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The Folly of Arab-West (Elite-Elite) Dialogue

…s and/or Muslims are demographic majorities—including Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Comments during this meeting in Cairo showed that there are many in Europe who choose to ignore that—and they do so at their own peril. The second, and perhaps most important problem considering the new openness spreading across the Arab world, is that the West tends to act before it listens. This is a new day, in a new world, and it’s not entirely c…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…i ideology—or rather the world view of cosmic war that the jihadi rhetoric promoted—is a different matter. This view of the world as a tangle of sacred warfare has been an exciting and alluring image among a large number of mostly young and largely male Muslims around the world for over a decade. It is an image that was brought to dramatic attention by the September 11, 2001 attacks, and stimulated by the perception that US military actions in Afg…

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Things the GOP Won’t Like about Ron Paul

…ves. One blogger even called him prophetic. But Ron Paul has made a career promoting positions that, while internally consistent, sooner or later infuriate those on both the left and the right. Focusing on how he infuriates the right: Paul’s views on foreign policy are consistently non-interventionist. He holds that the Constitution prohibits US involvement anywhere in the world unless America is directly threatened. That goes for Iraq, Afghanista…

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The Vile Attack on Salman Rushdie Reminds Us of the Value of a Free Society — But is Our Outrage More About the Criminal Than the Crime?

…just ended and the Soviets were retreating from their brutal occupation of Afghanistan. Still, few expected the incendiary outburst that ensued, let alone a violent attempted murder more than 30 years later. Back in 6th grade, I read the book. Not many kids that age would, let alone Muslim ones. But with my mother’s help, I borrowed a copy. She wasn’t pleased with what she’d heard about The Satanic Verses, but I benefited from her confident faith:…

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The ‘Dreher Affair’ Highlights the Right’s International Networks

…lity. . . . Every day we are moving further in,” but also calling Ukraine “Afghanistan,” and “the land of nobody.” Afterwards, Dreher caved to the pressure, changing his account of the meeting yet claiming he had only “clarified” the quotes to reflect the fact that Orbán “was clearly joking.” According to The Bulwark, there were two other accounts of the meeting—both in German. The first links to a right-wing German blog called Tichy’s Einblick (T…

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Well, the Harris-Trump Debate Happened — Now Enjoy Your Freedom and Choose Wisely

…talk of China, Russia, Venezuela, Mexico, Israel, Iran, Germany, Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Yemen, and those faceless “migrants” coming from countries where, according to Trump, violence is actually down (due, we’re left to assume, to their departure). You see, Harris touted that there were no “American military boots on the ground around the world,” as though the US doesn’t have a whopping 750 military bases in at least 80 countries…

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French “Burqa Ban”: It’s Not About Religion

…companied by a full black garment. The burqa is specific to the regions of Afghanistan, but sometimes the term gets called in for any extreme forms of covering outside of the countries in which it is culturally prevalent. There are three angles to consider with this issue. For one thing, there is the perspective of the French authorities, the ones taking the matter to court, eyeballing photos or drawings of the offensive garments. Then there is th…

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Biblical Law in Central Florida House Race

…ch claims that “religious fanatics are trying to take away our freedom, in Afghanistan, in Iran and right here in central Florida,” replays clips of Webster endorsing fundamentalist views on women’s submission when he spoke at a conference sponsored by Bill Gothard’s Institute for Biblical Life Principles (IBLP):   The hard hitting ad is a continuation of Grayson’s no-holds-barred approach in which he has called Republicans “knuckle-dragging neand…

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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…am as a unified ideology which spreads from Europe all the way to Iraq and Afghanistan. According to this outlook, Muslims are petrified in history and occupy a mold from which they cannot escape; defined by their so-called conformity to the past and their incapacity to address the current challenges of political development and liberal religious thinking. Such an approach justifies the creation of an insurmountable boundary between modern and pre…

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Masturbation, Evolution, Or National Security?

…proved herself to be a sexual puritan, but the masturbation clip shouldn’t be re-told with too much glee about discovering “the crazy.” But does she still think women serving in Iraq or Afghanistan endanger our national security? That seems like, uh, fertile ground for determining just how far her views on sex and sexuality go.  …

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