far to the right the center has moved) and those wh…

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‘Christianity Today’ Pro-Impeachment Editorial Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

…within groups, there is space for disagreement. That’s where Christianity Today resides, in that liminal space. People like Galli, whose occupation is serving an array of evangelical perspectives (not just white ones), know how to navigate that space. Knowing how to navigate it makes Galli a “liberal” in that he can recognize the legitimacy of various religious views without losing his sense of self. Being “liberal” in this way requires deference…

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Kentucky-Fried Christianity: Governor Matt Bevin Wants to Pray Away Violence in Louisville

…ked to the belief that today’s street violence results not merely from the free will of the individual, but is also inexorably shaped by deep historical patterns and social structures. “The fact of the matter is there is violence in the community because there is poverty, and the poverty is rooted in systemic injustice and racism that has plagued this country since 1619,” he said. “To talk about the present situation without talking about the hist…

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The Uncertain Post-Obergefell World of Religious Exemptions

…isn’t covered because their boss thinks it’s tantamount to murder–dignity didn’t enter into the equation. We’re focused on the bakers and the caterers, in part because the religious right has made such a spectacle of them, with hyperbolic pronouncements about the end of religious freedom and free speech. It’s easy to forget that in most states, as well as under federal law, LGBT people are left unprotected in public accommodations, housing, and em…

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Glenn Beck’s Political Theology

…oppression cannot be far behind. Conversely, if a God is disclosed who is free to come and go, free from and even against the regime, free to hear and even answer slave cries, free from all proper godness as defined by the empire, then it will bear decisively upon sociology because the freedom of God will surface in the brickyards and manifest itself as justice and compassion. That’s the God I know and love, one who provokes real change on behalf…

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Not All Choice is Free

…the state to insist on its way, and for them to gain their administrative freedom, would be to abrogate that curious tax exemption for an institution as wealthy as the Catholic Church in a time of real fiscal crisis. But clearly, this would lend itself to the very Big Brother vision of the federal government that created this controversy in the first place. Instead, President Obama, ever the patient compromiser, attempted to create a new distinct…

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Mercy, Justice, and the Telephone Company

…loped is the twin definition of citizenship: on the one hand, citizens are free to participate in the political realm. On the other, they’re free to participate in the economic realm, which is to say, the market. Increasingly in the post-war era, it’s that last definition that has taken precedence, leaving us with a global marketplace populated by members of many different nations and ethnicities. As Cavanaugh points out, the less government you h…

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303 Creative Is Not a ‘Religion v. Gay Rights’ Case — But Here’s Why the Christian Right is Happy with the Media Suggesting Just That

…incentive the Christian Right has to keep the focus on religion instead of free speech is because the implications if Smith wins on the free speech argument are, frankly, unthinkable. A win for Smith would bore a hole right in the center of nondiscrimination laws—nondiscrimination laws for all, not just for LGBTQ people—no matter what ADF want us to think. A win for Smith would, by some measures, create an entirely new class of rights: artists who…

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