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Trump with back to camera stands before a frenzied crowd with raised fist.

With ‘Vermin’ Remark Trump Crosses Fully into Nazi Territory

…tamination of the blood.” Mein Kampf also characterizes the real threat to Germany as enemies within the country: “For never in our history have we been conquered by the strength of our outside enemies but only through our own failings and the enemy in our own camp.” And again: “The strength of a nation lies, first of all, not in its arms but in its will, and that before conquering the external enemy the enemy at home would have to be eliminated.”…

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Seeking Broad Appeal to US Christians, ‘God & Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism’ Glosses Over Critical Context

…till, in spite of the filmmakers’ use of the old evangelical “WWJD” fad in promotional materials—thanks for the not-at-all annoying reminder that I wore those cringe cloth bracelets in the 1990s, my dudes—I hoped the film itself would focus less on efforts to “save” Christianity and more on the very real threat to our democracy from authoritarian Christians. Unfortunately, the WWJD invocation was a tell. At the end of the day, God & Country is mor…

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Both the Joy and the Uproar Over the Pope’s Blessings for LGBTQ Catholics are Small Potatoes Compared to this Age-Old Church Problem

…n guidelines. Since some priests are blessing same-sex couples—famously in Germany whose economic prowess makes it a serious threat to Rome—the Declaration is an old Vatican face- and power-saving practice. What’s less clear is why the blesser of relationships that are not eligible for the Sacrament of Marriage needs to be an ordained cleric. After all, in traditional Catholic theology it’s the two (heterosexual) people who marry who are the ordin…

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From Fox News to the Far(ther) Right — Calls for Violence and Retribution Follow Trump Verdict

…entitarian” movement Martin Sellner (who’s called for mass deportations in Germany), right-wing UK politician Nigel Farage, former Brazilian Prime Minister Jair Bolsonaro, and Matteo Salvini, Vice Prime Minister to Italy’s fascist Giorgia Meloni, who called Trump a “victim of judicial harassment and a process of political nature.” Former conservative UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson demonstrated his knowledge of 20th century organized crime in the…

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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…try ratings here. Dominican Republic: Govt Commission Bans Miley Cyrus For Promoting Lesbian Sex We have reported previously on some religious leaders’ resistance to James “Wally” Brewster, the openly gay US ambassador to the Dominican Republic. Last week, Blabbeando reported, “The National Commission for Public Performances in the Dominican Republic announced today that they were banning a September 13th Miley Cyrus concert for, among other thing…

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Pittsburgh Paradox: A City Haunted by God and Steel

…ic cathedral whose tower rises three-hundred feet, three times taller than Germany’s celebrated Regensburg Cathedral and only slightly shorter than Chartres. English oak pews line the rib-vaulted flying buttressed interior, the dark sanctuary illuminated by stained-glass windows that depict scenes from scripture and the Reformation; its altar crafted in marble queried from Algeria, the same place Paul imagined before his death. Constructed from In…

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The Vatican ‘Doubts’ Same-Sex Love, But More Doubt The Vatican

…Germans’ good will. Georg Bätzing, president of the Bishops’ Conference in Germany, understated that there are “no easy answers” on these questions, noting that the document reflects current official teaching. True enough. What it does not reflect is current practice. In Catholicism, practice always comes first, then often a heavy-handed condemnation, then documents trickle out that confirm what is already the case. Of course this can take decades…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…the group to help people fleeing persecution in Chechnya: Canada, France, Germany, Lithuania, and another country “which wants to remain anonymous.” CNN reports that Ali Feruz, a gay journalist who works at the independent Novaya Gazeta newspaper, has sought refugee status to avoid being exported to Uzbekistan. Denis Krivosheev, Amnesty International spokesperson, said: Ali Feruz is openly gay, a human rights activist and a correspondent for the…

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Earth to Planet Catholic: Francis Papacy is no Picnic

…clusive leadership. Within a year, no one would miss the bishops. Pivot to Germany where Cardinal Walter Brandmüller proclaimed that those who promote women’s ordination are heretics. German Archbishop Georg Ganswein assured the faithful that women would never be ordained during his lifetime, or, even “after his death.” Who knew that the gentleman also known as “Gorgeous George” had such amazing ability to foretell the future? No wonder he manages…

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Public Shrines to Treason: Charlottesville and the Cult of Confederate Memorialization

…ade horrifically literal the portrayal of blood-soaked streets depicted in promotional posters. The organizers accomplished two political feats as well. By uniting an array of racist and fascist organizations under the cause of a Confederate monument and the banner of Nazi Germany, “Unite the Right” starkly revealed the white supremacy and white nationalism at the root of Confederate civil religion. The rally also set up a situation where Presiden…

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