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The End of Roe May Have Something Important to Tell Us About the Decline of Mainline Protestant Churches

…ge that continues to this day. According to this narrative it follows that today’s tongue-tied mainline clergy do well to go slow, or even stay entirely silent, on issues considered potentially “divisive.” But this is where conventional wisdom crosses over into conventional ignorance. I have a different theory about the fadeout of mainline Protestant prophetic energy. I believe those mid-century prophets didn’t “lose,” so much as a deeply-entrench…

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‘He Gets Us’ and Sleazy ‘Swift Boat’ Ads Share a Central Figure — Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch

…ign is “biblical.” While we don’t have precise data, it seems that many of today’s right-wing, mostly White evangelicals are in no mood to play along with the slick strategy of their more branding-savvy coreligionists. And their criticism apparently gave Christian Pinkston, a right-wing PR veteran, such a big sad that he had to go whine about it in Religion News Service. And that’s where things get really funny, at least to me. But funny or not, t…

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A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…incere belief that coexistence was possible. Peace Now, founded in 1978 to promote a genuine and just peace between Israel and Palestine, was a real, forceful movement in the 1980s, with some political power. No more. In fact, it is today’s protest movement, a mostly centrist movement, which has taught us that Israel has transformed into a more ethnocentric, illiberal, even autocratic, right-wing society. Many are against this, but the mere fact t…

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Image of Mitt Romney at a podium looking down with blurred sign in background that reads "Conservatives"

Mitt Romney, the Public Face of Mormonism, Reckons with His Alienation From a Radicalized GOP and His Role in Enabling it

…th, but because he said he’d been “brainwashed” into supporting the war in Vietnam as well as the party’s turn to Nixonesque extremism.) The rise of the Christian Right threatened the cultural gains Mormons had won through assimilation, because evangelicals were wont to highlight their alleged “heresies.” But it also offered an opportunity for the Latter-day Saints to join the interdenominational coalition, so long as they could deliver on designa…

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Why Real Political Power Will Not Come From a Revived Religious Left

…ment of a unified, robust labor movement in the South after the Civil War. Today, the powers that be continue to utilize a divide-and-conquer strategy to keep the poor divided along color lines and other lines of division. The original Poor People’s Campaign was King’s solution for building the unity of the poor as a class as a prerequisite for building political power. Indeed, one of the most striking images from the first Poor People’s Campaign…

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The End of My Line: It’s Okay to Embrace The ‘Covid Baby Bust’

…wanted to go. There’s only one column, labeled “Destination.” It includes Vietnam, Peru, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Cuba, and Ireland. My life doesn’t feel long enough to possibly go to all the places I want to go. My body doesn’t even feel big enough to hold all of the longings I feel. I’m confused when people ask me whether I’m lonely. I already feel like a small country. I do admit—especially as I turn 40 this summer—sometimes I still feel haunted by…

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Irony Repeats Itself: Reconsidering Reinhold Niebuhr in the Trump Era

…ate 1950s, and stunned many Niebuhrians, in the mid-1960s, by opposing the Vietnam War. Any attempt to capture his extraordinary life, thought, and career has to show how and why he changed so many times, and why he attained such a commanding stature in social ethics. Doblmeier pulls it off adeptly, mixing snippets of Niebuhr’s writing, archival photos, and interviews with Elisabeth Sifton (Niebuhr’s daughter), Andrew Young, Jimmy Carter, David Br…

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The End of Carson?

…en. William Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the two dined together. That meeting, according to Carson’s telling, was followed by a “full scholarship” to the military academy. West Point, however, has no record of Carson applying, much less being extended admission. * * * * When presented with these facts, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false. This comes on the heels of CNN’s report earlier this…

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Why Don’t Republicans Want to Allow Pastors to Endorse from Pulpit?

…hard. “Lyndon Johnson’s probably rotting in hell right now because of the Vietnam War,” he once told a group of young conservatives. “He probably needs to move over for Dick Cheney.” Jones took a stand against George W. Bush in 2005 proposing legislation that would require the administration to set a timeline to end the war, including troop withdrawal no later than December 2006. That same year, not incidentally, Jones proposed this bill to repea…

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Alex Jones, Performance Artist, and the Duelling Meanings of ‘Sincerity’ in Politics and Public Life

…eage of “-gate” scandals but it also, following on a country soured by the Vietnam War, torn apart by race, and jolted by multiple assassinations, represented a sea-change in thinking about authority—including, perhaps ironically, the authority of the “mainstream media” that broke the story. Liberals who need their news media to be devout investigators, as with Saints Woodward and Bernstein, cannot understand the appeal—the perceived function of s…

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