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Putting the “Protest” Back in Protestant: Reclaiming the Spirit of Resistance

…rganized religion (religio = binding) in their lives. Protestantism spawns free thought and free radicals (some of them toxic) the way a prism breaks light into uncountable and unclassifiable hues. So while it is definitely not fair to count the great unchurched free radicals of the 19th and 20th centuries as official Protestants, there is no doubt at all that, unofficially, that is just what many were: not just the towering Lincoln but also such…

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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…ngressmen urging them to protect right-to-work legislation in the name of “free agency.” “That’s Not Flip-Flopping” A key principle of Mormon theology, “free agency” is foundational, with roots extending all the way back to the Mormon pre-earthly existence, which was also the scene of a momentous battle. God had centered his plan for our earthly salvation on freedom, and had to defeat the followers of Lucifer, who proposed to force us all to obey…

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Conservatives Stand Together for Anti-Gay Bigotry

…TPM’s Evan McMorris-Santoro reported that the SPLC sees little difference between FRC and the KKK: As [SPLC’s Heidi] Beirich told me, there is no difference between the FRC and the KKK in the eyes of the SPLC now. Still, she said that the hate group designation doesn’t mean the SPLC thinks everyone who supports the FRC “has a full understanding of what they’re up to.” Many who support the FRC may do so because of the group’s very public ties to e…

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The Subway Sandwich Artist Argument; When “Religious Freedom” Isn’t About Religious Freedom

…s for same- and opposite-sex wedding cakes burdened not only his religious freedom but also, and even more so, his freedom of expression. In a series of cases stretching over many years, the Supreme Court has upheld the expressive freedom of individuals, especially artists, applying the free-speech guarantee of the First Amendment not only to the written word but also to paintings, films, music, and even public parades. It has likewise protected t…

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Unnatural Disaster: When Conservative Theology & The Free Market Meet Wildfires

…ethic will spur prayers for, and the insistence on, rebuilding “bigger and better than ever,” to recreate suburban housing developments in the wildland-urban interface. In short, a combination of western libertarianism, historically weak governmental structures, and religiously-based desire to possess even the earth that is bound to burn (and to dispute the reality of global warming’s contribution to making fire zones much larger and more volatile…

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The Vile Attack on Salman Rushdie Reminds Us of the Value of a Free Society — But is Our Outrage More About the Criminal Than the Crime?

…ely deemed blasphemous serves a larger purpose: If others don’t have their freedoms, I won’t have mine. Yes, some of Rushdie’s language was religiously abhorrent to huge numbers of Muslims. But the same freedom of speech that permitted The Satanic Verses made it possible for me to attend a thoughtful, and exceptionally relevant, sermon at my local mosque, here in Cincinnati. The preacher discussed how the Prophet Muhammad clarified that ritual obs…

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Kudlow Brags on Twitter About Helping Card. Dolan Write “Free Market” Oped

…on Twitter that he helped Cardinal Timothy Dolan with his recent paean to free-market capitalism in the Wall Street Journal (note to Mr. Kudlow, there is a reason they call it “ghostwriting”): I worked w/ @CardinalDolan on this @WSJopinion op-ed. It does strike balance. Tell me what you think. #tcot. — Larry Kudlow (@larry_kudlow) May 23, 2014 Kudlow is a former Reagan Administration official who is well known for his suppo…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…cific types of actions in specific contexts, with specific effects, we can better evaluate how the removal of such speech and its speakers from our midst need not constitute a creeping assault on crucial free speech protections. And so, to crib from a cringey meme, it’s time for some speech act theory! *** In July 2020 Harper’s Magazine published a “Letter on Justice and Open Debate” signed by over 150 writers, academics and public figures—includi…

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Pope and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Declare Shared View of Marriage & Family; Government & Muslim Officials Ramp Up Anti-LGBT Rhetoric in Indonesia; Australian Religious Leaders Ask Parliament to Act on Marriage Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…ation on marriage they signed. “The family is based on marriage, an act of freely given and faithful love between a man and a woman,” it reads. “It is love that seals their union and teaches them to accept one another as a gift.” Francis and Kirill in their declaration describe marriage as “a school of love and faithfulness.” “We regret that other forms of cohabitation have been placed on the same level as this union, while the concept, consecrate…

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Police Violence is Baked in: Academy Training Encourages Racial Profiling and Emphasizes the Use of Violence

…. I spent long days learning about the code of criminal procedure, traffic code, and arrest procedures. I also had a first-row seat to the cadets’ physical, ideological, and emotional transformations as, over a period of six to eight months, they became police officers. What I saw in that year directly conflicted with the “bad apple” arguments that existed then and that would continue to offer a popular explanation for police violence just a few y…

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